Confess your sins

Rejoice, Sup Forums. Confess your sins and you will find forgiveness.

I sexualize the Hidamaris. All of them.

I played or read most of Nasu stuff but never actually got beyond prologue in Stay Night
I don't think I am missing much honestly

I never seed my torrents more than a week, even the ones I made.

I kissed a girl and I liked it.

I have stopped beliving in My King for a minute.
I'm afraid it's too late for me.

I bring fateposting to /tg/

>I don't think I am missing much honestly
You aren't.

The prologue is pretty shit honestly

I am a fatefag.

I haven't watched Evangelion or Madoka but know practically everything about their plots through cultural osmosis by just lurking.

I like anime

The rendition of gilgamesh in fate/zero is infinitely better than his rendition in any one of the three routes of Fate/Stay Night.

Fate/Zero gilgamesh is my king and I'm gar for him.

Try read Strange Fake, it's the pinnacle of his character.

They feel the same to me. He's a mad asshole who's arrogant as hell and mostly interested in entertaining himself. He's just more trigger happy in FSN but just as irritable in both. They didn't really expound on him past his initial portrayal until CCC.

I masturbated to lolis and I liked it.

I still haven't finished watching monogatari.

Same here but add TTGL as well.

Why would you it's garbage

I haven't watched a chinese cartoon in months.

I've actually jerked it to Yotsuba a few times.

Yesterday's ban just expired please don't ban me again.

I watched all three seasons of Prisma Illya only to see Kirei in the fourth, and all the lesbianism only felt like a chore waiting for him.

>watch monogatari up to Second Season
>sometime passes
>new seasons air
>rewatch up to Koyomimonogatari
>a year passes
>realize there's a new season
>start watching it, barely remember what the fuck happened in every arc
>probably won't bother to rewatch the whole series again

Can someone please just tell me what the fuck happened in Nekomonogatari Kuro/Shiro and Onimonogatari?

you won't get banned, you'll get van-ed

I hate yuri.

Basically in the same boat since I decided to wait for Commie, fuck me.

I haven't watched any Ghibli films

I whaled in FGO gatcha and only got black keys.



This sort of happened to me when Owari began airing
I never finished the 1st season of Owari and could only find motivation to pick up the series again a while after the Kizu movies aired
Commie subs never

All of my fate figures are sabers


I give headpats to my mom.

I’ve only read read the fate route before giving it a break because of how draining it was, that was two years ago. I want to pick it back up, but keep putting off because going through the 1st route again sounds like a chore. Should I just get it over with? From what I heard Heaven’s feel is supposed to be worth it

>tfw knowing about whaling from doujins and not from elsewhere

UBW and HF are both worth it.

I write smut fanfic

>but keep putting off because going through the 1st route again sounds like a chore
Just download realta nua, it has a different .exe for each route

I love yuri.

No surprise characterization can get better over time. You can read Nasu's character bios and see he has these grand concepts that you wouldn't get from reading the original VN itself.

I literally am obsessed with Saber

I won't seek forgiveness from a Heretic

Father I must confess: I have no sins to confess.

Forgive me father for I had not sinned.

I wish i were 1/10 as cool as Kirei

I watches one piece, i know i acted like a retard, but now i am clean, i promise

I'm not going to watch a new season of an upcoming anime unless best girl wins.

no owarimonogatari?

I've been watching more 3-minute short anime lately than proper full length ones and really wish there was a recommendation chart for those so I don't have to scrub MAL.

l can only wank to lustomic

Who are those two and what are they doing there?

All of Teekyu
Takamiya Nasuno Desu!
Skip Usakame imo

Gyagu Manga Biyori
Ai Mai Mi
Fushigi na Somera-chan

I feel like I'm forgetting some things, plus I wish I could find raws for Mazinger Zip and stuff like that.

Thanks user.

Prologue is boring

Is your nutbladder okay?

I told everyone that there's a competition between these waifus. But the truth is, there never was. I picked my favorite and I've been writing her so she's the better waifu, so user will vote for her in the end, no matter what.

I did this because I hate them, and I want to watch the losers who chose the inferior waifu because she has more high-quality lewd art rage and rant and generate shit-tons of salt. I want to watch them wallow in their shit taste, and realize that tits do not make the waifu, the personality does.

I am 100% certain that Renai Boukun will be the best anime of the year.

Which series are you talking about?

tokusatsu is better than anime

I didn't buy any quartz

Time of confession has come again, i see. But i have no sins to confess for, father.

I was a cheerios fag for most of VS's run. I am sorry, but realistically I expect no forgiveness.

I never watched Evangelion and don't intend to. It's shit anyway.

here is the best guide i've seen so far

I masturbated to Rei's head vagina in EoE

I watch Kaiji at 1.50 speed

This is not a sin! No one is as cool as Kirei.

Rude. What did I do to you?

I told my local priest about Kirei and F/SN's plot to see his reaction and apparently he mentioned Japan vilifying Christianity and priests during his sermons the following week. Hasn't looked me in the eye ever since.

i have never finished a manga in my life
although i'm up to date on Yotsuba&!

Which is your favourite version of Saber?

Literally worse than Kirei
Go die

Sick bastard

I actually watch Sword Art Online

I confess I'm struggling to think of what VS stands for.

Now the opposite is something worth confessing to

I disagree, HF Gil is the best. You really get to understand his character there.

I broke up with my waifu of 5 years for another girl.

one in red is probably gilgamesh. One in blue probably probably supposed to be sabeh.

Watching NHK was the 2nd biggest waste of time in my whole life.

watching Lain was the first

He could have been the hero there if he successfully killed Sakura. The way he died is unrealistic. He was just swallowed and it was over. Even so, he could have used GoB to escape and teleport somewhere safe. It was like, he was a threat to the plot so they have to press the "delete" button to get rid of him. Good thing, he was able to beat the crap out of Sakura before he left the stage.
>Wiki: The Gate can also carry living beings, as shown when Gilgamesh uses the Gate to transport Shinji Matou to the Einzbern Castle.

I stream because i dont like waiting for downloads

I have a gf

I've been trying not to fap for november and just came to mama tama

I feel bad now. I cant cum during sex.

I didn't really find most of prison school funny. It has some funny moments, the lewdness, tension and absurdity are top notch, but the comedy, eh, not so much. I mostly feel bad for the guys and wanted them to get even, but they unfortunately suffer from ecchimamgamcitis. Oh well.

I like LNs.

It was such a weak way to make him job.

I would have prefered having Kirei use a a command spell on Gil to ake him kill himelf in order to protect the Manjew. Even with Gil's willpower enough command seal spam should have done the trick.

I bough a new rig after watching SAO in order to play a mmorpg from my highschool days.

I regret nothing

I've read the VN, and I don't consider the DEEN Fate/Stay Night to be nearly as bad as people make it out to be after Fate/Zero went mainstream. In fact, I'm glad I watched it, because it was my first venture into the world of Type-Moon and I thought it provided just enough world building to make me invested in the frnchise. It also does an decent enough job setting the stakes for the 5th Holy grail war and thus giving events in the F/Z and F/SN UBW more context. Yes, the DEEN anime unironically enchanced my experience with those two shows (and not in an "Uuurrghh it was so bad it made the other shows seem much better in comparison"). Aannnddd it also made me read the VN which was great so yeah.

I feel exactly the same.

Sometimes I read the latest chapter of a random manga without picking it up.

Does Kotomine live in any of the routes?



I only come here because of a woman I used to love. I have a pretty normal, boring life otherwise.
I also despise magic, isekai and superpowers for no particular reason.

Never touched Id@lmaster or Kantai Collection but I still furiously fap to all the girls.

I should be working on approximately 2 University Essays and my study work, but instead I stayed up to obscene hours several times this last week watching/reading fucking My Hero Academia
I want to finish whats left of the manga, but I also know I gotta work on my papers, and fix my sleep schedule

I make fun of dbs fags even though i used to be one of them until i became a bort fag