I want to FUCK (sexually) Erina. My daughter. I want to fuck my daughter Erina

I want to FUCK (sexually) Erina. My daughter. I want to fuck my daughter Erina.

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In the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

me too

meat > erina

reckon she will win the somabowl?

Risa Taneda's bastard baby.

I'll impregnate my daughter Erina.

Anal sex with Erina

She's hot but Megumi is better wife material and would probably be cuter in bed too.

Get off the internet Azami, you are supposed to be taking over every fucking restaurant in Japan instead of shitposting remember?

Odds are high.

Erina sucks

Megumi will win Soma

>getting Souma

She deserves better.

Japan fetishises blonde girls. What else is new.

Fuck off.


Read the manga dumbass.

I do you dumb Erinafag and she'll never get Soma

Judar > Morgiana, so in the end who really lost in that last one

Any character was better than Morgiana at the end.

Go ahead, I'll stick with Megumi (my anal waifu).

megumi is pure. the only anal she'll be involved in is if she's pegging you

Azami only wants Jou.

Than who will

I wouldn't mind if Megumi plugged me in the rear.

best girl nikumi


Fuck off Azami, you ruined the entire series.

>I want to FUCK (sexually) Erina

How does one fuck non sexually?

The way Eizan gets fucked every single time.


Gentlemen prefer blondes. Although I don't know if I'd call Soma a gentleman.

What a fucking slut

He is not.

>Be Soma
>Rape and impregnate Erina
>This increase her tongue's ability
>Force her to eat calmar tentacles with peanut butter



Weren't her boobs.... bigger?

Japan is just seething in jealousy that they are not white. They wish they had natural blonde hair.

>Faceless man
>Innocent young girl
I seen enough hentai to know where this is going

w-what happens next?

this from a doujin?


>girl gasping, blushing and asking for something while holding an erect dick
>"is this from a doujin?"


Fathers should love their daughters.

>Erina will never guess what you had for dinner by the subtleties in the taste of your jizz

this is the kind of doujin i've always wanted about erina

Right now it's about recruiting Jou to join central.

Fuck you


Third girl on the right won.

Thanks for spoiling me Nisekoi, literally started reading yesterday, ending was obvious but now I 100% know that Chitoge (best girl) will win anyways, kinda takes the fun away

>Thanks for spoiling me Nisekoi
>kinda takes the fun away
Yeah man what a loss

Shitogay is worst girl

I wanna manhandle loli Erina

Wait, this is a cooking manga, right? They don't sell their soul for demonic powers or anything, do they?

>Wait, this is a cooking manga, right?

Why wouldn't they? If selling your soul to help you accomplish your goals what's the issue?

Just look at Erina, she sold her soul to become Saber

Who the fuck letting an edgelord to be a chef?

But she didn't sold her soul to Azami. Being Saber is just a metaphor of her natural leadership.


At least he's good at cutting amirite

Why is Erina-sama perfect, lads?

She just is, like God. It's the miracle of creation manifest in human form.

Because I raised her

I love Erina. Erina is perfect. I will kill and die for Erina's honor.


Let's be real here. The real fun of Nisekoi is watching it take as many romcom cliches to maximum levels of absurdity

Without Azami, Erina would be shittier than she already is. Thank you Azami.

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Go back basara, thid is a thread about shokugeki no soma.

me too

It's not even a contest. We're just waiting for the inevitable.

Anyone who unironically thinks Megumi will win is delusional.

what's erina's best doujin? the hot springs one?

She's not your daughter and if she was you should kys

Knowing that does not take anything away from the fun of Nisekoi to be honest.

Also, the ending was released literally over one year ago, you can't be complaining about spoilers nigger.

I'm a massive Megumifag, but even I know that there is no way that she wins Soumabowl.

me too

I love Erina!!

You forgot
Saber = win

As saber route is the main route of Fate.

>As saber route is the main route of Fate.

I'm a Megumifag as well and I never shipped her with Souma let her have best boy

there's so few romance mangas that I like to enjoy the ones I find.

I mean, light romance with comedy & drama, not the full blown serious romance