Love Live! Sunshine!!

How do we stop this homewrecker?

Other urls found in this thread:

You can't

By the end of the season all of Aqours will be her harem

Hey, oldfags won.

Riko is so shit. Stop posting this trash.

What emotion You's face trying to convey?

I feel like the main ship of this episode was dogs x Riko.

>Barely got by Qualifiers
>Pace to making to the Love Live Finals is extremely slow
A 3rd season that's going to be worst than the current one is inevitable.

So this must be the end for her on screen time, right? She received three character development episodes - Chika and You helped her find ''sound of the ocean'' to inspire her to play piano again, she got herself into piano competition and now she is no longer afraid of dogs. Is it the end, can we finally get something with Ruby?

Respect the Ruby, or else!

>Yoshiko can't trust her dog to You

I like You but the writer just ruined it.


RIP Jimo Ai

Japs took the whole Alice in Wonderland thing and ran with it didn't they.

eww an outdated tomato

Death to the red headed infidel!! Allah wields it!!

Did the 2011 tsunami hit Uchiura?


>There will never be a Love Live or any Idol anime where the main group doesn't win it all.

No. The tsunami and earthquake struck the northern part of Japan. Uchiura is southwest of Tokyo.


But both groups didn't win it all at first. It looks like it's going to be the same for Aqours again this season too.

I think user meant to say win it all in the end.


>I must go now. My planet needs me.

What did Kanan mean by this?

The difference is ยต's only partook in Love Live once and won it. They never actually lost during the competition.

Is Yoshiko supposed to have a big nose?

Yes for whatever reason.

Well her massive gross nose is better than a dot

I found an improved Dia on futaba.

This season is great musefag.



The revival of RubyMaru

Yoshiko loves dogs, huh.

or maybe she's just animal lover.

withering memory*

It was disteny

> I won't say too much because of spoilers, but YoshiRiko da best.

Rikyako supports RikoYoshiko.

Anchan supports DiaChika.

Do the seiyuus know their characters better than Sunrise?

This episode is pure kino.
Hanamaru being out to the right and Mari being in the 3rd year sub unit means there will be a Hanamaru and Mari episode.
Not necessarily together, ZuraRuby, ZuraDia, ZuraKanan, MariHane or MariRiko are all possible combinations.
Mari might take being taken out of the 3rd year unit badly and that sets up the episode.
Laelaps (mythology) signifies Yoshiko as the greater dog (Canis Major the brightest star) and Mari as the Teumessian fox (Canis Minor also know as the lesser dog)
Nocturne (Chipon) signifies Riko being the keeping the Guilty Kiss duo in check and makes them both work with her compositions, she is the constellation Orion the hunter and also Maera, a dog owned by Icarius of Athens.

Meanwhile Zura might not feel comfortable in the Azalea unit, the Azalea flower represents temperance, elegance but also fragility and toxicity.
Maybe some family issues or Hanamaru does not view herself as feminine.

The Yoshiko dodging the You question is also setup for Jimo Ai since Yoshiko respects and looks up to You.
You will feel taken back a little by it and realize she's been to quiet and not assertive, that sets up ChikaYou which in turn setups ChikaRiko or ChikaRikoYou since Riko will feels she has gotten in the way of ChikaYou.

dumb yurifag

Considering suicide due to lack of screentime but also annoyance at Kanan's popularity

Dia having a flip phone while Zuramaru has a Sma pho is pretty funny, mirai is now zura

Kurosawa Ruby is a giant baby!

>No one will ever respect the Ruby

I-I respect the Ruby.

>For the first time in her life she realized the potential uses for that tickling, slimy thing.

Damn with that image, for a moment I thought it was Land of Lustrous

What does this mean then?

> Yoshiko as the greater dog

perfect for her, yoshiko know how to be friends with anyone and she's like the protector.


I want more YoshiRuby.

Jimo ai bros where u at?



I have no idea what kind of conspiracies you wrote in your first two paragraphs, but the third one is an absolute bullshit.
Let me spell it out for you. You and Yoshiko have nothing in common, they never talked and never had any meaningful interactions. Yoshiko does not care about You at all.
>that sets up ChikaYou which in turn setups ChikaRiko or ChikaRikoYou since Riko will feels she has gotten in the way of ChikaYou
Do you really want another borefest of an episode where the whole conflict was, a timid girl reading too much between the lines? That shit was resolved, leave it in S1 and let it die. You is not getting herself drama episode, you got that? Unlike Riko, unlike Yoshiko, unlike the third years, her only problem was some kind of abandonment issues which were resolved.
She is Kotori 2.0 who is a Yes Man for Chika that is her character. Original left Kotori in the dust and since Sunshine is following more or less the same template you ain't getting any meaningful episodes with her.

i killed myself, maybe meme magic is not real after all

This is actually cute.

the rope

>You and Yoshiko have nothing in common

both are good girls and I don't think you know much about Yoshiko's personality.

is love live the deepest lore?

What are you talking about? Kotori was busy with Umi-chan in s2

is love live the dark souls of anime?

>Yoshiko didn't even think about You for the dog
RIP Jimo Ai

maybe she's specifically avoiding her


Following the pattern of S1, it's safe to assume that the next episode has an insert song?

I know enough. What I also know, is that she is much more closer to the first years and Riko apparently. Why should she care about You with who she talked with only once this season? It is more likely that she is going to help either Hanamaru or Ruby, if they are getting episodes.
I am so glad, that I never had the chance to visit LL threads when the original was airing. I never witnessed previous gen shipping retardation, like the one you posted now, and enjoyed the show.

Riko should reported for animal abuse. Locking a in a small cage for half a day is cruel.

I only pointed out that one you mentioned. They have pretty much have in common but I understand that Yoshiko can't talk with You because she's just not that close to her.

I think so, whenever they talk about deadlines in one episode, something happens in the next.

>They have pretty much have in common

It seems like it. They'll either perform at the regionals next episode or the following episode.

Future episode where Yoshiko avoids You trying to not make things weird after realizing her feelings for her as shown in a flashback of the two of them on the bus home "playing around".

with my love

>tfw jimo ai fags have now entered maximum delusional mode

Listen to their jimo ai song, they both love fun things.They're opposite yes but they don't fight and they respect to each other.

You could say that for just about any pair in Aqours though

Have what in common exactly? The only thing I can come up with is Yoshiko is into her angel/devil cosplay, while You just likes uniforms and dressing up in general, is it that?
The whole YouHane thing spawned from that very song. We all can agree that this song is irrelevant in the anime just like half of the content from the manga and any other sources.

songs are more canon than the anime

Then answer me this, which is more canon? Hanamaru being You's stalker, You being Chika's so called childhood friend, or the song where Shuka and Aikyan are singing about having fun?

uhh sure, what I was saying is that you and yoshiko are both genkis in their own way.

>song is irrelevant

Perhaps yoshiko and you aren't close in this season 2 so it's understandable.

>Hanamaru being You's stalker

Did you hit your head or something?

>the song where Shuka and Aikyan are singing about having fun
Obviously this

Where do people read the Sunshine manga?

Maru is obviously stalking Dia you disgusting crackshit

Those saint snow girls are great what are their names again?

Read the manga fool

dark honker and evil nigger

dark ruby and dark honk

saint and snow

They both have a costume fetish which was shown in the Akihabara episode. Other than that, they seem to enjoy working together as they were having fun with the kids in the last episode.

We're obviously not getting a Jimo Ai episode, but it'd also be stupid to say that they don't get along at all.

A-Rise were better.

deh niggo is already evil

cute chuuni and very cute rkk


Joke all you want but you gotta admit they have good singing voices especially the jumpy small one. Very unique voice on here whatever her name is.

Everyone in this show can be described as genki.
What I'm trying to say if You is meant to have another drama for some reason, Yoshiko most definitely won't be involved.
Hello secondary rikofag, how very appropriate.
I wish.

does yoshiko work on the costumes? they live close to each other so it'd make sense to collaborate

Can someone please explain to me this whole "Jimo ai" thing and why I keep seeing it spammed in these threads (I don't mean the ship, I mean the origin of its use)?

Literally google it