Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World

Has there ever been someone so savage. Man walks in, kills the king, starts a countrywide free for all, then just leaves

This episode aired 14 YEARS AGO

i miss the kino.

This chapter was released 17 YEARS AGO.


Kino is really feminine looking for a boy.

What did Kino mean by this? My guess is Kino will probably have boobs by the time she meets Shizu again, and he'll be surprised because he thought Kinow was a dude.

i thought "death" was figure of speech


I want this guy to come and fuck my gf

How would Kino's Journey be any different if Kino was canonically a male?

Waifufags and trapfags would instantly jump ship

Easy, think of Rance series.
He went to different countries in each title, fuck girls, solve a problem, kill an antagonist, fuck girls, then leaves.

I hope Shizu gets to fuck Kino in the end

He already knows shes a girl.

that sounds badass

I really don't think that they would. In fact I think more people with depraved fetishes would hop on board.

Canonically they've never met after Ship Country, though they've had tendencies to just miss each other.

Kino's a prophet and knows that the next encounter with Shizu will herald his death, one way or another.

I just want them to fuck mang

Sad to say, but the only way you can fuck a corpse is if you have a penis.

I want to fuck him while he fucks your gf.

Hermes wouldn't get to tease Kino as much.

As a male, Kino wouldn't be sexually satisfied solely by grinding on Hermes so maybe Kino would be less asexual and have more interest in hooking up with local girls.

He could if he tucked himself into the y-fronts just right. Doing laundry must be a pain on the road for both though.

I want to fuck you while you fuck him while he fucks user's gf