
How do you feel about same-sex romances, Sup Forums?

the only acceptable relationship

They are really the best.


I think this is the best shade of black a human can have. all the other fake blacks should just die

But Ash is for Lilie after she has PSTD attack when her mom fuses with Ub001

only acceptable when cute boys are involved

Lilie is a Fujo voyeur.

In what fanfic?

only if theyre
A: canon
B: not forced like so many of you fanfic loving degenerates try to make them

Doujin of Ash getting blacked in front of Serena when?

100% fujoshi

Yes gurl.

This looks edited

Girl of culture.

Could care less desu.


They are gay

Not this shit again

name a gayer kids show MC than this little fag over here.


Anime needs more of them, not just teases and innuendos.


I can't.

A-am I supposed to pick up yet another kids' series for homo? I just got done with Yu-Gi-Oh.

I'd pay good money for this.

What are some anime where the main girl in the last arc doesn't get with the MC?


>diferent races

When fujos win, everybody else loses.

Why do you care about interracial gay couples when
1, they don’t reproduce
2, gays of all kinds are seen as degenerate

the purest and best kind

Well after this you never have to watch any kids shows for homos again, because this kid is the gayest MC you'll ever see and no one will ever top himexcept his husbando BOOYAH

Man, the red-headed guy reminds me if a female character I can't seem to recall her name.

because mating your pokemon with a ditto or another race pokemon makes the breed week

you need to capture two pokemons of the same species and then raise then to max level to be able to breed then

Everyone else can go wank to loli porn. Heteros and their breeder fetish are tired news and anime needs no more of it. A/Z was a triumph of the genre to disdain hetfags completely by BTFOing every straight pairing conceivable by the end.

The same way I feel about all relationships. Good if they involve a loli, shit if they don't.

You remember Bruno and Yusei?
It's ten times gayer than that.

Yeah, but is it gayer than the whole Judai/Johan from GX?

You have no idea, also 5ds's and GX aren't even the gayest yugioh because that would be zexal and this show is even gayer than that.

Oh definitely. The show ends with implied canon gay end.

The kid even outright declares he loves his husbando.

He uses daisuki like 5 times.
Basically calls the ginger kid the property and his treasure.

The ginger kid also states that he feels most comfortable with him being by his side. Freaks out whenever he isn't nearby. And was designed to please him.

*his property

>the googles have little hearts on the sides
Damn, now THAT'S gay desu.

The best.

Yes please. He is the right type of black. White physical features, but is dark as fuck.

Between girls is the purest form of love, with guys it is degenerate

>capable of loving

t. y/u/ri neckbeard

Yes, even when they get NTRd hard

It's fake "love". The bonds of men are real and strong.

t. faggot neckbeard

Men are only capable of lust. When a guy says that he's in love, he's either lying or there's something wrong with his head.

Seeing as Ash routinely crossdresses, set sail for dick.

It's fine if they're married

Tomoyo deserved better and a hug

>guys getting married is gay romance

Don't remind me

Ash is getting blacked?

this is completely heterosexual

Only faggots wouldn't make their bro a june bride

I was entirely indifferent until I watched this series. And even now I'm still pretty indifferent. I just want these two to be together so badly. I guess that just makes me more of an isolated shipperfag than full /u/ or /y/. I wonder how many other cases like this float about.

What. the actual fuck. Even though I haven't watched the show I thought pink hair girl was going to be the love interest

>this thread

great, now I have to watch Digimon

Ash had 3 boyfriends in Kalos though.

I only watched one episode and it was already gay as fuck.