ITT: The anime was better than the manga.
ITT: The anime was better than the manga
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Ghost in the Shell
Sailor Moon
Koe no Katachi
Birdy is shit.
You're shit.
This is a man who knows no fun.
birdy is perfection
Pic related and azumanga
Made in Abyss obviously
Rosario + Vampire
Birdy needs another anime.
I want to see a floow up to the OVA, personally.
Birdy the Mighty 1996 is pure kino.
Always? Manga are just primitive in nature.
I still can not read the manga
I do not know
The manga's been picked back up.
I don't know about better, but different.
I thought the azumanga mangaka hated the anime
dont know what happened with Z, but this had some great filler episodes.
I think anime is simply more "lite", if you wanna get mad read the manga.
>ITT: The anime was better than the manga
I don't get it. Why didn't you just say "ITT: Manga adaptations"?
Because the general consensus is that anime adaptations are inferior, and this thread is for exceptions to that rule.
Diamond is Unbreakable's anime re-ordering Yukako Yamagishi Is In Love to come before Sheer Heart Attack did wonders for pacing. I don't know if the anime's better than the manga though; there was some noticeably bad animation throughout a lot of the second half.
It's almost exactly the same except you have Wakamoto as Alexander and Joji as Alucard, plus how consistently high quality it is
that better be a fucking joke.
Also the best Ghibli movie.
UH what the fuck, no it's not? Maybe you should
actually read the manga user.
Why is the manga better? Serious question.
Educate yourself, faggot.
Movie was good, but the manga was a god damn masterpiece.
I don't get why this is praised (I mean anime, manga went full retard because author likes ntr and other shit). Just because they fucked in first episode doesn't make it good, especially it's almost never addressed and goes nowhere.
CCS and a couple other CLAMP adaptations.
This. The filler was the best part of dbz.
Same applies in Z and Super though.
Mizikazi Ghibli is an animetor, not a manga.
The OST was glorious.
>Birdy will never smack you around with a smug grin on her face.
I feel so empty inside.
Thanks a lot
It looks infinitely superior to adaptations ...
Highschool of the Dead
>Trigun anime was better than Trigun Maximum
The epitome of shit taste.
Yukiko was never after SHA in the manga, the fuck are you talking about? Even if you meant Cinderella you're wrong there too.
No faggit
Absolutely no way.
a fucking tank
What? When did that happened in the manga?
That one guy tries to guilt-trip Aka into sleeping with him, but pussies out before going through with it. Nothing comes of it, but Sup Forums still went nuts over it.
IIRC nips also hated the anime adaptation because of the sex scene in episode 1.
Both anime were better than both manga. DECODE is the best of them all.
I liked Azumanga better than the anime.
Wolf's Rain is a classic example. Also Atom, Mushishi, YYH, Gintama, Skullman, Inuyasha (pretty much anything by Rumiko).
Not user.
They fucked up a lot of joke by time.
4-koma panel jokes work best in quick deliver but this anime dragged shit on too much.
Also the anime lost complete focus, when the manga at least had, even if just loosesly, the music in mind.
It's the same exact shit-
Granted the episodic might format lent itself more to the pacing compared to the monthly chapter release.
I feel as if Brotherhood is inferior if only because its nature as the second anime adaptation following the original made it rush through their shared stories a bit. I recall the early Brotherhood episodes being super compressed until they caught up to the diverging bit. The manga simply exists as its own thing, without its pacing being manipulated by such concerns.
Is this an edit?
Well yes, story is sure the same, but anime is superior in almost every way, it's not black and white, animations and action scenes are really good, music is amazing and they even improved manga art a bit.
Pacing is fantastic if you compare it to any other long term shonen adaptation. It does feel a bit rushed at the start, and a bit slow at the end, but it's not really a problem at all.
Nope, it's 100% real and from the actual show.
Wow. Good thing I never watched it then
>Pacing is fantastic if you compare it to any other long term shonen adaptation
I wasn't saying it was shit or anything. Just that for me I can't call it superior when it ended up having to run through material more quickly than it actually needed to because it prioritized getting to adapt unadapted material quicker. All because of an earlier successful adaption. The manga has no such problems.
In the end, I don't think we're going to get much of anywhere because what you're saying beyond that gets more into whether animation or comics as an entire medium are better or worse than each other. Obviously I'm sure you'd agree there will also be worse anime adaptations within that due to them just being shit in general and therefore animation is not simply always better. I also haven't seen Brotherhood through to the end, I believe anyway. Nor have I really compared the two in terms of their art. Brotherhood is a solid adaptation and anime in its own right, but I don't think it's definitely superior just for being a good anime with all that comes with that. FMA is a great manga as well. For these sorts of discussions about whether an adaptation, or concurrent and separate creations with things like Utena, there needs to be something significant beyond just being a great anime.
Like Nausicaa. It's a fantastic movie, though I've always thought the moralizing was a bit heavy handed. But the manga is just leaps and bounds above it, and especially in the story aspect. Mostly due to having several times the story space to work with, something that doesn't always affect the issue due to comparing tv series or multiple movies. That's just the sort of thing I'd point to as being something you could say made one version better. Personally, I'm more of a manga person in general. I prefer getting a story at my own pace. So Brotherhood being a great anime with full color and music is good and all, but I'd still prefer to read rather than watch that story.
>ITT: The anime was better than the manga.
as media, literally every anime is better than manga.
Death Note is always the first one that jumps to mind. The later parts were insufferable in the manga, all the speedreading in the world could not carry me through it.
Samurai Champloo
Aside from having the same characters, the manga is basically lacking everything that made the anime fun to watch. It also looks really bad.
This desu.
You sure like to write a lot, user, subscribed to your blog.
I am more of manga person myself too, since it's usually the source material for most anime anyway, also it's way easier and faster to read it than go through anime. Yes, you're right, Alchemist manga is a solid story just by itself, but if you ask me which media piece is a better overall experience to enjoy this story — it's definitely Brotherhood, just for this case anime adaptation is better, they even finished at the same time.
>Like Nausicaa
Aren't they way too different? Well, I didn't read the manga, and it's not like I even remember what was movie about, but I do remember that one douji with insects and lots of unprotected sex, which implied that it was like a tradition for every girl that turned 18 to fuck a maggot or something, but I don't really know why I bring that up honestly.
The blurry CGI shit and three frames of animation didn't really live up to the manga art.
Direct adaptations are rarely if ever good. Original manga is good, original anime is good, a good adaptation from one to the other translates the essence of the source material but presents it in the new medium's terms.
>Aren't they way too different
It was the only example that sprung to mind, and just to highlight what should be considered more when comparing series, especially when both are quality media in their own right. Obviously Nausicaa got way more time to flesh out its themes, characters, and world, so it's not exactly a "fair" comparison. Honestly I can't think of too many adaptations where I've actually seen both the original and the adaptation off the top of head, so I just went with an obvious one mentioned in thread already.
In the interests of education, the manga is pretty much just the movie but continues on after where the movie climaxes and greatly expands upon the setting and characters. The movie's bit about the Giant was also way near the end of the manga, after a lot of other shit has happened, and greatly expanded in itself. The movie really feels, in retrospect, like an anime adaptation that had to make its own ending because it wasn't going to be able to fit all of the original story, despite the manga apparently only being made to convince studios to make the movie itself. Guess Miyazaki doesn't cut any corners regardless.