One Piece

>We never got to see Reiju or Nami juiced
Come on Oda. The arc can't end like this.

Other urls found in this thread:

hopefully carrot gets juiced, we havn't seen her in agony yet

Reminder we will never see smoothie do anything because she's useless

I want Smoothie to juice my penis if you know what I mean.

>Chopper hasn't been a good character since Thriller Bark

kill me bros

Pull in case of emergency, disposable use.

In b4

I wonder if the volume 87 cover means anything for the charlotte family right now?

Perospero, Katakuri and Oven are in the front and they're the family members actually doing something right now with Big Mom in the background as the big looming threat. Meanwhile Pekoms, Mont and Tamago are in the back of the cover while being reaction face bros in story on whole cake island.

To be quite honest, One Piece threads are better than BNHA ones.
Hell, even Monkey God Awakening and spic posters are better than fujoshit that infests BNHA fandom


anyone got streams for the episode?
I like the commercial breaks

How strong is Perospero? Is he yonkou commander level?

>yonkou commander level
are you retarded

compote confirmed for being forgotten until one panel at the end of the arc

We still have hackposters and "job job job jobber jobber jobbing jobbing jobber jobbing jobber xfags btfo" power level fags so we're still worse.

they're better than fujoshits

>fujoshit that infests BNHA fandom
thought everyone was obsessed with the frog girl and now they all moved on to the psycho one

>Smoothie, a sweet commander, isnt even in the front


Frog girl is still best.

Grape is a shitposter who ruins threads


>Katakuri coo specialist
>cracker coa specialist
>smoothie coc specialist

you just can't deny this fact

Smothie (nothing) -> Cracker (Coa) -> Dogtooth (CoO+CoA)


thats the right answer

>smoothie cock specialist

>coc specialist

To be honest, it will be pretty retarded if Smoothie, Oven or Daifuku have Haoshoku

>smoothie coc specialist


Close, but he isn't. If he was he would be a sweet commander. He pointed to his bounty showing his strength, but Cracker had a bigger bounty despite being a bit younger.

will oven eventually check into the factory?

No, he's not. Daifuku is on his way and will do it.

He will be ganged up on by Germa 66.

Stream for new episode (812) covers the 2nd half of chapter 846 and chapter 847

Oven will get a duel with Lanji.

what in the blu fuck? the longarm charlotte was in the library too?

for like one panel

Are we in Wano yet?

No, he isn't.

Is it the moment Brook will tell Pedro "dies for us" or something similar?

What about the commander that Chadrouge beat?

You mean asking pedro to be bait? then yeah, that scene just played.

Yeah, i saw.

We're going to cut to Wano and the first thing we'll see is a bloody Zoro lying on the ground with Kaido standing over him, won't we?

>Linlin showing her collection
You sick fuck

CoA+CoO+CoC, but because Urouge killed him, everyone acts like Katakuri is the big guy


I want to know her name.

>"luffy will talk shit to big mom this episode"
>"luffy will really tell big mom she was the only who couldn't get to raftel"
>to be continued

Oi, what did TOEI mean by this
and jap ads are fucking creep

Tamago is fucking immortal?

they're milking the shit out of the longarm, ironically enough wasn't her name something that resembles milk?

surely Oda won't have Roger be the previous user of the Gomu fruit, will he?
Having Luffy suffer from the same illness as Roger due to the use of a self-sacrificing technique so that Chopper can cure it and fulfill his ambition makes sense. I just hope it doesn't come about from Roger using gear 2 as well

Was Katakuri a cute kid?

half chapter each episode.What's new.It will be 2019 before we reach katakuri

no you fucking brainlet
admirals would known if luffy had roger fruit
every fucking single person in the op world would probably known

it will be the other way around

Charlotte Myukuru

not that it would have had any use.
Alarms went off, people were warned, but the leaders wanted to continue.

there is no need to be rude.
I thought about it, but Roger may not have necessarily used it openly like Luffy.

if he takes after his mom he was a gross fatass, now is in the last phase of his hot years and he'll return to be a disgusting fatass in his old age


In the open sea borders there are no doors. Smoothie will fight at her full potential.

I guess he would die If you kill him when he's in rooster form, it's his stronger form though

Gangster Gastino

No, Oda said in the SBS that if you kill his stronger form he's back to form one.

Oh, didn't know that, then I guess you can't kill him by regular means

When you've mastered conquerer's Haki. That means only someone else with conqueror's haki can beat you. I don't think it should be thrown around all willy-nilly and given to smoothie

you can damage him while he's evolving into a new form, at least that what pedro was planning to do

Drowning him, or force feeding him a second fruit would probably work, something like Mama's or Moriah fruit should kill him too

*that was what

>That means only someone else with conqueror's haki can beat you.
I don't think he does work like that at all.


>The happy yonko merchant

We can only hope,that way maybe these fags will stop posting their shitty memes ironically.Or rather they will probably pick up even further and these spics will start shitposting how Zoro will BTFO Kaido once he awakens his "Sharingan Zolo Blanco"mode.


No wonder she wants a whole country of racemixing.

>socialistic matriarchal society that values "equality"

wtf oda

>Ace vs Akainu
>Don Chinjao vs Lao G

Does BB has CoC?

pretty much every yonkou have haoshoku

He's shown over and over again how much of a farce the whole thing is.

It's truly amazing how it took them 3 episodes to adapt chapter 846.I don't even watch the anime,just mainly read the wiki out of curiosity but this is disgusting.

>Former member of the Pirate King's crew
>Fought against Mihawk and left unscathed
>Friends (and sparring buddy) with Red Hair
>Dope ass Shichibukai
>Charismatic as fuck
>Future Yonko

What CAN'T this man do?

The pacing is basically ruined forever.

oda where's my clown buggy

Have a normal nose.

stop jobbing

Defeat Luffy?

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

>Long arm waifu is BLACKED

Aokiji's child confirmed?

Aokiji is a long arm now?

Having a friendly drinking contest with Kaido in Wano.

>left unscathed

The mom could be, but the whole idea is retarded.

The mom is most probably Linlin, user....

Realistically Luffy could only hit him because his focus got changed. Actually if Luffy vs Katakuri mirrors any fights in the story it’s buggy except Luffy needed Nami’s help.
Even Akainu couldn’t hit Buggy but easily hit Jinbe.
Once Buggy was distracted by his emotions Luffy kicked him in the nuts.

she's a charlotte user

All of those things happened and yes he left unscathed or if pedantic, barely damaged.

I went retarded and I thought she was an associate.
My bad.

In which SBS was she named? 86?

No. Strong willed people can resist conquerer's.

Hmmm.....I see what you did there Oda

She could be a grandchild, but we have no reason to believe she is.

The real question is "what the hell does Myukuru mean?"