-This is my girlfriend, Morimori-chan.
-Starting today, I am Koiwai's girlfriend, Morioka Moriko.
-Pleased to meet you.
Net-juu no Susume
Why has no one made the edit yet?
I'll watch this only for Lily
No the tranaslation is
>let's all have a threesome
>I've always wanted to be split roasted
Which one would you date?
It's not even needed since it looks almost identical
>you will never fondle left during a raid when she can't take her hands off the controls
My heart
She isn't a healer, she doesn't care.
>tfw no more comfy episodes
Purified Morimori-chan is cute too.
left is only for fetish fuck
Make-up is one hell of a drug.
Chad seems like a nice guy who always helped her out when she needed calls. I don't really mind if they get together
right with left's hair
You know what this anime needs?
Trapped in MMO plot. It would literally make this anime 100x better.
Are you trying to suggest Koiwai is a chad? He's a fucking ass clown, man. He's literally the comic relief secondary male from a generic romance plot.
>more isekai
It just needs more Lily-san
Kantoku needs to draw Lily
She spent like $300 just to go out for drinks with some guy she met. She really wanted the D.
Best girl is actually best boy.
>show will become a romantic triangle between 3 normies that do normie things
>She spent like $300
I dunno if Japan is just different, or if she's just not a good shopper, but it seemed to me like she was massively overpaying for some things.
I would probably say this. She is nervous a guy asked her out, but she seems to really want to go out and make some kind of connection with a man. She spent a chunk of money to go out with a guy that comforted her over the phone, to the point where she cut her hair. Even though she enjoys being a NEET, she wants some sexual comfort.
>Trapped in MMO plot. It would literally make this anime 100x better.
There are a hundred thousand anime like that. This one is good BECAUSE it's not among said hundred thousand.
>she wants some sexual comfort.
She should ask Lily for that
then why do people call him chad
I thought the green-haired dude was Moriko’s old partner in her old game?
>massively overpaying
nope. a haircut, wash and style was about right. the top and dress combo are also on par, if you shop name brand. if you look at some of the similar items on amazon, you'll find them for around the price she paid, or a lot more.
please tell me this is canon
honestly, i don't doubt that since they are a couple in-game, they cyber in-game through whispers since she gets extremely uncomfortable/embarrassed when it got brought up she is roleplaying as a guy in whispers. So she and Lily and schlicking/fapping, but since a real guy is interested and forward, she accepted and willing.
You know deep in your heart that this is what actually happens in these situations in real life.
Do these two get together or what?
did they really had to delete Hayashi and Lily?
possibly, unless she gets NTR'd and he hooks up with her female friend who also plays
She gets rejected.
Just read some on some chinese site.
Apparently Sakurai wasn't trying to get into Morimori chan's panties, he was just trying to recruit her into his department?
I don't like this post.
So what’s the real story behind the old MMO she used to play?
its more than likely the truth. he likes christmas cake and now that he knows who she is, he's been a bit flirty with her. he'll end up turning college kitty down and she will probably quit the game or leave the guild over it, or end up chasing Hayashi too, causing 3 people to fawn over our beloved neeto, which will cause her so much grief that the game world is full of heartbreak and problems, SHE will quit the game
ntr in this? dropped
Why couldnt it have just been a cute neet show
I thought blondie was the healer?
I don't believe you, morimori is tarnished now and her image will never recover from this.
>easily swooned by any guy
>would let random chad fuck her immediately if asked and not the nice blond guy
What a bitch.
Cutest trap desu.
this. fucking makes me sick. hate how so many fucking mangakas are cucks
Female leads slutting around in shoujo is mandatory.
He already has Nico
yeah, thats what me and the other guy are kind of getting at. its the same ol' fucking shit getting pumped out instead of trying to have a cute, unique-ish story.
I want to fuck this NEET
Left has a better appearance overall but right is still Morimori so I'd date her regardless.
>implying Fujimoto isn't cucking them both
>megane MoriMori
Need more of this.
It actually zooms in on her chest right above that frame.
Does this actually go Onani Master on us or is this just gloriously out of context.
That's a fat morimori.
he starts being aggressive with her and making her do all this shit, like maid cafe, etc. to earn money and she realizes why she quit working in the first place
>has to re-roll since she deleted Hayashi
>makes a female character
>tries to mend her relationship in-game
>too broke-hearted to be with her
>ends up with kittycat
>she ends up with the GM
Glasses really do make a woman infinitely sexier, don't they?
Neeto threads always got me hard and excited for the next episodes, but this thread makes me want to fight someone and sad as fuck at the same time
>Neeto threads always got me hard and excited for the next episodes, but this thread makes me want to fight someone and sad as fuck at the same time
But why?
The hair autism is over already
because the love triangle is coming, and she easily accepted the aggressive guy's advances, spent hundreds of dollars on shit just to go out without putting up any sort of defense to him while easily blowing off the other guy who took care of her, then not setting any sort of boundaries with Kanbe. its turning into an NTR anime with a retarded love pentagon - neeto, glasses, friendo, kanbe, lilac - all after Mori's Moris
I wish NTRfags would form a suicide pact and jump into a boiling ravine of semen. You shitdick lovers make me wonder if netjew threads were ever decent.
She overpaid. Just go to qbhouse for a haircut and get clothes at uniqlo.
Just watch Netoge, faggots
But you already know Sakurai will win
Wait a minute, will edit it quick
This series would have been so much better as a hentai made by ShindoL.
No, glasses a shit.
Remove glasses.
but thats wrong
t. shit taste
No thanks, Netoge doesn't have Lily-san.
what? explain, please
>Best friend looks like he's going to steal the girl
>Actually pushes them together because they never would have done it if left alone
If you don't know how these situations go by now, you're a retard.
Delete this
nobody is "complaining about the hair" any more, because everyone worthwhile who was actually watching it dropped the show now that it's revealed that it's actually reverse harem/wageslave propaganda nonsense and there won't be any more eleet neet adventures
his friend is a lala prancing homo.
He is not going to steal morimori
>says nothing to him about it
yeah nah, you actually talk it out like a real friend/wingman instead of just bumbling about
>responding to idiots who don't know what a wingman actually is
>responding to idiots who secretly want to get cucked by their friends so they put themselves in such situations
Everyone here knows what's actually happening. If you think he's actually trying to steal Morimori, then you're dumb. These threads have too much /r9k/.
>ladies man
>on Sup Forums
Are you retarded?
Yup, definitely retarded.