ITT:Post characters that cause massive butthurt in their Fandoms


Hold on a fucking second, what was that at :35? Some kind of sex innuendo?
Also who is this girl, I want to draw lewds


Isn't the use of items banned in this tournament?



keeping Zeno from being bored is more important than the rules


Eggs a shit. Slaine-sama did nothing wrong.

Why do Mexicans hate Super, but then turn around and make stupid shit like Absalon and Gohan Blanco?

I just want them to leave
they're shitting up Sup Forums as well

So nothing wrong that he won the Inahobowl.

I just stopped giving a shit long time ago. Two ssj 2 bitches who learned about ssj about a week ago matching against a god ki veteran. Yeah sure whatever.

what would of stopped someone bringing in a loaded pistol and shooting people then?

man they really changed Kefka


It's barely even a hour, are weebs this fastly sperging?

No weapon rule... and it is listed separately to the no item rule.


pistols don't work against martial artists who are paying attention

fucking kek

its not my but that is hurting right now

ah, Kevlar. named for all the plot armor those two have.

Boruto Uzumaki

>Boruto Uzumaki


>two faggots who learned SSJ 2 hours ago matching with a SSJG
Topkek,I hope this will at least make people see the light and realize how shitty Dragon Ball Super is.

That's my waifu OP



On Sup Forums Rukia and Sakura cause more butthurt

Sakura yes, but there are more Rukiafags than Orihimefags here and more rage at the general end result of Bleach.

>and fags still believe salada ever had any chance
It's gonna be Hawawa, bitches

I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't retarded realized this when Trunks oneshotted a guy SSB Vegito couldn't beat or when Goku went SSB against Krillin.

Yeah I just saw this episode and I am about at my limit of being able to handle this shit, I will see how this arc wraps up before I make my final move to just stop like I stopped Naruto.

I stopped Naruto because I hate it when anime never ends, that's why I really dig those 12 and 13 episode bite sized series so damn much. I went from Naruto to the end of Shippuden and I am tired of everything that is Naruto, Dragonball is next.

The whole gohan blanco meme was propagated by americans, idiot. You can tell because the spanish is fucked up.

Nice try pedro.

Inedible items are fine. After all, Potara earrings are just clothing accessories.

aren't the ones from the robot universe all weapons or using weapons?

Not true, Goku was bruised by regular bullets shortly before the tournament. And he was paying attention. Krillin was outright shot through. If even regular bullets can hurt them, it stands to reason that hyper advance space lasers can kill them even if they were paying attention.

Does this mean base form Vegito was also above SSG level?

This means that power levels have no meaning anymore if a character is a woman and can have otaku fap over her

I love that 'little hop' she took. Like when Goku used Ultra Instinct for the first time. Then she proceeds to BTFO SSJG. Truly best girl.

Literally only gohanfags are triggered by her

Not really.You shauld have seen Sup Forums when Rukia lost.Although I dropped Bleach long ago,I shipped and defended Ichihime ship then and there just to spite these insecure faggots.

Boa Hancock will be the Orihime and Hinata of One Piece.

buu arc goku and vegeta were weaker than kale and caulifla are now, in terms power. not technique, mind you

gohanfags don't even like gohan

No chance in hell. Hancock isn't a moeblob.

>Hancock isn't a buzzword.

>buu arc goku and vegeta were weaker than kale and caulifla are now

I can understand the people who dislike or hate because the writing is garbage and not a single thing they do makes any sense, and even the people who are completely indifferent. What I can't understand out of good will is the people who actually like them. What is there to like? Kale has even less personality than a random moeblob girl out of a seasonal anime, and Caulifla is a generic delinquent with nothing else going for her. Neither have had a single witty or funny line since the day they were introduced.

They don't have any interesting abilities or backgrounds, and they were introduced at a time where the franchises choreography and general sense of storyboarding has been reduced to the same basic recycled sequence of completely predictable punches and kicks, and they don't even have any cool looking Ki special techniques other than generic blasts. Their design is the most uninspired, boring and ugly looking thing since Jiren too.

Even if most of their fanbase on Sup Forums consisted of people who ironically likes them because their presence rustles other poster's jimmies, it still comes up as incredibly shallow. What's gonna happen once they inevitably lose?

The only people that can possibly like this characters with any sincerity and the sole reason they were introduced to begin with, are the kind that think with their dicks and unironically white knight for their waifu on an image board every time someone dares mentioning them with any negative connotations and even reply their way into an entire thread if needed be, that is to say, the lowest of low common denominator in any anime fanbase and authentic human trash I'm quite frankly ashamed to share a breathing atmosphere with known as waifufags.

*these characters.

Kefura, Kale, and Caulifla. The new Trio De Dangers.

>animals that will be put to sleep and get deleted
Checks out.


Why is she so strong?

Bullshit. Goku and Vegeta had SS2 mastered for 6 years while Kale and Cali learned SSJ two days prior to the tournament.

>tells MC to get her shit together
>muh mean old hippo

Holy shit

Kale and Califla were already strong enough to go SSJ by the time they found out that they could. It's like if someone tells you to make a kind of sandwich you've never heard of, and even if you have the ingredients you don't know what you are supposed to use.

So if you impregnate her with the earrings, and she takes them off...

I agree but goddam she is way too adorable. Like an unruly kitty that chews your headphone cords and you get really pissed at but your knees turn to jello when it gets scared you then forgive it and dole out cuddles in excess until it feels safe again.

I can't get a boner for her.

don't even bother, at this point just laugh at the faggots who use the retarded ''B-BUT YEARS AND YEARS OF TRAINING MUH POWERSCALING'' as an argument against Caulifla and Kale

Also are powerscalers retarded or something? If Kale was matching SSB why wouldn't her fusion be stronger than SSG?
Goddamn I'm no powerscaler and I'm still more intelligent than them
Powerscalers are the worst cancer of shonen

I don't wanna go there because I feel like this type of argument is retarded but;
It really feels like that any reason to hate Caulifla and Kale boils down to them being female, every reason I'm given for why they are bad is always weak as hell
Like this guy: Literally a wall of text that boils down to ''my personal opinion is absolute and also people like them because waifu strawman''
Caulifla is just a punk spunky girl, she's a funny character to have around
Kale has developed so much that she's pretty much her own character now, she's completely past being female Broly. The fact that in a couple of episodes she got more character development than Broly ever did just shows how shitty the Legendary Super Saiyan is as a character.
The ''Mary Sue'' argument doesn't stand as both of them clearly have character flaws and are not perfect, they do not meet the requirements to be classified as such.

Fuck off waifufag

both of them desu

There always seemed to be a balance between Rukia- and Orihimefags on here. It's just that the complaining posters are always louder.