Anybody else go to the LA premiere of HF yesterday...

Anybody else go to the LA premiere of HF yesterday? Buddy of mine managed to sneak a video of the Saber vs Berserker first encounter.

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There are more videos?

I'm hot!

Why the fuck would I want to go see this piece of filthy trash HF movie for? Worst Fate route ever.

Do you have it with sound?

Hi Rin

Hmm... I wonder who could be behind this post?

Yes, although I wasn't aware you could upload with sound on Sup Forums. Let me give it a shot in just a second.

This oughta work.

do you have the wet dream?

I do not, unfortunately. We were only able to get this footage. If you have any questions about any scenes, I'm more than willing to answer, from memory.

wtf with that illya posing in the last second?

rate the ost

Do people really cheer during movies in America, or wherever you are?

She moves a lot during this sequence, she says a few more things while moving around a lot.

9/10. It reminds me more of fate/zero than UBW.

I don't go to movies all that often, so I couldn't tell you. There was a fuck ton of people here, probably over a thousand. V

All what's left is Lancer vs Hassan

We just had an entire thread about this.

Depends on the movie you see. You are going to see a niche anime movie with a bunch of other 20-30 year olds. Plus the majority of people seeing the movie know the story and are just there to enjoy the ride with everyone else because this will be the only social interactions they will have for months.

there is any memorable song in the ost? a song that is fucking hype and you want to hear it again?

Have they still not said anything about bringing this to the UK? I feel like anime is fairly popular here (although that's entirely anecdotal) so I don't see why they wouldn't want to.

>Obvious rhinofag post

>rhinokek eternally butt blasted

post more nigga

Link me please, I don't visit Sup Forums that often nowadays.

Sorry, that's the only footage we managed to get. I was kind of hoping someone else had managed to get other scenes and would post em here as well.



I wonder what 2ch thinks about the Americans so brazenly stealing footage of the movie, directly in front of the cast and crew.

I'm not judging you, I'm just curious as to whether or not the Japanese fans might have any strong opinions on it. Can anyone check? I feel like it might be educational, in a way.

it's not only that, the fuckers are always fucking yelling and shit

what the fuck murrikans, end yourselves

the last time i had to deal with loud, annoying people in a theater was when I saw Snakes on a Plane, and drunk folks in back were shouting and laughing everytime SLJ opened his mouth. Not an exaggeration, every time.

I keep seeing posts about this happening, is it something i'll actually have to deal with going to see an anime movie in the US?

Really? Where? I can't find shit in the catalog.

I can't believe there hasn't even been a mention of a Canadian showing yet. Fuck this country. I swear to god.

>is it something i'll actually have to deal with going to see an anime movie in the US?
people call them americlaps for a reason

I was there

Really loved it but I hated watching it there and can't wait for the BD. First 20 minutes are a great intro to it.

Theater was completely packed and the line getting in was wrapped around the block.

>Sudou saying it looked like Reality Marble

As an user that lives very near to L.A.
I would've gone if I knew there was a premiere. Instead I'm at a millionaires wedding reception. The movie seems like it be funner but with lots less free alcohol.

You're going to be really disappointed if you wanted a lot of Illya in this movie.

Movie 2 will be Illya

>is it something i'll actually have to deal with going to see an anime movie in the US?
Only the premier showings like this one. The only other anime movie I've been to that had an audience this autistic was the 2nd kizu movie.

If you're one of those people who complained about a lack of inner monologues, this movie is definitely not gonna satisfy you.

>saw the premiere last night
>whole crowd constantly erupting into laughter during serious scenes like the Assassin/Lancer fight.
>cheering when a popular character so much as walks into frame just to say a few lines
>clapping at the end
>normies saying stuff while living the cinema like "I wonder who Assassins true identity is" and "I can't wait until next movie when Gilgamesh comes in and beats everyone's ass"
I thought the movie was well done though.


Hair off

Set... Please End My Life Works


>Movie 2 will be Illya
more and more pedo

I fucking hated being there so much.
Thank god they knew to shut up during the shed scene.
I got my postcards so I am happy though.

Jesus some of the people there were just awful.


Kill yourself.


>postcard by Sudou
It's hidden in the glare there but I love the happy face he puts
freaking love how his illustrations are far better than Takeuchi's while retaining the style and basis

>Spent $17 on a drink, water and snack yesterday
Prices were bullshit but the drink helped me deal with the autism there.

>Shirou grabbing Sakura's Sakura in the dream
>Wakes up and does another squeeze

It is the little things

UFO show us at least nipples?

I wasn't a fan of the music, if I'm gonna be honest.

I liked UBW's soundtrack. This just felt like pretty standard Kajiura. Honestly, a little phoned in, too. The only old music that got referenced back was Fate/Zero's theme.

Not in this movie but the movie was surprisingly lewd that I really believe that there will be implied sex in the next movie.

Is it subbed or dubbed?


Its subbed. Funnily enough, I was really scared it was going to be dubbed for a second, while they were announcing the english dub cast at the event. I coulda swore there was an audible sigh of relief from the audience when the first word was spoken.

Depends. Saw Your Name in a theater, but the audience there understood basic movie watching etiquette. When the last Harry Potter movie came out, the midnight release viewing was... louder, but still in that "just ignore the weird guy" kind of way. Sounds like the HF premiere brought out all the weebs into public where they don't belong.

>Noriko asks how many people hadn't read the HF route
>half the audience raises their hands with shit eating grins on their faces
Tertiary cancer

This wasn't a basic viewing, though. The director, and a bunch of Aniplex people were there. They brought people up on the stage with the sole purpose of hyping up the crowd. At the end, they literally told people to clap and cheer.

>Sounds like the HF premiere brought out all the weebs into public where they don't belong.
It was a mixture.
There were some decent people there but jesus so many were awful.

I wouldn't say it was half. about 30% which is still high as fuck.

I really wish I could have been there.
I heard Taiga wars a Santa suit, and that makes me happy.

>At the end, they literally told people to clap and cheer.
>At the end
Key words.

I honestly wonder which fans are more cancerous, the weeaboos of the west or the otaku of the east. Can't imagine what it's like being the VAs and dealing with them.

Yeah, but they had people on stage before the screening, too. Aniplex encouraged the behavior.

It was really cute and Taiga was great during it
>Has Kuzuki take picture of her, Shirou, Sakura, Issei and Ayako
>Gets ready to choke Shirou out when Sakura shows up for the first time and changed clothes because of getting caught in the rain
>Tells Shirou Sakura has a E-cup

Movie starts with her talking about Shirou in the dojo.

Like, in a "LEMME HEAR YOU MAKE SOME NOISE!" kind of way, or in a Jeb Bush "guys please clap thanks" way?

Guy sitting behind me at the end of the movie asked who all the characters were and why was everyone clapping and cheering when charcters appeared.
It upsets me that this fuck's friend bought him a ticket when so many actual fans couldn't get it.

Word for word what you said first

The former. Like, these were full on American PR people. They sounded fake as fuck.

Where were you sitting?

Aniplex, as always, proves to be cancer.

I'm really glad.
I know I shouldn't expect much, but I love Taiga so much that I can't help but be happy at the slightest thing she gets.

I was there last night. The crowd was indeed as obnoxious as I expected


>why was everyone clapping and cheering when charcters appeared
i'd ask the same thing

>That Aniplex employee dressed Rider
>Kept the eyeblinder on the whole time

That was dedication. Asked her how much she could see and she said a little.

Oh, well, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with getting people excited for the main event, so long as people shut up during actual the movie.

But I'm guessing they didn't.

I was also in disbelief at the ~30% of the crowd who came in without reading the HF route

>But I'm guessing they didn't.

They were quite during a good 75% and the scenes you expect to shut up and listen but the other 25%, jesus christ they were bad. Can't wait for the BD now.

I sometimes forget Sakura is supposed to be that big.

Did you go to the Seattle showing? The Kizu 2 showing there was literally the only time I've had that kind of autism happen around me in a theater.

How bad are the east coast otaku? I'm from California so I've only really been exposed to all the annoying faggots at AX

Welp lads, now we don't have the knowledge of HF being the clof we indicator if someone has or hasn't read the VN (basically if someone is or is not a stupid dumbfuck normalfag)

It was good while it lasted bois

She's called the boobs heroine of Fate. She's as big as Irisviel at age 16. All of her curves are some of the most dangerous out of the entire cast. Only like, Irisviel's maid really beats her out.

Where did it leave off st at the end of the movie?

Her measurements drawn accurately

>some scrub leaving right as one of the best fights is about to start

No, the LA premier showing in Little Tokyo. The kizu 2 audience wasn't as loud as the HF one, but smelled worse.

Shirou returning home after losing Saber.

To be honest when I first heard this weeks ago I was upset but after seeing the whole movie that was the best point to stop as it melancholy as fuck as you see Shirou and Sakura staring at each other in the snow and Shirou saying "What do I need to do to become a hero".

The best part, legit spoiler
Shirou goes looking for Saber one more time and the black shadow just shows up and they stare at each other until it disappears

>To be honest when I first heard this weeks ago I was upset
Why? That's what everyone expected once it was announced to be 3 movies.

Some people were hoping for the rain but that would have been pushing it hard.

I guess some people wanted the pacing to be thrown off as much as possible.

There's literally no way. The movie already moved at an absolutely breakneck pace. They'd need another 45 minutes to even consider it.

I think it was before people knew it was 2 hours long they were hoping it would be longer but once it was given a time people accepted how far it would get.

>another 45 mins
Sudou made storyboards for 2hrs 30 mins but asked his editor to cut it down to the now 2 hours

Was it to the same ending though, just with slightly slower pacing? Or did these original storyboards extend past Shirou returning home after Saber getting GRAILED?

no idea, that was all what was said about the matter

Im pissed man we gotta get it

Was this from the Q&A after the screening? I left right after the movie ended.