Kishi ruined BORT by giving him nothing

Giving him the Byakugan would have made for:

>much more interesting fights

>would have created much more tension with the Hyuuga and Naruto

>Would have given a main theme of personal freedom vs fellial piety

>Would have made him more than a weak naruto clone.

>Would have given him a lot more of a chance to go against salad for Hokage spot than just being popular with drop out kids, and being Naruto's son.

>We wouldn't have been subjected to his lame 1 eye'd Oototsuki garbage eye.

Yea Baruto is fucking up Hiashi's keikaku

And thank God for that. Naruto's idiot genes combined with Minato's horrible leadership abilities and Uchiha autism would create an Allmighty Idiot, even more powerful and stupid than the Ridoku Sage himself. Boruto saved the world with his defective genes


A second eye is going to mafest soon

I like Boruto because he dosent have a secret special power like sharingan or byakugan. He is the underdog Naruto we want without the secret fox powers.

Sasuke should have had a child with karin

Im still mad that Sakura wasnt cucked. I thought that was perfecr until they tooked that away from us

>implying that Karin is not lying to Suigetsi

>be me
>Google byagukan to learn what kind of retarded powerup it gives
>near 360 vision
>Hinata can apparently see up to 20 km away
>Also gives unobstructed vision
>mfw Bort can't jack off unless his mother is in a different village

Why do Bort and Sauce only get 1 cool eye each instead of the usual 2?
Looks stupid IMO.

So.. boruto should have some sort of bullshit power to be relevant?

I like the possibility the Karin -due to being Uzumaki- was chosen to Sasuke and Sakura's surrogate mother since Sakura was too weak for pregnancy.

>not having your mother and sister jerk you off
>not cucking your father, the savior of the world and the moon
>not making salad lust after you hard
come on user. boruto has to surpass his father somehow

fuck off you cancerous narutard

>stop enjoying one the most popular animes in existence

You must have a lonely life user

It seems like people in boruto are forgetting about his eye hax, its pretty much a byakugan guys

He has a loyal and beautiful love interest, Hawawa, that's something user.

Sakura was kinda cucked cus some of Karin's chakra is likely in Sadara from the huge amounts that Sasuke consumed

Unironically, it's very likely that Sarada has Karin genes, it's just that she's still a kid and not prepared to hear the story yet.

So they can hide among normies Kakashi style

I don’t think you people realized Sasuke actually penetrated Karin with the intent to kill her. Sasuke didn’t have the balls to do it to Sakura so he created an illusion.


Yea he did

I agree wholeheartedly. I can't stand the one eye, or one arm, or one testicle trope. Like, symmetry is good.

Yes. he spams his dad's jutsu, even though it's not super great if you don't have chakra. And all we usually see is bunshin feints.
Right now Mizuki is best boy by MILES.

Had he gotten the byakugan he could have just been shit at it, and Hinawari been great, but through hard work, and spending every day going pushing his eyes and chakra past their limits, he could have got good.

Instead, Kishi makes him look exactly like naruto, and act very similarly, and has the exact same jutsu, EXCEPT, no kyuubi or sage mode, or frog contract.
Yeah, he's learning elemental jutsu, which is cool, but he's a normie to an infuriating degree.

Which leads me into this

-Not activated by hand signs or by will.

-Plot hax instead of like something he had a chance of activating truly.

-Seemingly Temporary and given by lamest clan in the series.

-Not something he can grow with, and improve on like Based Byakugan.

At this point is it better to go with the manga or anime?

Why does she have those whiskers?

She inherited it all, but her brother just has trash recessive genes.

You know, something I never got was why Naruto had whiskers to begin with. I had assumed it was because of Kurama, but I'm pretty sure he had them since birth. So unless Kushina being pregnant and being the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki at the same time had something to do with it, it makes no sense.

The Gold and Silver brothers had them too. But, as pointed out, it's a mystery as to WHY this is a thing.

Fuck off Narutard.

Nice meme.

>unless Kushina being pregnant and being the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki at the same time
Kind of makes sense honestly. Kurama could have leant some subtle genetic traits, and come to think of it, in traditional thought the stomach is the center of qi, so Kurama would have his chakra located around the same spot as the fetus, so some chakra could merge. Of course I'm 99% sure Kishimoto didn't consider this, but it does make some sense.