This show was made literally for me.
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Lewd JKs.
>referring to your sibling with -san
Is this really a thing? I would've expected them to use aniue/aneue or onii-sama/onee-sama
What an indecent body.
Kaho is lewd.
Does she know?
Was Mafuyu wearing a bikini?!
This is literally me.
I bet she's a Twitch-whore in her free time to make even more money.
Yes, this is a good expression.
Don't spread such slanderous lies about my wife!
user, just because you're her Top D on her donator pinwall and she bends over extra deep when writing your name on that wall doesn't mean she's your wife.
>slight indent from the thighs and kneesocks
a.k.a. skindentation
yes. when this scene came up, after playing it the second time i was at 60% boner capacity.
Impressive japan, impressive.
What are the odds on this show not getting any good doujins despite deserving them?
>not being at 100% the first time
And even if it does get any, none of them will have thigh sex.
And even if there are any thigh sex ones, none of those will be futa.
The OP for this show is one of the best from this season.
I bet her farts smell amazing
Maika Is a national treasure.
All mine.
Mafuyu-chan the living onahole.
I want Mafuyu to sit on my lap while we watch Precure together.
Don't you mean back?
If she wants to.
I'd also desire that.
The ZR in this show is amazing.
I'm going to marry Aika-san!
>only 720p
Too late. She's my wife.
Would it be alright if I paid her to let me smell her farts?
Many Kahos.
>when Mafayu bends over the table and we get a good idea of her S-Rank ass game
No. Not at all. I have a monopoly on them.
I want Kaho to pee into my mouth while she plays games!
I wanna be demeaning towards Mafuyu and treat her like the true JS that she is
I want to buy her a happy meal.
>this entire exchange
These two dorks are so cute.
This would backfire.
Kaho is a fat dork!
Why is this so cute?
>weeaboo and westaboo
Truly made for each other.
Optic blast
Is the show actually mastered at anything higher?
hell yeah
>she sees your foreign cock
quick qeustion is it a boy in girls clothes or no.
I can't stop smiling when I watch this show. I feel like human garbage for liking it. What is wrong with me?
I've been fapping to it a lot more than I expected to.
Do NOT lewd the Kaho.
>muh dik
But she's the one I fap to the most.
How can I not fap to her when she makes noises like she does in that scene?
>still no SURPRISE
These crimes are unforgivable. Spoiler me mangafags, how much longer must we suffer?
Miu looks like her pee tastes the best.
Is this some DV?
Dropped like a hot coal
this show has cute girls, but the joke setups are so one dimensional. the only thing this show has going for it are the cute girls. but the production values are severely lacking and worst of all the main male lead is annoying as fuck. terrible VA choice on top of that. i want to punch the screen whenever he talks. the green haired guy isn't bad though. this show isn't as good as www.working.
Of course not, he's an idiot.
the only thing this beta orbiter is made for is getting cucked by latino's when maika makes a trip to mexico
>the main male lead is annoying as fuck
yes please bring back the unassertive japanese lead without a personality
It's impossible to choose between Mafuyu's perflat and Kaho's Kahos. How did they nail these designs so well?
Dino's VA oozes personality though, he could say anything and it'd be entertaining
Kaho the best!
>skin indentation
I want to taste Kaho's cute butthole!
It's because the manga art is so fucking cute.
Guess which one is 720 and which is 1080
using imgur because 4MB limit
I agree. I really dislike him.
exaggerated gaijin lisp is undeniably the worst trope in anime. plus the only thing this guy oozes is vaguely homosexual fuccboi vibes. i guess if you find that entertaining, good for you
I wish I was that pillow.
then again, imgur automatically converts to jpg. Turns out it doesn't matter because there's no difference anyway
MC is a fucking doormat and a masochist. His behaviour is borderline creepy (hiring a child as a pretense to dating her?). How is he even remotely alpha-chadding?
something weird going on with that right foot of hers
>How is he even remotely alpha-chadding?
>hiring a child as a pretense to dating her
Please spoil me if they become a couple at the end aaaa
I'm sure it'll happen one day.
that's not alpha, you fucking omega turd
>you will never be Kaho's body pillow
Manager is a paisano
For an Italian like me, he is truly /my guy/
well those were your words not mine, a typical japanese protagonist doesn't make any moves at all and takes 12 episodes to even admit he likes someone (if it happens at all)
Why is Aika looks like Chiya?
acting like a desperate creep is not alpha. that is what was obviously implied by my original post. as should be obvious to anyone who knows what being alpha actually is. MC hasn't made any "moves" by any stretch. he's done the exact opposite by being a pedantic creep.
I'm just hoping the show doesn't pretty much drop most of its SoL or comedy moments for the last couple episodes to focus on a romance like Servant x Service or similar shows.
user that's racist.
also she's into gween tee
if you're attractive then acting like a creep is 'alpha'