I want to try Mugino's cooking.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to learn the recipe to bake lolis
When will the last VO character be revealed?
Early Tuesday, around 3AM eastern.
Misaka a best.
>Baka-tsuki's twitter updates for the first time in 10 days with the translations in that time
>Only one of them wasn't done by js06 and it was the size of an afterword
Othinus soon. Thanks.
Misaki a pile of shit
>Othinus in mobage
what if she really has the 50/50 gimmick
You can't nerf or say she's broken then. Though I wonder if LoG Othinus would be boss only.
Absolutely, there's no way to make that work well while having it be accurate, you'd have to manage to stun her before she throws it or else you're fucked because it won't miss
>Othinus fight
>has a separate bar for when she's about to toss and fuck everything up
>goes down faster and stops the throw if you hit her while she's doing it
>but if she throws anyways the game just goes to the next level
>near impossible to actually beat her
>Baka-tsuki's twitter updates
Baka-tsuki's don't use much twitter
they use discord.
or secretclub
If you look at the full list of daily changes on BT, you'll see that for the most part, the site is pretty dead. Not just translations, but edits too.
And yet their servers are still fucked
I want to delete Will.exe from the Imoutos
Poor Hamazura having to eat drugged food everyday and being unknowingly raped by Mugino.
You just gotta find a girl and put a bun in her oven
Is Salai still virgin?
She is underage.
That doesn't answer the question
Figure out yourself.
I can't understand you if you're using incomplete sentences user.
Probably yes.
Saiai seems like the type to experiment honestly.
is saiai nmost pointless in item
Go to bed
What the fuck is that bulge, is she wearing diapers?
No ITEM is pointless except Frenda.
Puffy vulva.
Mugino is pretty as hell.
Honestly, I wish she was Touma's Level 5 friend, even if she is a crazy, murdering psychopath.
What Raildex character do you feel does not get enough love (if you like this character) or hate (if you dislike them) here? Why do you feel this way?
>inb4 the first 5 replies are characters we do discuss to death here
If you just HAVE to say a character we talk about a lot, please give a good reason
>no reason
>not even answering the love/hate question
Lazy fuck
Lessar. Her character archetype (pragmatic seductress) is a little overdone, but she's still hilarious. And besides they barely touched on her powers
Why is raildex so unpopular now
I'm assuming you'd like her to get more love?
Faggots can't be bothered to read 42 novels+spinoffs just to be "qualified" to discuss anything
I wish that I am in Japan right now.
>playing through volume 6
Why are the witch mobs so strong? That bubble attack they do does more damage than any of sherry or ellis's attacks.
Yeah. And I wish Kamachi would give us more info on Birdway. We barely know anything about her. Stiyl is also great.
Why you miss it?
Shutaura. I like her design (improved Fukiyose), flashy powers, and she's pretty competent but still has a lot of room to grow. Post-Endymion Shutaura would easily be able to carry her own spinoff.
What order do I watch the anime in?
>Shutaura and Arisa combined
>Shutaura now have big tits
>she essentially looks like Fukiyose now.
Airing order retard
but tfw no forehead
post gay
But unlike Fukiyose, a combined Shutaura/Arisa would have a lot more things going for her than just being a walking pair of tits.
>Personality traits of both girls so she's well rounded
>Arisa's singing ability
>Shutaura's leadership and fighting skills
>Less certain, but might still retain the miracle ability
Index S1 then Railgun S1 then Index S2 then Railgun S2.
Stop posting this shit.
What exactly is this? I know it is a map of raildex locations but is it part of some treasure hunt or larger event?
>those face
What went wrong
The maiden of Versailles
The other members of othinus gremlin
Most of the male characters
Thanks that isn't helpful at all.
It's mostly likely treasure hunts to clear the goal of the event.
Definitely Fraulein. She's quite useful and probably the most chill person in Academy City.
Thank you, it is a treasure hunt going on in Tachikawa.
How big this city? Tachikawa? Tokyo?
I too like long pig dishes.
>can assimilate any information she sees or eats
>can eat aim beings
Fuck Mikoto, coronzon should be possessing her
>possibly a Germanic subhuman
I want to punch her.
I wonder who is behind this post
>yfw Misaki became a more prominent female representative of the science side than Kuroko or even Saten
No, you don't.
Tachikawa is a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis, in the central KantÅ region of Japan.
total area was 24.36 square kilometres (9.41 sq mi).
Since 2011 for Toaru promotion She (Tachikawa) often call by Academy City
Kamachi lived there for sure
What's the best way to get your ordinary resistance and magic resistance stat up? Does anyone know what cards do that (either the ones that you put on individual characters or the camera roll cards). I'm a while a way from unlocking a new slot but I noticed those two stats were low compared to my other stats.
As the person above said it is a part of the Tokyo Metropolis and in the book it is the setting for Academy City. The anime and manga they take the real life locations and use them as backgrounds for the show.
Kamikoto is good for the heart
She's going to her heart crushed.
Not for the hearts of denialfags.
Yes, she will. She will still end up winning at the end of the series.
Denialfags as in those who deny the obviously incoming rejection?
Is there anything that feels better than punching girls?
She won't, but continue continue to invest your fragile little feelings into her winning. It will be glorious when she does not.
Idol Accel chapter 17
Thank you!
Based as fuck, just in time to save us from the shitposting that was about to start.
Denialfags as in those who deny the obviously incoming Kamikoto. You are free to continue denying though, it will be fucking glorious when you get BTFO.
Shut the fuck up with your fanfiction, retard, and read the idol manga or fuck off and push out a turd elsewhere
Nah, for awhile she been built up as the main girl she will probably suffer as much as Touma has heartbreak is likely. But by the end of the series it will work out for her.
>already this mad about the truth
Now I want Mikoto to win even more.
Mugino is the sex.