Waiting for the Translator of classroom of the elite

Other urls found in this thread:


Kei a shit.

I hate keifags but kys.

translator said he dropped it

No he did not.

>mediocre 11 episodes
>decent final episode

Season 2 when?

Grey Hat here. I like Kei, but love Horikita more.

>I hate keifag

Fuck off Whorikitafag. Kei a best.

He gonna open a new thread thats what he say

It must be sakura airi because ayanokoji didnt use her to be a pawn.

Both Keifags and Kei are a mistake.

Is this the waiting room?

Sage this shit. Just let translate user start the thread and ignore the shitposter. You are not better than the shitposter if you continuously reply him or mention him

>more different IP's than when user was translating
It's so obvious the shitposter is phoneposting and samefagging


The thread wasn't that ded and slow. We had more than a dozen posters the time user had been translating for an hour.

I was checking that thread and it managed to have 10 different posters by the time he had been dumping for almost 2 hours.
This thread, however, without a proper name, the first post/shitpost was less than 2 minutes apart from the OP. Just don't bump this thread and let the user start a new one, sage exists for a reason

Let's do a poll for your favorite girl then in this series.

It was slow because translate user created his thread in the middle of late night, I think it was 2-3 hours before EST's early morning time. But not that ded and slow. checking back, it took a bit more than an hour to have a about a dozen posters. Also, my sage is on, brah.

Anyone have the link to the pastebin i missed part 3


Agreed. Let this thread die. It's already been plagued by the shitposter.

>Ichinosefag didn't sage
>Ichinose jumped from 3 to 11 within mins

It's because I posted a picture of Ichinose, people must have realized she is the best.

>obvious jest to hide a lie
>still didn't sage

I don't know what you mean by sage sorry.

Jesus. Wasted time spent playing with his phone.

Neo-Sup Forums.

.t waifufag in damage control
tinfoil much?

Why is she so beautiful here?

Okay, David here. What do you want?