the japanese chipmunk stuffs her face with nuts for the upcoming winter
The japanese chipmunk stuffs her face with nuts for the upcoming winter
What sort of nuts, user?
I can't help but feel disgust at the sight of this leech girl.
she can suck me anytime
She'd bleed you dry if given the chance.
That was the plan
What is this creature?
Haemadipsa Sagirius
deez nuts
Season 2 when?
This show was borderline mediocre. Why did you make me watch this shit Sup Forums?
As if you'd have anything better to do with your time
e-celeb shit belongs on Sup Forums.
>a well rounded critical look into a work is e-celeb shit
Newfriends use the word well-rounded so easily.
And cuntfriends act like cunts easily?
No. That is a miracle of the universe.
Even I wouldn't eat this imouto's panties.
Yes, that's what they have to do to survive.
Stop lewding the Sagiri.
She looks CUTE! Cute!
Wait, that's not how you bap your imouto!
my wife is so cute
>Season 2 when?
Next year I hope.
I want to see the battle between Eromanga-sensei OG and Eromanga-sensei Greato animated
anime peaked this year
This show is trash and so are you for liking it.
JC cunny really the best.
I like the 14 year olds myself. The perfect balance of both worlds.
This really is the worst franchise ever. Every adventure following the """Hikikomori""" Imouto and her cuck brother is a vehicle for tasteless and brainless scenes.
Name (1) thing you learned about manga in this piece of trash you call Anime.
Why would you even expect to learn something about Manga in this title?
Or is she thinking about having multiple dicks in her mouth?
Because it has manga in the title it has to be about manga?
Sagiri is the cutest and I want to work hard during daytime so I can go back home and tenderly make love to her at night.
It's literally about manga authors. But actually it's not. That is only a vehicle for trash and otaku bait.
See my post.
Basically, yes
thx for the (you), pleb
Eromanga is just her pen name. The series has to do more with LNs than manga.
You don't learn anything about LNs either
inb4 "I can write one LN in one day, ecks dee"
You're still retarded.
You don't learn how to drive a car from watching racing shows either.
Still a better show than this season's imouto show
this post was worded intentionally and deliberately
The best imouto show of our time. Better than oreimo, better than yns and koi kaze. Better than them all.
Sagiri is truly amazing.
She's like 12. What is wrong with Japan?
it's a drawing
A cute one.
Excuse me sir but you seem to be displaying a pattern of behaviour that is very common amongst people not well versed on anime/manga and Japanese culture, might I suggest that you lurk a while before posting on this board and perhaps watch a few more shows while you're at it to get more well versed on this subject.
Sexy 12 year old.