Is there a greater anime than Monster ?
Is there a greater anime than Monster ?
Move aside
Na-Nani ? What is this ?
A masterpiece
Now there's a show that needs some surgery.
That's not even the best Urasawa adptation
bait thread, i can't believe ppl are still responding to this same thread starter
Bait ? I legit want to watch something better than Monster, that was the best fucking anime ever. The drawings the music the story the characters the voices the countries the plot the thenes FuuuuuARK
Try Boku no Pico, OP. It's great, much better than Monster.
No thanks Im not into anime that are THAT deep
anally deep that is
cuz that shit is gay
It was needlessly animated. Would have been far greater as a TV show or a movie trilogy. The series is not the proper platform for what anime is capable of.
I strongly disagree. It was very captivating, I devoured the episodes like they werent shit
Good show, unfortunately it's the poster boy for ""overrated"" shows here for some reason. Stupid memers.
ghost hound
Sopranons and The Wire
great writing, atmosphere, characters etc, but it was really slow-paced at times and the animation was nothing special either
still a solid 9/10
I mean, it's a good comedy but come the fuck on
Only a few dozen
Just finished it yesterday and it was really good, but definitely not perfect. I wouldn't say it's the best but still probably in top 10