Does Sup Forums like old ladies?
Does Sup Forums like old ladies?
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Only the ones that are lolis.
JB is everything wrong with that image. She's even making Asako worse by putting her in a style that doesn't suit her.
only if they're pure
they are pure, baka user
i only like older ladies
I see them as the love interest material nowadays.
That depends, how old we talkin about? Not a twelve year old, or someone thirty and up?
Sawako isn't old.
Anything above 12 is old and above 18 is ancient.
See when you say old ladies to me that means literal actual grannies and I'm not into that. I am however into women around my own age.
I want a cake for christmas
Anything above 6 is old and above 12 is ancient.
>come for sensei
>no sensei
>leave thread
pic related isnt even sensei
Dick tells me otherwise. My dick listens to her. Why would my dick listen to a woman if she wasn't a teacher?
then post what you've got
Mature women are great.
Why are bookworm cakes always the best?
Yeah buddy
Not old enough.
I have a version without English subs, I wish I could understand the menus.
Yes. I like ladies around 20.
>also meant Older ladies
>Office ladies
When was the last time a cake won in anime or manga this decade?
Happoubi Jin needs to draw more cakes.
When are we getting a series about cake professional medic who longs to return home to her younger househusband and the meals, footrubs and cuddles she desires when returning home?
I gotchu senpai!
what eroge is this user?
>Kawaii Joushi o Komaresetai
>Sensei Lock-on
>Yakumo-san wa Edzuke ga Shitai
Admittedly in all three cases the cake had no competition. I also guess the last example technically isn't a cake due to being a widow.
The cake also sort of won in Garden of Words. Though we may have to wait for Shinkai's next movie for conformation, which is very possible given that Yukino-san made a cameo in Kimi no Na Wa.
This art looks familiar. Is it Innocent Grey?
Bishoujo Mangekyou 4.
thanks user
She doesn't look well...
Remember to take your medicine anons
Scanlations when?
Some unsafe work images later
I want to read that vn only for her. Its work the time?
Of course.
>cake mangaka is a lewd cake
There's no better combination then that goddamn. Just look at those puppies.
Older anime ladies are supposed to around my age, so they're not older at all anymore.
I think it's Caucasus something.
Caucasus ~Nanatsuki no Nie~
No english patch
>No english patch.
Cant find the sauce
Yeah it is, look at the other replies to OP for the name.
Yeah :L It sucks, I want to go through all of InnoGrey's shit, but a lot of it ain't translated :(
Anime "Old ladies" look the same as anime 20 year old women, so yes.
>tfw when I'm in my 30's and thus older than most cakes in anime nowadays
>tfw going to die before VR gets advanced enough to get me inside the body of a 16 year old self insert in a pure relationship with his cake sensei
>you will never annoy your pretty boss
>you will never welcome Sawa-chan home after a hard day at school
>you will never share the meal you made
>you will never crack open some beer and listen to her unload about her day
>you will never laugh at her latest 'stupid Yui' jokes
>you will never decide to go out, even though it's a weeknight
>you will never watch her squeeze into her old punk rock outfits
>you will never take her to a concert
>you will never watch her headbang with abandon in the front row
>you will never walk home with her as she gushes about the band
>you will never make sloppy drunken love
>you will never cuddle and hold hands after sex
>you will never listen to her confide her fears about getting older
>you will never fall asleep with Sawa-chan in your arms
>you will never wake up the next morning to see Sawa-chan scurrying out the door because she's late for class.... again
*You will never fuck your pretty boss
Older women don't complain nearly as much or want as much, God I wish I could be in a relationship with one.
>You will never fuck anyone
Stop crushing my dreams user
Actually funny thing is 3 days ago I could have but refused because I had accounting work to do for Exam Prep. Life is funny.
Hey if she offered it up once she'll do it again.
Yeah, they're fun.
Basically they're the only one's that can handle my massive cock LOL.
i'm serious...
>used goods
Hell no.
>You will never fall in love with a virgin neet cake desperate for affection
>download the latest fakku batch
>browse all the files one by one
>if the girl is high school age it gets deleted immediately
anybody else do this?
This triggers me.
I just want to be an older woman's toy.