>isekai anime/manga
>everyone speaks Japanese for some reason
Isekai anime/manga
Jojo has taught me that Japanese is the universal language.
Autism thread?
Autism thread.
>manga set in japan
>everybody looks like westerners
>Science fiction show.
>everyone speaks English for some reason.
>what is suspension of disbelief
teen thread
>dogeza is a recognizable form of apology
this should be less of a thing
>Anime set in 1970s Japanese high school gets dubbed
>Everybody speaks English like an American
>But keep the honorifics
>manga has a human cast of characters
>everyone has freakishly large eyes and no nose
>show based in the far future
>niggers still exist
>show based in the far future
>wh*tes still exist
>show based in the far future
>humans still exist
>some sort of conflict or battle that determines the fate of the world
>takes place exclusively in Japan
All the important people in the said fight are students of the same high school.
>student in school looks like a 30 year old
>Protagonist is the weakest
>But is actually the strongest
>plot hinting at this ship
>it's actually just an ntr trap
>show set in Japan
>all the characters are also Japanese
>no Japanese is to be seen in every user interface
>not thinking that English will replace every other language in the next 100 years.
Dude, Africa's whole population will double by 2050, it's a miracle that white people would exist in the future, though I suppose anime characters look white enough to
English is more known but knowledge of the Japanese / Chinese / Korea language is more valuable
>it's a miracle white people would exist in the future
The ant collective weighs at least a thousand times more than the human one, and you think this makes a difference?
What a terrible world it would be. Written English is fine, but it sounds like shit.
>sci-fi show
>people don't have Babel fish as universal translators
Nah that's just cultural enrichment, senpai.
>language eliminated entirely
>people communicate by sending their thoughts and intentions
A man of culture.
>C'est the true cultural enrichment, fampai
Anyone remember that bit in Jormungand where koko said japanese was essential to her busniess as an international arms dealer?
Fucking lol. And that one JSDF guy they had to crowbar in there.
>historical show
>somehow a camera exists to record the anime footage
>anime/manga about humans
>they never seem to piss or shit
>parents in almost every SoL neglect their children
>anime about cute japanese girls
>they never have periods
What's up with this fixation with anal in the last few years?
Shiburin charges extra to fuck her pussy.
Keep your fucking jewish cuck fetishes out of my anime thank you
Wait, they wouldn't be able to read what's on her shirt if she's facing away from them.
>>people communicate by sending their thoughts and intentions
>Not communicating by dancing.
Really? Because most of those hentai pics with the sign saying prices have anal being the most expensive of the 3.
>characters have western names and are clearly foreigners
>still speak japanese
>Communicating by dancing
>Not having cute lolis translate what you say into the language of dance
>into the language of pole dance
Wait, are you assuming these niggers could read to begin with?
This image is a trick, it didn't matter at all what was writen on her shirt, niggers would still nig.
>foreigner character
>they hire an actual native speaker
>characters are clearly American or British
>speak engrish
!... It must be... AN ENEMY ST--
>--To Be Continued --
Anime girls are perfect creatures unlike 3d pigs who bleed every month and brag about it while spraying their gross pussy blood on the wall
>Needing a 3rd party
>Not already being the cute loli
Westerners have a thing for being able to speak multiple languages unlike the nips.
>Not being a cute loli while you make another cute loli dance for you
>draw a girl
>who is actually a boy
>acting like a girl
>while claiming to be a boy
>showing way to much affection towards the male MC
From where is this?
>Japanese / Chinese / Korea language is more valuable
That's fucking bullshit. Asian here, out of the 3 Chinese is the only real useful one that can rival English. The other 2 are useless outside of the one fucking country they are used in. (North Korea doesn't count)
>Draw a girl
>Who is a boy
>But is actually just a dumb girl who believes to be a boy
>Science fiction show
>everyone speaks English for some reason
This. also, English is a coarse language for business, due to it's German roots. In all honesty, Japanese sounds kind of rough too. If there ever is a global language, I would rather it be a romance language, like French or second, Spanish (I don't speak French, but I like the idea of everyone speaking a language made specifically to whisper sweet things in girl's ears)
Shame that Chinese (and Korean) sounds like shit.
Whatever happend to this trash novel by the way?
Did anyone win?
t.someone who's never heard actual french or spanish
>Did anyone win?
You are looking at her.
French people spit out phlegms every time they try to pronounce French R.
*Where is this from?
If you're an ESL peasant, you shouldn't post at all.
>Anime in general
>Everybody looks like westerners
But in the end they broke up since he had erectile dysfunction.
The tru winners were the yurifags and their lesbian ship.
>everyone speaks English
>media created by Japanese speaker for Japanese speakers
>comparing an 8/10 foreigner with a 1/10 nip
>Example furthest to the left doesn't fit it's own picked models
it does actually
>that is 8/10
>that is 1/10
You need to get your shit checked son.
ITS FUCKING MAGIC JUST PRETEND THAT THEY HAVE MAGIC TRANSLATION MAGIC JESUS FUCK YOU. It's even more forgivable if the MCs can't actually read the alphabet of isekai land and thus can't write or read due to the magic only working on spoken word.
>Red line doesn't hit 3D girl's chin
>Red line does hit 2D girl's chin
A 0/10 rating seems a bit harsh, innit?
>Draw a girl
>Who is actually a girl
>Pretending to be a boy
>While claiming to be a boy
Reverse Traps are dumb
Sorry, in the post-colonial world English belongs to everyone. There is no wrong way of speaking English, only different variations. Enjoy having your mother's tongue get raped, you deserve it for being an anglo.
Some isekais attempt to explain how it works. In Overlord, a player conveniently used a world item that made universal translation a reality.
It's escapist wish fulfillment for Japanese 13 year olds why do you pay any attention to this garbage
>still no slut isekai as an elf and enjoy orc gangrape
Wow, it's really nice of him to give her a leg massage like that.
By 2050, Africa will be colonised by China.
Blacks will go the way of the native Americans.
Translated for the convenience of the reader
>Continent with African AND Chinese people
Just bomb the entire place and put it out of its misery.
In Gundam they're all canonically speaking English, with all the signs being in English and background dialogue being in English.
>Satoshi Kon made anime.
>People look Japanese.
> character is half japanese and half other race
> looks entirely like the other race and not a bit japanese
>Character has unusual hair
>The school society does not exile the freakish outsider
Some shows have characters that are actually speaking english like But it's a japanese show and they have to speak japanese regardless.
Is the "other race" some bug-eyed, huge forehead,near non-existent nose,sharp-chinned alien humanoid? Because 99% of anime characters cannot be identified as a particular race through facial features alone, and only through skin and hair color. You're deluded if you think "anime characters have western features!". They have exaggerated baby features so they can be "cute" or "attractive".
Google it yourself, retard
Doesn't give any relevant results, edgelord.
>Globalists want us all to speak the same language
Calm the fuck down, tumblr.
Alright, Skully, calm down.
Stupid japs. Why didn't they just check her pussy hair to confirm her natural hair color?
would you rather have them sone kind of machine that translated everything perfectly? fucking ass.
It literally does
>all characters have white features
>when actual foreigner shows up, always has blonde hair blue eyes or a comically large nose even though ching chongs are the ones with flat nigger noses
>love interest is a blonde haired blue eyed tsundere
>mom is always the foreigner
>dad is always the jap
my almonds are churning
my brainmatter is activating
>Only pick the uglies for one side
>Only pick the pretties for one side