Monogatari best girl

Well, it seems Shinobu is the only and first girl that Araragi kissed willingly. Also, we've never seen Araragi and Senjougahara kissing...
I wonder where this is going...

Other urls found in this thread:



>best girl
>can't keep up with MC's conversation when 90% of the series is conversation-centric
She's not terrible or anything but comparitively she's one of worst girls in this specific series.

In general the series is at it's best when Nisio isn't trying to shove romance down your throat too which doesn't do her any favors, since there's nothing else to her character.

Fuck off. Also, they definitely kiss.

>I wonder where this is going...
Nowhere. Shinobu is best girl and is the main romantic focus of the series from MC's point of view, but it's literally going nowhere.
Her arcs are great and interesting though. Waiting impatiently for Monster Season.

>they definitely kiss
You talking about crab and rrgi?
Nope. Not one scene in the series. And if you're like "uhhh it's clear that they already kissed and fucked off camera lol" the same, and most likely even fucking more, can be said about bat too.

Did we read the same series? Is this some sort of advanced bait where you make up complaints about things that never happened?

Well, almost everything Araragi talks with her is about Oddities...

I'm about 99% sure there's a scene between them when she texts him and says she's addicted to his french kisses.