>try to rewatch Cardcaptor Sakura after like 15 years
>was a kid back when I first watched it, can barely remember any of it
>can't get used to the art style, hurts my eyes
>despite being able to stomach shit like Tokyo Mew Mew from start to finish, I can't shake the feeling that I'm watching a bad kids show
What the hell's happened to my taste? CCS is supposed to be good, right? Does it not get good until a few episodes in or something? I feel like I've just walked into another Monster of the Week show.

CCS is one of the most over rated animes. It’s not bad it’s just boring and nothing happens.

>>can't get used to the art style, hurts my eyes

I liked it at first but then it just started feeling dull. I think I dropped it around episode 16.

What a piece of shit you are, OP.

I just watched it for Shaoran and Toyota, Sakura is annoying

>Does it not get good until a few episodes in or something?
Somehow I get the feeling you haven't actually watched CCS at all.

the art direction is one of the few good points of the show. if you don't like it don't force yourself. basically, decide things for yourself and don't make threads for this shit

It looks like you've caught a case of being a fag. I'm sorry but it's terminal and there is no known cure at this time.

Sounds like you became a faggot. I was in your position and only recently watched it fully last year and thought it was great.

>there are people in this world who will never be able to appreciate the true beauty of CCS
How I pity them.

>disliking Sakura
I know the majority of Sup Forums has shit taste but it never crosses my mind how absurd someone can really be. How do you even live? Or breathe?

There's nothing to like unless you're a lolicon.

If you absolutely must come here please at the very least stay in your Dragon Ball/JoJo/Naruto containment generals.

CCS is literally the greatest anime ever made.

>Somehow I get the feeling you haven't actually watched CCS at all.
Shit, you caught me.

I actually have watched all of the episodes and at least one of the movies (I remember one set in China and one about The Nothing, but I can't remember if they were the same films or not), but watching a few clips on YouTube was all that inspired me to post this thread.

>Sakura is the first girl to not only defeat the cock, she tamed it like a champ




I've watched it fully for the first time as an adult (I knew of it when I was a child but at the time I thought it was a bad Sailor Moon copy Now I think CCS is the superior one) and I loved it so much every now and then I still rewatch my favourite scenes when I need a pick me up, so yeah you just have shit taste.


What were you expecting from a little girls show exactly?



I liked her OP3 one best.

>He doesn’t think CCS is quality

Fuck this faggot, post cute Sakuras


It does start a bit slow, it doesnt truly take off until halfway through. But hating the artstyle? No excuse for that.

I loved it at first for the 10/10 visuals but it started becoming hard to watch around the time Meilin was introduced. Now at episode 50 and just forcing myself through the rest


OwO what's this ?

too much bloat, amerifats were right to chop out some of the filler

The Sakura crane is the absolute best crane. Madoka is shit, both the character and the show.

A 10-year-old girl on her way back from the store to buy ingredients for a delicious Japanese dish, who bumped into her brother while thinking about her brother’s dreamy best friend

>doesn't like best girl Meilin
Maybe you should just read the manga, I prefer the anime but it's more or less the same story just more condensed and no Meilin.

At least we all agree that Syaoran was our first husbando

I don't hate Mdoka but I do think it's incredibly overrated. Mahou shoujo is one of my fav anime genre and after watching dozens of shows within it, I will say that CCS is miles above the rest, with Sailor Moon getting an honorable mention for fantastic characterization and filler that actually contributes to the overall experience.


Opinion on Tokyo Mew Mew?

Unfortunately, I cannot give you one. I watched it on TV when I was younger, but that was so long ago I don't feel like I'm qualified to really give any opinions on it. I've been meaning to rewatch it for some time but I just haven't gotten around to it. Now that you've reminded me I might go do that, though.

It's a show for children. The art is still gorgeous, though.

Needs a new, uncut dub


I remember being pissed as a kid that they never finished it in English (totally oblivious to how awful 4kids were at the time)

no you just grew up , the show was fucking terrible and children don't care for the artstyle

What about Shugo Chara? I've had that one in mind for a while.