Dragon maid

Why did it flop?

Why didn't it flop?

The only thing it flopped was my dick out of my pants.

Because it wasn't another pandering highschool drama. Instead it was pandering light ecchi.

The source material is so bad, even Kyoani can't improve it enough to make it at least decent. They need to stuck to their own LN masterpieces.

It wasn't backed by Netflix.

they didn't show lewd loli enough

Kanna no Nichijou is actually pretty cute.

>LN masterpieces

Not enough robots

Why was this even drawn?

It's a pretty shit show, it's just popular amongst the new wave of ironic weeaboos for some reason
Would be better if they droped the wierd ass dragon aspect and just made them normal girls

Because it was shit.


it's like they tried to blend together many themes that could carry a decent show by themselves, but none of them was explored enough to make it interesting.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dragon Maid.

>starts the high IQ meme
>can't even post the full version of it
So this is the power of Sup Forums.

It wasn't handled by Dogakobo

Its a SoL bud. Either you think the dragons and the situations are cute or funny, or you dont. But if you can point out how it's shit other than 'i dont like it' that would interesting.

Is it yuri?

Shit anatomy, those tits looks like my grandma's

I don't know anymore, but it has yuri relationships on it.

That's good anatomy. If it was bad her tits would be floating.

two maids, going at it.

it did fine. by your standards, the only shit that doesn't flop each season is idolshit