Not-Comiket episode this week. Are you ready for Chink KanaHana?
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I guess not.
I'm ready for more best girl.
Everyone really dropped this, huh.
The characters, especially the mc, are cute but the story/setting seem super generic. I feel like I've seen this a thousand times, and it isn't told in an interesting way either.
>tfw the subs is one hour late than previous episodes for me now because Daylight Saving ended
We've been though this countless times, this show needs a decently high power level to be properly enjoyed. You can't expect that out of the current Sup Forums.
I'll watch it but later
I still wonder why this is set in 2016. Did they finish the production last year but decided to air it now or something?
It's 9 AM (EST) on a Sunday, a good portion of the board is still asleep.
It´s all part of THE PLOTWIST, believe me.
As much as I wanted it to happen, I doubt this anime is competent enough to pull that off.
I mean the chances are this was in the backburner of production even last year so it's only natural that the script and shit like that references anime last year.
> Earth is about to be destroyed and they are all ignoring it.
> Pink trapped them all in a timeloop and delete her own memories,
> Idolfag was actually Guillotine gorila all along.
We can add more.
>Minoa's memories of the old anime she used to watch actually contains a super secret government code
>Her friends are actually the government aide, secretly playing pretend as highschoolers and involve her in an anime club to help her remember the code
>Only hardsubbed version is available for today episode at the moment on CR
>Minoa's memories of the old anime she used to watch are actually memories of a past life and she was reincarnated as a high school student
>all of the other anime club members are reincarnations of a royal order from the past life tasked to protect her
>KaiKai isn't a true chuuni because he actually had magical powers before
Subs when.
Something is going to happen with her father. Really wonder if he is a huge anime fan too.
Subs are already out. Just watched episode 5 with subs.
Malware-free subs.
just use a hd streaming site. voila you can now watch it until "real" subs come out.
What is your point? The quality is the exact same.
Either you want to watch it or you stay a crying little bitch with your learned helplessness.
>The quality is the exact same.
Unironically get your eyes checked dude, I'm serious.
>the quality is the exact same
I for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords!
Haoliners are not cool though.
>learned helplessness
Says the guy who uses streams.
>that screenshot
>The quality is the exact same
But Crunchyroll is streaming too!
Yes, and?
Haoliners has nothing to do with this one. Animagetari is funded by China Film Company, wich is communist party controlled goverment subsidiadery under authority of Chinese censorship agency SARFT. CFC funneled money through JY publisher.
Chinese character appearing this episode is their demand too.
I never said they do, I'm just saying that Haoliners will always be shit in my eyes.
My power level is still low but I still enjoy it
I'm just watching it for the cosplay gyaru and megane-tits.
Thank you China for funding fun shows.
This is the same as CR investing in production and having their character thrown in. Animegataris isn't created by or for chinks, so can we stop pushing this meme now?
Softsub when?
Except it is.
No it isn't.
As soon as chinks get involved creatively, everything goes to shit. That's what seperates Animgataris from the other trash mentioned in that interview. Money is money, whether it comes from JYA, crunchyroll, or Aniplex.
Japanese dub for Hitori no shita S2 when?
Japanese studios paying Korean and Chinese to anime doesnt that make anime korean/chinese. Similarly Chinks paying Japs to animete, doesnt make it Japanese.
China is the biggest force in production commity, and that what matters.
Also they are doing it not just "for fun". They are both creating own IPs to show on domesic Chinese markets (as its better than buying japanese ones), and also actually train chinese staff and animators to be able eventually to produce own anime. Degree of cooperation matters, from litterally sending animators to Japan, to the opposite - japanese cooperating with Chinese studios. Animegatari is not a sole project too, but one in the row of already in production or planned. It also explicitely stated that the anime is crafted foremost to appeal to Chinese market.
Well, it's like when US distributors were part of the production commitees of anime back in the anime bubble era.
Instead of getting the oversea licenses it was just plain easier to be part of the production.
>as soon as chinks get involved creatively, everything goes to shit
Don't you mean americans? I have seen a couple of chink anime, this one included, and they are not shit from a creative standpoint.
>even Umaru got HS subs before Animegataris
Well fuck.
>replying to bait
Try not taking it and just post screens from the hardsub.
You're comparing gook slave labor doing inbetweens to the entire senior creative staff being japanese.
This is a small studio getting chinese money to make something they like, with a few bones thrown to the chinese distribution company for the deal to go through. JYA isn't animating this. They got involved in the production stage, meaning "we want a chinese character" and "we want this, this, and this included somewhere in the story". Then the japanese animation studio with its japanese staff write, direct, animate, and voice the show.
But what about the beret
>Hoashi Keigo
Wait, what? Seriously? I guess now i understand why music during the Haruhi reference was way too similar to an actual Haruhi music. Wouldn't be surprised if he asked Satoru Kosaki himself to arrange that piece.
At least the Chinese girl looks cuter than the Americans from last episode I guess.
> Minoa is actually an old woman who is the federation comander in the fight against the aliens.
>She falls in coma in an attack, and it´s conected to a machine that makes her reviver her young happy days to retrieve the codes only she knows.
>In reality, everyone she loved is already dead and she went mind of steel route.
All the chikshit I've tried to watch has been abysmal from basically every standpoint. Most of them were knock-offs of Japanese series, like Fate.
Taiwan has made a couple of fun things, but mainland China is garbage.
Why the shots of the MCs athlete friend just before the OP every episode? I don't understand!
Too deep for you
Theres King`s Avatar
Well I do want to get deep inside her
She is a time traveller
>Yang Beibei
>HS won't be out until CR put softsubbed version
>No rips of the hardsubbed version
>character says "Good work."
>translated as "Exhausting, huh?"
Why you do this?!
Well shit, not even erai raws?Welp.
>[DefinitelyNotMe] Animegataris - 05 VOSTFR [1080p]
Not me. No reason for me to drop it yet.
The show needs more of her.
I hope you know french.
I do.
Its not as batshit insane with plot like Nyaruko, nor does it have a lot of obscure references so autists could dig into them. And saying its carried by the characters and their shenanigans would be a joke.
I doubt even the target audience (witch is clearly newfags) would be fascinated by the pop culture callbacks thrown in its face.
French you say?
And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady
That looks unreadable enough to be french, yeah.
The target audience is newfags but it looks like every newfag dropped it already.
I never picked it up.
What are you waiting for then?
Sell it to me.
That will be $35 plus tip.
Episode is up on CR. Is HS bot not working?
It just didn't catch fire.
Seriously though, waiting for subs. I could watch it raw, but I don't really want to because I'm lazy, and ohys rips suck.
Just wait for the third episode. It'll catch fire for sure.
Dragon Ball, Ranma and Kinnikuman lol
anime nerds make an anime club
read the thread
>not even Erai-raws is out
What the fuck
I am sure its Hokuto No Ken and not Kinnikuman
No, but I'm not especially eager to watch each new episode.
Say whatever you want, but Animegataris has been the only good comedy centered around a bunch of idiots becoming friends in a non action/non sports club since Konobi and that was a year ago.
God, I really miss that trend.
The chinese are stealing our women.
Konobi wasn’t an anime club nor was it good.
>reading comprehension
>shit taste
Minoa is so popular between girls
this show is close to a yuri serie
she is Minoa love interested thought
Left OR Right?
>light tan
>that soft expression
Right is literally perfect.
No thanks.
Is this what an average american high schooler look like?