
so is this the usual Nihei sleeper hit or just a huge flop? because I don't see a single thread about it here.

Go to bed, Nihei.

People only cared for Sidonia because of waifus and shitposting, its better this way, do you expect any decent discussion on Sup Forums or even /m/? It also doesn't help that no one is translating it and we have to depend on official translations for it

I like it though

Fuck off to your Weekly Shonen jump manga generals.

Stop making a daily general threads making this manga go down the "WHERE'S THE KOREAN RAWS" "WHENS THE SUMMARY LEAKS" way of Sup Forums manga discussion threads.

There's a discussion every time Young Magazine japanese raw is publicly available or when Sup Forums releases their manga rip of the english official manga. Japanese raws is fucking hard to find

Sidoniafags dropped Nihei works or killed themselves after Sidonia ended, and the pre-Sidonia fans don't like it because the art is radically different compared to his former works.
Aposimz is in a weird limbo in where nobody really likes it for what it is.

>Nihei is working again

Holy shit what? I thought he'd been defeated by his family, like Mizukami

Is it me or didn't Nihei used to have a lot more diversity in his character designs during his Blame! and Biomega days? This looks like someone made a new comic out of Sidonia clip art

he succumbed to moe

It seems his quality dropped a lot after he went digital.

His new artstyle is boring

This. His daughter ended up killing sidonia and probably all his future works.

Is Abara a good read?

One of his best works, and basically his art peaked at that moment.

We live in dark times

But Blame Gakuen was legit good.

That silicon girl was a cutie

>nobody really likes it for what it is
Then, what the hell is it? I've read what's been published, and I couldn't tell you. Beyond "bad".

>pre-Sidonia fans don't like it because the art is radically different compared to his former works.
>Aposimz is in a weird limbo in where nobody really likes it for what it is.
You don't get to speak for me nigger

You know in retrospect I think that Biomega may have been the lowkey best Nihei manga, like new fans will flock to Sidonia and old fans will swear by Blame but I think that Biomega had both incredible art and a more developed story line overall, I think I need to reread it again.

First half of Biomega is literally perfect.

>lets call it Aposimz because in Murrica dolls are for icky girls
Country of Dolls has a neat setting, but the actual story has been a boring tokusatsu so far. Fight, transform, recharge, repeat. Maybe once they go to the core things will change a bit.

>Country of Dolls has a neat setting
The one-shot was better, imho.

Because >muh backgrounds
Apparently having a panel be 90% black is better than 90% white.

Only Titania was doing the transforming, so yeah, that was better.

Oh, a Nihei thread. I wanted to post this for a bit now.

I decided to read Great Sky River since it was mentioned as one of Nihei's influences for Blame.
Holy fucking shit. Blame is not a carbon copy of it, but Nihei straight out took a lot of elements from it, including even names.
The book literally starts with "Killeen was walking among the ruins, climbing atop toppled columns, broken walls and furniture".

That book is essentially about a tribe similar to Electric Fishermen, who are all cybernetically augmented, and are fighting a losing battle on a planet overrun by sentient machines.
Off the top of my head, manga borrows the following elements:
- Names - Killeen (Killy), Shibo (Cibo, but original Japanese literally reads シボ - Shibo), Sanhakan (Sanakan), Nialdi (present in Biomega).
- Shibo having some expertise in technology.
- Shibo and Killeen sticking together a third into the book.
- Character use of technology they don't understand and can't replicate due to their devolution.
- Augmented eyes that can analyze stuff and display info as a sort of HUD - with symbols that characters can't even read due to illiteracy
- Access jacks on parts of the body - including a scene where a character plugs wires to their temple to control external tech, like a binoculars for enhanced vision.
- A greater entity that appears seemingly from thin air to communicate cryptic information as a way to direct characters
- Machines being a huge threat to humans, extermination of organic on sight
- Machines transforming the planet to suit their needs, disregarding men
- Humans are quite a lot taller than we are used to, like that area of the city Cibo is from
And etc, etc, etc.

And that's just one book that is listed as influence. There are some others, as I recall - Fearsum Endgin is one of them.

Neat, have to read it now.

I think that names are fair game for reuse. Names are disposable; it doesn't really matter what you call a character.

Most of the rest of those things are extremely common sci-fi/cyberpunk tropes, themes or ideas that were present in fiction long before Great Sky River. Neuromancer was published ~4 years before Great Sky River, and it's got more than half of those things. And that's just one book from the genre. So, I don't think that it's unreasonable to say that Nihei didn't take too much more from Great Sky River than the names.

Well, I'm not saying that Benford invented these things. But there so many ideas and plot devices that are very similar in both book and manga, that it's clearly evident that the book was the main source of inspiration.
I'm not saying this is bad, just pretty interesting.

I recall Nihei saying in an interview that Blame was a means of self-expression for him, so I don't think he aimed for something original in the first place.

Fearsum endnjinn is listed as one of nihei's references on the publicly released and commercially released Nihei's bbok blame and so on. Why are you starting a flame war?

I stopped giving a shit after SnK ending.


I was saying that it's not as if Nihei was parroting one particular work. He was inspired by cyberpunk stuff and Metabolism.

Can we read this anywhere without paying waifu dorrars?

No. Fuck off.

Should have been more than namedropping another seed ship from Sidonia for the hook, only to have adventures with a boring human gauna hybrid on a bland ass snow planet

It's a fantastic book, I hope more people pick it up because of Blame. The tone and setting are very similar to Nihei, but the story went in a direction I wasn't expecting - Kileen and Killy are very different characters.

Feersum Endjinn is also great.

It's you.

>I thought he'd been defeated by his family, like Mizukami

Nihei should do a Dungeon Meshi clone with Blame! characters



it his best work

i would suck some dick so it can get a adaptation

produce by Production I.G, directed by Oshii

Yea, it even has body horror closer to the end. Pretty interesting stuff.
The previous two books had too much stuff mixed together for my taste though.


>Seu waking up after being healed is almost a 1:1 copy of Feersum Endjinn's prologue


The first third of the story, definitely. The moment the world worm appeared, everything started going to shit.

Can you just jump into Great Sky River without having read the first 2 books?

It starts a new story with new characters, so yes. Previous books establish the setting though - organics versus machines on a galactic level, with the idea of utter human insignificance. And there are a few references to previous books/characters, but they are not too important to the plot.

I might have to give it a read then at some point

Its from around when Kanata is discovered

Tfw Nihei changed his art style because his kid didn't like it.

I honestly don't like the character designs. The setting seems fun but we only ever see the bland surface of their planet. Aposimz just feels kind of mediocre in every category.

Biomega is a true masterpiece of art. Shame the story made no sense and went nowhere.

The manga is fine, but it has osme issues. For starters, the setting is basically a planet covered in ice, so there's not much going on with the backgrounds plenty of times.
Adding to that, the manga is more of less dominated by white. It makes the frames stand out more, but it also makes everything else blend together, so to speak.

I really hate that everything is just fucking white and gray. I feel like the people and objects/buildings should've been darker to make them stand out more. Like you said everything just blends together

The toku armour isn't doing it for me. OG black gauna were better. I'm still annoyed that Nihei is apparently allergic to solid lines, and I have absolutely no faith in him as a storyteller. Overall, eh.

I like the toku armor but I think it's just the way Nihei colors/shades everything now that the designs don't pop anymore


Why does Nihei hate using black so much now?

Man I hope Vertical will do a release of Abara. Also according to him he changed his entire art style because his kid didn't like

>the story went in a direction I wasn't expecting

There's also that part in Blame where the Fishermen harvest Cibo's data after she dies hacking the builder, similar to how the Bishops acquire Aspects from their dead.

Was it his daughter? She said papa your manga are boring you should make more cool stuff like Attack on the Eotenas.

What a little shit. She ruined a master. Just imagine what his art would be like if he still drew the Biomega/Abara style but with years of improvement.

because digital

That was after Biomega though. That's why his entire art style changed for Sidonia

It's pretty damn terrible unfortunately.

Hoestly, I think that's a problem with his new artstyle in general. I believe he still hasn't found a way to make the most important things in a panel stand out, and make panels dynamic.
Pic related is a fairly crude/skewed example (the level of destruction isn't comparable, for instance, and one comes from the fist chapter of Aposimz, while the other is the ending of Seu's and Mensab's arc), but still, the second image is much more dynamic, in my opinion. In Aposimz, the room's falling apart, and it's as if there's no weight to those chunks of ice, they more or less just fade in the white.

It's really sad he went from making amazing panels to what he's at now. If I was his editor I would've slapped this man the first time he brought me drafts for Sidonia


This image depresses the hell out of me. I wonder if it's a digital vs. hand-drawn issue or if he's lost his passion.

This, basically: >what the hell is it? I've read what's been published, and I couldn't tell you. Beyond "bad".

It lacks any defining features besides superhero powers and dolls. It's like Nihei took his 2 favorite things and started writing without any other ideas.

You know, I actually liked the first volume of Sidonia because it retained a lot of mystery and horror and every social interaction was uncomfortable without being awkward, like there was something fundamentally wrong with Sidonia's society. Then Tsumugi happened.

Check out the top-left and bottom-left panels in this old comparison. The composition and use of lighting was actually pretty good.

My love of Nihei resides mostly in my memories at this point

Mind you, it is a fairly example, I didn't have a lot of material available to make it. , for instance, is a fairly good example of Nihei's new style. At least in the early chapters, he seemed to experiment more, and it looked fine. I think he just got lazier as time went by. At the end of the day, digital art isn't inherently bad, but you need to use it well in order to make it shine.

Same for me, to be honest.

I mean what about Mizukami, not Nihei

I don't care if it's a meme to hate Sidonia now, volumes 1-10 of the manga are still a 9/10 in my mind.
Even the lackluster ending doesn't do much to ruin the overall story. It remains the best thing Nihei's done after Blame.

you guys are too harsh on Nihei, let him experiment with whatever he wants, if it fails than that's it, it failed, better luck next time.

I just want what's best for Nihei. He can't be trusted to decide for himself anymore.

user pls

>if it fails than that's it, it failed, better luck next time
Not that easy in this kind of industry, one bad manga and that could cost you your whole career. Then Nihei would have to go back to being an architect, and I don't know if he was good at being one, to begin with.

He wasn't an architect. He dropped out of architectural degree course, then worked at a construction company.

Oh well, he is basically fucked if his career as a mangaka don't go well after this.

I like all of Nihei's stuff, Aposimz included. Though I'll admit Aposimz is lacking some direction.

It's literally the same but on the other side of the tone spectrum. And his humans are better than they've ever been.

Smoogi ruined Sidnoa

Take that back fucker.

I wish Nihei would go back to his Biomega days. Team Kanoe vs the world was the best shit ever.
And then Nihei changed his style and everyone faces began to melt. The horror.

Nihei ruined Smoogi

It's the little details, man.

Smoogy rekt shipperfags

I just wish he'd do more low-key, abstract stuff like that one chapter of BLAME. We don't need nuclear explosions and life-or-death situations in every single chapter.





What we really need is some shading.
It would improve his work by 200%

I still like his designs. But his artwork really declined.

This. Just look at Fucking awful.

I'm just about done reading BLAME and there's one thing that really bothers me. And that is the scale of the environments Killy's been travelling. They're all so fucking huge it's impossible to imagine any sort of place that can have this much shit stacked on top of each other and still support any sort of human life.