Could have easily solo'd the entire arc if she went serious

>could have easily solo'd the entire arc if she went serious
>didn't because ????

Someone explain this.

>I play on easy mode
Fuck off.

Would you?

Because she wants to be a cute little girl.

>user could easily have a university degree and making 500k per year
>doesn't because ????
Sometimes people just want to have fun.

>500k per year
lol @ you moneylet

protip: invest in crypto

>Be a cute loli
>Or be and solo the arc
which would you choose?

buy high sell low right

Same reason why this girl triggers Sup Forums pedophiles and cause them to mass report a thread because their insecurities.

Only spics are triggered by that.

Her motherly instincts kicked in when she saw Gon and Killua eating shit. Not sure why she didn't fight Genthru though, i think it was he thought Gon was the leader of the group or something.

Gon wanted to fight Genthru so her and Killua made a plan for Gon to beat him.

>a teacher soloing her trainees training ark
I heard about a kid which parents used to eat his desserts as a punishment in front of him, it's probably was you all along.

Oh right, i remember now.
Which reminds me of how crazy that fight was. I miss Gon's batshit antics.

>why should she?

no applause; just money

>gon probably won't do batshit things anymore

>2011 Biskue
In the trash it goes.

I miss the brief time she looked like an Okage Shadow King character in the manga.

You mean this design? A shame it didn't stick.

because her goal was to win the game? duh?

I was thinking of this, but that works too

How the fuck would she have gotten through the dodgeball game by herself you retards

because it's far more interesting to read countless pages of worthless and boring explanations than watching an actual fight of course !

this. i'm an adhd riddled child

>has to post fanart since OVAs are shit
Sasuga nostalgiafags.

Every Bisky is perfect you tasteless plebeian

I started with '11 before jumping ship to '99. Try again.

She's a treasure hunter.
Not some criminal hunter.

>could have easily solo'd the entire arc if she went serious
No retard. First, she is not good at games.
Also, they needed tons of players to face Razor, who is quite strong by himself. How could she have soloed anything?

/threading your own post should be bannable.

Don't forget the game was full of gank squads who could basically steal all your shit just with spell cards.

>he invests in crypto

A fool and his money are soon parted.