Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to the beach tomorrow.
Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to the beach tomorrow.
Other urls found in this thread:
Threadly reminder
Try and stop me.
No extra chromosome F1, no problem.
Wow, so little difference, so much worse.
Fucking Totty, worst Matsu.
They really pushing the odd combos.
please stop bumping with images, just let the thread a natural death if you can't come up with something to talk about.
Wish that would happen to so many other threads.
We can't have nice things.
New episode today or tomorrow?
Tomorrow. The new episode (or at least the first half of it) looks to be promising, too.
Thanks, see you next thread then!
You’re In The Club And This Guy Slaps Your Ass. What Do You Do?
They look like they have himecuts.
Next episode's a bust, I see.
I would run
I don't think he'd have the guts to even go into the club in the first place. Poor guy would get overwhelmed in a few seconds and/or kicked out.
Slap his.
We need more Totoko episodes, maybe it'll turn this community straight
Seeing the kind of person she's been established as, it would take a lot of work to have people swoon over her.
What would you call all the female fans who self-insert and ship themselves with the matsus, user?
That's what the Matsus are for.
Girlymatsu F6 when?
daily reminder that choromatsu is a shit and the worst matsu
He spends all day trying to hit on girls but is too shy to even talk to them. How hopeless can he be?
I feel like this images fits well with the show and how people treat some of the matsu.
Is unpopular cat Choromatsu? Because only like the two Chorofags care about that guy.
Take two shitty AUs and combine them? Brilliant.
Girlymatsus aren't just genderbended versions anyways. I'm not really sure the point of them, their personalities are so different from the original characters. They even work and everything. Todo and Choro make the most sense, since idol otaku to fujoshi is a reasonable leap, and Totty's basic either way. But what the fuck were they thinking with Kara and Juicy? I'd love a normal genderbend, but not an F6 on.
The matsus aren't the same, though. They have different physical features and completely different personalities
Hopelessly adorable, that's what.
This is the closest I have seen. I really wish they have Choroko have her hair down for once then a shitty bun.
One of my few problems with the anime is that they often use the same face for background characters. It really kills the whole "sextuplet" vibe when nearly every "cute" girl is generically cute.
I'm a drawfag so I'm a bit of a snob about this stuff anyway.
The girlymatsu are meant as a genderbend based on trope type aswell. And I think they gave them hobbies and jobs because having that and still being unable to hold down a man makes them as pathetic as the male versions are. It's all gotta do with the culture.
Are you new to anime? Everyone always has the same face. I get confused by anime fans who tell me they can't tell the sextuplets appart. I think they're more distinct from each other than, say, the girls from Zetsubou-sensei. It's just that character in other shows are differentiated with their hair, where the sextuplets are differentiated by their facial expressions.
I want a magical girl episode.
It makes no sense that Todoko would be unable to get a boyfriend. She's just a basic bitch the same as any other. Maybe her standards are just too high.
Nah Religionmatsu or Yokai should happen first.
Attractiveness ranking:
Karako > Osoko > Todoko > Ichiko > Choroko > Jyushiko
Eat shit Choroko is great.
Those will never happen because they don't make for good gags. Besides, religionmatsu is 100% fan-generated. If it happened in the show it would probably be something more like the demonpriests from hesowars, but that's still highly unlikely.
Of course I'm not. I can tell the sextuplets apart fine. But the whole gimmick of them being sextuplets is weakened when the one-off characters look so similar. I'm not talking about the brothers' appearances at all.
I'm not such a fan of those youkai designs, they're a bit too detailed (especially for animation) and in Hesowars' story for the event, the brothers were just posessed by random youkai. In the original poster of the bros as youkai, that's what they'd actually be.
She looks like hot garbage in that image. She suffers from the same ugliness problem as her male counterpart: chiefly tiny pupils and longface. Fanart doesn't count since they'll draw her off model to make her cuter.
Karako can look pretty bad when her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail, but give her some fringe of face-framing pieces and she's a hottie.
From what I remember they all have problems.
Oso- Tries too hard
Kara- Smells like shit
Choro- Fujo
Ichi- Bad breath
Jyushi- Terrible fashion style while faking crying
Todo- Puts up an act and uses people
They can all get men, it's just none of them can keep em due to their apparent personality flaws.
I have seen perfection and this is what it looks like.
I think ichiko has more working against her then her breath.
I watched episode 1 which was garbage and then immediately went to /y/ because I've lost control of my life. My impression from strictly r-18 material is that the purple and blue boys are premium S tier goods, and everyone else is just broken and busted D- tier.
Episode 1 was the worst episode. So I can understand why people wouldn't get much into the show.
Damn, that first shot of Oso dry riding Choro is hot as fuck. Can I get more shit like this, preferably with a better boy involved?
Which Matsu would you let destroy your life financially?
Like a good friend, you're there. Keep up the good work.
you can just color the sweatshirt purple
In the /y/ thread there is an image of Jyushi grinding on Ichi.
Ichi or Choro seem like they wouldn't totally abuse you for financial benefit. Oso would probably be the worst since he is a know gambler who takes his brothers wallets.
Why is he like this?
>not liking superior gyaru Jyushiko
Shit taste
Is this the cutest official art of the Matsus? I haven't found anything that tops this image yet.
Its okay, but I remember liking the one where they are lying down for cherry blossom viewing.
Karako doesn't bathe properly or change her clothes.
Karako probably smells like the kind of people you find in a Walmart
Damn, Karako must be depressed as fuck, how can she exercise so much when she's like that
Out of curiosity, does anyone know what that rope like bell thing is called around Jyuushimatsu's neck/back? I see it on dogs and fox characters a lot and I've always wanted to know what the actually word for it was.
I can't settle on just one, but I think all of the brothers look adorable in this one. Plus it's so sunny and cheerful. Now when I look at it I think of the third ED.
I've been trying to figure out what the word for that thing is for ages.
I thought they were just ornaments to help protect shit from evil.
they are obi made with shimenawa ropes I believe, a Shinto thing
>My impression from strictly r-18 material is that the purple and blue boys are premium S tier goods, and everyone else is just broken and busted D- tier.
You got the first part right, but the red one is at least an A-. The yellow is degenerate so he should register as at least a B. He’s held back by his childish personality, but he’s filthy on the inside.
you mean this
Why is Choromatsu so cute? He's such a shit character, yet he looks so adorable, it isn't fair.
why do you hate the green bean?
He is the most caring brother despite how much his brothers shit on him.
This is the cutest image set I've ever seen and I think everyone else needs to see it too.
it's a combination of the blush and the triangle mouth. people who say he's ugly don't know what they're talking about.
Poor Kara
Do you guys ever think about how Iyami tried to murder 10 year old Osomatsu in cold blood.
No but tell me more.
Sometimes. Usually though, I think about how 10 year old Choromatsu made out with a dirty old man and enjoyed it.
Why does he wear the cone?
The world isn't ready.
>Chibita saved Osomatsu's life by making his candle longer
That's adorable. I mean he did kill everyone on accident at the end but still.
Jesus Christ Iyami's a fucking asshole.
Yeah that should be news to no one.
Do you ever think about that time when Osomatsu left to live with another family and Choromatsu became a physically abusive dictator of the house?
This week went surprisingly fast, can't believe matsu mondays only an hour away