Buy figures and post them here!
Buyfag Thread
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Reminder to read the guide newfriends
I got this while I was in Akihabara for four bucks. I wasn't able to find Mio or Yuuko.
Walking around the figure stores was pretty funny, I remember hearing some other mom-aged foreigner say she thought that it would be like a toy store for kids.
This thread is already cancerous as fuck
The thread died moments after posting this
Green or purple?
>This thread is already cancerous as fuck
Dont shitpost pls
Post plastic butts
Good morning buyfriends!
And a doubly good morning to all the Dakimakura owners who got to wake next to the smiling face of their Waifu!
>Found /ss/ user a nice 1st print artbook for 20 bucks
>Its might be 300 dollaroos out there
Uh oh, what should I do? Is there a more reliable way to check prices than amazon for rare merc?
I hope you die painfully OP.
I was hoping your thread would die before some retard posted on it, since it was already on page 7, but it can't be helped at all.
I own like eleven dakis but I don't actually sleep with them anymore. It just gets way too hot where I live hugging a full-body pillow at night.
Stay on topic
fuck yourself with your shit taste, troll
>taking your bait
where's the puking dog user
porkshitters should be gassed.
This is what the top feminine form looks like. It's just a shame it's made by UC.
Thats a pretty good feminine form but I still like mine a bit bigger (though not by much)
fucking gross. why isn't there are containment board for your kind?
I feel like UC is the devil trying to persuade us with their juicy prototypes, only to drive us into despair with the final product.
I really like that Sonico, but not exactly because of her, but the guitar and amp. Are there any other sets with both a guitar and amp? Or is there any set of accesories that includes a cool guitar?
What's with these pathetic porkfags lately? I'm starting to feel they are even worse than fujoshits because of their 24/7 spamming. Ban these fucks already.
There's like one or maybe two that insist in their disgusting lard girls that nobody likes. When will they learn?
Fat is disgusting, attractive girls can't look fat like that. Look at pic related. That's what an attractive girl looks like
Trolls on Sup Forums? Well I never...
would like descriptions or names of figures being posted.
many are very nice
would like to shop around
use the guide
>would like to shop around
Use the guide then:
Just reverse image search it and you'll probably get the name.
That doesn't always work unfortunately. I just put the name of the character in the filename so whoever wants to know can just search for it on MFC.
Porkchop barely even has a tummy
She is not disgusting
Are there any flexible proxy services that would be willing to ship directly from YAJ to a location within japan, or at least ship withing japan? I only knew one that might've been able to do this but they closed down years ago.
She's absolute trash.
Doesn't FromJapan do this?
When I tried to calculate the estimate they didn't even offer japan as a shipping location so I don't think so.
Why would you do that though?
Try zenmarket.
Is this going to be the best A18 scale out there when released?
I don't see 18 when I see that scale.
I find myself getting more excited for this to bin or plummet on the aftermarket by the day.
Aren't they slow as fuck? I'd need somebody who could get this done quickly.
I'll ask them.
I want to ship a booklet to a scanning service in japan.
I still like the second one better, but will still get this one anyway.
If the image is just ripped from somewhere it does work.
Pose looks off without the hat.
Put in a little effort of your own if you really want them.
Search by tags on MFC.
I have an active order on FJ, so I went to the shipping instruction page, and Japan is an option for the destination country. There is also this note at the bottom regarding shipping to a Japan address:
>* If an item is specified to send to a Japan local address, members are required to pay 8% of the total charges as an additioanl fee.
Just when I think they haven't done a button straining figure yet, this pops up (heh).
It kinda makes sense, like her hand is mid-wave.
She just needs something in her hand. I wonder if Asmo's dicksicle would work?
I like her pose and how her hat's falling off.
Have there been any issues since the Scat incident? I'm cautiously optimistic.
Anyone bought the e2046 recast? I'm thinking in getting it.
Looks nice, but I don't like her stomach.
if you see a new pork thread, just make another thread using a current prototype picture. everyone will post it in instead.
it reminds you of porkchops stomach right?
New Five Star Stories
Alter or even GSC Sailor Moon never ever
they probably wont make much more than what is preordered
Niku figure when?
What's your favorite im@s scale?
Which is why I mentioned the aftermarket. One way or another can't see this not warming shelves when it releases almost two years after the show aired.
Cocoa came out recently and seemed fine apart from a few issues with the basket being fragile.
Arisu followed by the newish Rika fig.
I imagine they would do the other two main characters before trying a side character.
>A bitch fatter than porkchop getting a figure
Lets hope not
user that wanted to see the Dumpire prize fig from like 2 weeks ago, sorry about the wait. Work on the house took longer than expected.
Turns out I hadn't even opened the box. Here's your pics. And yes, she has pure white panties, nothing special.
I'm really looking forward to Sachiko coming this December which will definitely not be delayed.
it was me, thank you
Well Zenmarket said no. FJ seems kinda expensive for something that only costs 16 yen. I asked white rabbit too so here's hoping, but if not I guess I'll have to suck it up and use FJ.
Anything to get a high quality scan of my waifu.
ZM explicitly says they don't ship to locations within Japan
So, she will get delayed, right? Less then month left. Shipping will hit theeze pockets hard af
>pochaco op
>remfags that talk like wiggers
checks out
purple. green looks disgusting
>So, she will get delayed, right?
I don't have her ordered, but how so?
No worries my dude
why not
Bandai has the license under stranglehold.
Why did it have to be a Gothicmade?
Where would i go to buy prepainted kits? I want that nudist beach one, but i cant paint. Do you guys just look through yahoo auctions? I cant read nippon tho.
Couldn't resist her. I need a giant cuddly dumb cat.
e2046 has the gathering line, but their don't really look that good after painted.
Yahoo auctions has some guys selling painted kits too. You don't have to know japanese. Just use google translate.
>which will definitely not be delayed
where can you find this? i can only find the season 1 version.
Don't put Succubus next to that thing. I don't want to be associated with your kind.
nevermind, i found it.
theres actually alot of songs i didnt expect that would be in these
I want to buy figure from USA based online stores. Any website suggestions?
Half tempted to buy her
There's a list here:
>I want to buy figure from USA based online stores
So you want to get raped by middlemen, ok
>I want to buy figure from USA based online stores.
Why would you want to do that?
They should've been more audacious with these lingeries. Grampa-underwear colors aren't sexy.
there should be an user that paints them for us desu. He can get paid in (you)s !
> Grampa
They went with the venus cover colors, which are not particularly bad. Except for mikan, that yellow is terrible.
Still, I think Momo is by far the best from the set, followed by Mea, the rest are just not my cup of tea, form bad colors to flat faces to weird crotches.
oh wow. Grandma.
Gramps wearing lingerie would be quite the weird sight!
why would you wanna do that?
every store i check thats located in the US bolsters the price up substantially
Guess 1:
Retard living with his parents and trying to spend his allowance
Guess 2:
Underaged faggot with no way to pay besides local transfer or deposit
Cheap as chips, you may as well.
Anyone ever bought a bootleg? Let's see it if you did. I'm tempted as fuck to get the Android 18 Megahouse bootleg because it's actually pretty legit.
Check on Mandarake, Melonbooks, and MFC
>because it's actually pretty legit
Yeah no