ITT: Moments when it's ok to cry
ITT: Moments when it's ok to cry
because you will go to jail
Only in the bathroom or in Daddy's arms.
clannad spoilers
i can't believe hikari is fucking dead
Gets me every time.
>My daughter has a fever
>I know I'll take her out into a blizzard
I couldn't be sad Clannadman is an idiot. Train Scene however is another story
9/11 memorial service
I recognize the hat of that girl from Digimon, but I don't know what moment is this supposed to be.
fuck you ;_;
Remember that clannadman had quit his job to look after Ushio, there was a shot of him looking in the fridge and it was virtually empty and when he stands up he has trouble finding his balance implying that he hadn't been eating so that Ushio could eat.
After Ushio dies Tomoya also collapses (and dies) out of a combination of shock and malnutrition so it could easily be argued that they weren't the actions of a sane man, it's also true that Ushio was dressed in full winter clothes so she didn't die of exposure, she died of a fever that was going to kill her anyway
>Dressed in winter clothing
>So she didn't die
No her face was still exposed and the body still needs to up the heat at the cold sensation of cold. Clannadman killed Ushio
>butterfly starts playing
Holy shit only trying to remember the scene gets me emotional.
Holy feels
If that triggers you I don't even know what say.
So how was the recent Digimon?
It wasn't a huge tearjerker because of how brief it was but damn it sure stung.
tell me that you love me
It's the final scene of digimon adventure. Sadly if you are american you probably don't get it because they changed the song to some dumb shit. Here's the american version next to the japanese one
Not murrican, just didn't remember her hat flying off.
I cried at both
Dub is sadder imo. Digimon's dub was really well done
How could they get all the other seasons so wrong?
After all these years I still have to understand why that hit me so much.
Probably something like "peace and happiness are not for you, so put your warface back on"
when hina gets bullied
I didn't drop a single tear up until the very last scene
This or Bang.
seen it 10 times, cried literally every time
The VHS killed me
I was sobbing
SSR manga spoiler.
God damnit don't do this to me
That early 2000s children anime where some monster turned into a stone shaped like a mushroom. No idea what the show was called.
>ywn have Ed as friend
Ugly faggots
Clannadman was aware that Ushio would die any second now, and chose to let her outside to at least make her happy before death.
Also Clannadman and Ushio probably hadn't eaten much considering all they had left was water
how dare you?
I was sad the first time, but after the second time I realized everything was the fucking brothers fault and was too angry to ever be sad again
You know I always thought we'd end up together
>absolutely no build up to it and literally like 3 instances of foreshadow
>let's make the reveal a twist
>for no reason
>literally contributes nothing to the series.
>Completely undermines what little message the show had left and it is now "lel fucking cope with my death hurrr" instead
Cried at how poorly the movie was put together? Me too
This was such a good anime. And I think it aired just before Japan got hit by the major earthquake.
I can't believe Battler is fucking dead
What anime is this?
there's a button with this exact label
What you talking about? I'm using my phone.
The dude just wanted a family.
That's beyond fucked up.
>crying to SAO
When Baku dies in Monster Rancher?
>grown man
Grow up
Gamboru no subarashi sekai
Both are good. Digimon was a really, really good show.
that's pink Aoi
>the second she touches him and she has a flashback of EVERYTHING he did for her + the music
Breaks me EVERY rewatch...I'm even about to cry now.
>almost commit mass genocide
>got a fucking waifu
The ending was such an asspull.
da fuq
t. speedreader
Pussy OP
You should switch out the music for the ending theme of Portal 1. That would be more fitting.
not Sup Forums
>Japanese manga not allowed on Sup Forums
>This or Bang.
You are like a little baby. Watch this:
God damn I expected a miracle to happen.
What is more sad: to see a good person get fucked over by the universe, or to see someone destroy their own chances at happiness with their personality defects?
And so ended one of the best rivalries.
Yep, that one
Good person getting fucked by the universe is a good example
The latter but with a moment of retrospect of how they fucked everything. Nothing's more hurtful than regret.
I got really sad at the end of this movie. It's like watching someone crash their own car into a tree in slow motion and you can't do anything to stop them. It's a weird sort of existential crisis to watch someone condemn themselves to eternal damnation to help out someone else, even if that help is misguided.
It's raining is the only time I've come close but man was I close
source me up lad
This movie is what made Madoka my favorite anime of all time.
At the end of the movie, Homura became the Nietzschean Übermensch.
That is why it is abstract, because no one is able to concretely say what that actually means.
This had me broken for a week when it aired.
>At the end of the movie, Homura became the Nietzschean Übermensch.
dude buzzwords lmao
Less than a month until I get to start weeping again.
You expect me to explain what this means?
That's not a buzzword, it is the actual plot of the movie.
Let me phrase it this way, as both works are written by Gen:
The thing that Kiritsugu wanted to have from the holly grail in Fate/Zero,
THAT is what Homura got in the end of Rebellion. Kiritsugu could not formulate his wish, and so couldn't Gen, but what she got is meant to be exactly that.
RIP Jotaro's BFF
i knew it was coming but the tears would just not stop
i cried for everyone that died but avdol hit me the hardest.