What does Sup Forums think of Blade of the Immortal...

What does Sup Forums think of Blade of the Immortal? I just saw the live action version by Takashi Miike last night and it was fucking awesome.

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samura better stick to guro

Samura draws guro?

Better than Vagabond

nigga just google his name and click pictures link

Debatable. Both are great.

Blade of the Immortal has a far worse start but ends up getting much better.

The prison arc alone is better than the best point of Vagabond - Kojiro's childhood arc.

But the best point of Vagabond is the Yoshioka War arc.

Rin a CUTE!

Is there a version that's not flipped or had the panels rearranged?

Is this an x ray of what I think it is?

Thoroughly enjoyed it. The timeskip ending was perfect level of bittersweet for me.

>Blade of the Immortal
That's a really lame title who translated that? it should be The Dweller of infinity or The Inhabitant of infinity

No, thank Dark Horse for that trash

It was the title they came up with in the original localization and it just kinda stuck. Samura approved the title though.

At least they cut each panel out so that they weren't flipped, you can't say that Dark Horse didn't care at all. I'd assume they were required to localize it left to right because they're a comic book company and manga wasn't really as big a deal in the mid-90s when they started localizing Blade of the Immortal.

Beautiful art and paneling. Mediocre story. If this was drawn by other mangaka during its run in 90s it would have been axed before vol 3.


This is how it's translated in French. It sounds lame as fuck.

Same translation in Brazil.
A deluxe edition is being released now.
The first regular release was incomplete.

The French version is not flipped no rearranged, but it streamlined dialogues so everyone speak the same way, which makes it duller than the English ver.

So basically someone needs to edit the dialogue of the English version into the French version?

>Better than Vagabond
What kind of supreme shit taste?

That'd be the best version ever.