Hero Academia

Tabe should've been a girl.

Just try to prove me wrong.

>just try to prove me wrong
Here's a question: How can you be proven right?
If it can't be proven right it's automatically wrong.

sh-shut up
you're just angry because I'm right and you know it

Naw uh

Yuh uh

Best boy

>Hurr Durr why didn't Izuku stay quirkless? Le gadget master!

Explain how Deku was supposed to defeat Muscular at summer camp after being caught completely off guard by a villain attack?

Do you remember the special and superpowered children in Akira? Do you Eri? Do you remember that Horikoshi is an Akirafag? What if we soon find out that the government hides dozens of children just like her? Or what if at the end of the arc she gets out of control and we have an armageddon?

Deku vs. Todoroki would have sucked if he went with the batman thing.


He would have simply pulled icyhot-kryptonite out of his utility belt.

Probably, and that's why it would have sucked.

I'm right there with you, that sort of bullshit and making other (better) heroes job just so they don't lose is why the likes of Batman and Punisher suck.

Every characters should be a girl. Only XX chromosomes whould be able to have quirks.

Anyone have the All Might X-ray moves webm?

I'm pretty sure that manga has been done a thousand times before.

Highschool/Academy full of superpowered girls who are all inexplicably attracted to one bland milksop of a Japanese protagonist that is entirely lacking of powers but attends this all-girl school anyway for reasons.

And Deku is a rare quirkless girl. Fixed.

I love Deku.

>no eugenics
sounds like shit

They should have brought Shinsou this arc

and Deku loves All Might

We all do.



Stop your faggotry, nobody cares.
Also, you have shit taste

Sorry the title is Boku no Hero Academia, not Bocu no Pico

Why do people still ship this it's dead as fuck.

Me too

Overhaul would’ve bullshitted his way out of the mind control like Deku did

this bitch always has the most tasteful of sideboobs



Please, don't...

Delete it! Now!



I'm getting some mixed signals, lads

If there was an completely awkward, yet absurdally powerfull quirk, what would that be?

the ability to replace people's torsos with cheese wheels

Unlimited Diahrrea

Intelligence drain from a distance, especially if it's AoE
With any luck you only affect your target, but fuck it up and your entire team turns into drooling morons as well

i posted it already
>Ability to cause diarrrhea just by looking at a person


But All Might already has Eraserhead



Stop this. All Might is not for sexual and neither is Eraserhead

>goes to UA
>delays exams by forcing teachers into constant diarrhea

So a guy in a store doesn't know name of a doll, and he is bound to be a criminal? What an asspull.

"Steel Hair-muscles"
A mutation type quirk.
The person has a secondary set of "muscles" that can come out from his skin. When the person lets out the "muscles" from his/her head it looks like hair.
Its not made out of steel, it just looks like steel, and in fact its properties are closer to kevlar, but the person can still move it.

>female tabe
>every date is a dinner date
>whenever you end up getting her steamed you make up for it with a big meal
>sex is always either you covering yourself in food or her drinking literal gallons of cum



I think he was checking to see if he was a criminal because of his rude behavior. It's kinda dumb, but it's also funny, as I think it's supposed to be a joke on Sir

But he was male in Barrage too.

Why would you make up an example so easily answered? Nighteye was specifically following him because they had ID'ed the shaggy motherfucker as one of the yakuza underlings and used it as an excuse to get up in his business to use his quirk on him.

>gets mad over one todomomo pic
>says nothing about AM x Deku pics

Left or right?

That and that


i fucking burst out laughing

One of those was me user.

None of them

Who is she with?

right you tit


Left, but I prefer Ochako

>not including funny tabs


Team up with left, kidnap and enslave right, make left transform into right and have sex with transformed left while right watches.

Ibara is not a lesbian though. She's too holy and pure

I like your thinking

Excuse me, what?
And that's why this is an asspull. What if in an hour he would be killing someone? So much for Sir's discretion.
Are you saying that this is the guy, who sold stimulating drugs to those giants and a guy with little blades? Bullshit, they didn't ID'ed the guy, little blades wouldn't talk.

>Admitting his retarded ship is as bad as meme All Might x Deku pics

Ibara will fuck whoever and whatever Master tells her to.

THAT'S RIGHT! They are for cute comfy romance and cuddles.

>that pic
did Todo eat Deku?

You have your digestive system in the left part of your chest?

That's personal information I'd prefer to keep to myself, thank you

When Deku will be the become Boku no hero academia?

Kaminari, did you fry your brain again?


Are you retarded?

this gave me a stroke

Why does Tumblr fuck up the skin colour of characters?

get off my computer please

Tumblr fucks up everything.

What's her deal?

Sorry for the character on pic not from MHA


It's only the beginning.

Spoiler alert
>Shinsou will be there at every future arc
>Every little shit bullshits his way out of his mind control.

To counter the gay vibes from Mirio and Amakiji.
Hori should have made one of them a girl instead.


There would still be gay vibes.


Bakufags BEGONE



When ichigo became the bleach(never) or when luffy finds the one piece