Takahashi is a god
Dragon Ball Super
Let's take a quick look at the new fighter through Goku's eyes.
Why can't Super use Takahashi's style by default?
Why do we have to be stuck with Yamamuro's shit?
Like, Yamamuro's style isn't even bad by itself but it pales in comparision to pic related, it also feels like it's making all the animators not giving it their all.
Yamamuro needs to fucking go and be replaced by based Takahashi. Fuck the whole ''hurr durr gotta respect the older generations hurrrr'' retarded Japanese mentality.
Previously broly kale withstood SSB's kamehameha like it was nothing. Now Super Saiyan Red is wiping both of their asses. What headcannon can we apply? Zenkai boost for Goku, or did Kale lose power when she came in control
ohh so that's it, seriosuly the animation upgrade caught me off guard.
some movie QUALITY moments at the start
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so is base kafla stronger than base vegito?
Who can beat Ultra Instinct Shaggy [Spanish Version]?
Kek, I understand it.
Is getting 1M views from normalfags not enough for you? You still want to spam this video? Fuck off and kill yourself.
Caulicucks BTFO
Everytime I watch a new episode, I just jump straight to the end of the OP. Since when has there been a small segment of Goku talking between the Toei logo and the OP?
Z Vegeto? Yes. DBS Vegeto? No.
>Goku not at the top
>cucklifla and cuckale have to fuse to even stand up to Goku SSG
>GODhan can stand up to SSB Goku in FULL POWER with his Ultimate form
Absolutely based, It is pathetic how weak these bitches are, also thank god we won't have anymore muh onesan or karu anymore now that they are fused, 1 annoying character is better than 2 annoying characters
The CHADforce wins again baby
It started last week.
leave the gods to me
Super could always look like that if they got rid of Yamamuro
>Super looks better when the characters are off-model
>Super looks worse when the characters are on-models
>Yamamuro draws the reference models
Really makes you think
This is a SSGSS 2?
SSGSS 2 wouldn't be that that if that happened
Do you like U6?
Seriously this episode looked so fucking good.
was this episode the biggest BTFO to modern nu-Yamamuro?
>Dr. Rota has two votes
This is worthless because there are more than one vote possible in the first place.
Why is Kefla not a option?
>can only vote for one
BS, at least add a "caulifla is shit option", I like u6 apart from her and maybe cabba
So here's a dumb question, but why are people like Takahashi allowed to go against the reference material and use their own style?
Shouldn't they get intro trouble for that?
How do we tell Toei that we want more Takahashi? They need to know.
Maybe you should tell this to Toshio. Episode looked so good.
>Shouldn't they get intro trouble for that?
It looks good so it is allowed
My head canon for that scene was always holding back.
had super been like this episode for it's entirety everyone's nostalgia would be full blown
It could have had the potential to reach DBZ levels of popularity since most of the problems are dealing with the shitty animation choices.
Fellow CHADBro here, I have to shamefully admit Kale is growing on me since she stopped looking like a spooky skeleton and because I like LSS. Unfortunately Caulifla exists, a character so shit she makes a second character, Kale, unbearable as well.
Takahashi should be reference material
That's not how Japanese culture works, they can't just kick Yamamuro out as he's old and also a veteran. In Japan people like that automatically earn respect and are treated as gods, even if they don't deserve it.
We can just hope more and more animators try doing their own thing instead of sticking to Yamamuro's heavily regressed style.
>or did Kale lose power when she came in control
That could make more sense, also she didn't need Caulifla to fight SSB Goku
i am glad for caulifla and kale, now girls have something else than bulma to cosplay.
>Previously broly kale withstood SSB's kamehameha like it was nothing.
Goku said he would use a bit more power. He was holding back. The fact that they even said many times that Hit is U6's strongest was another clue.
Goku was holding back while in blue the 1st fight with kale, sand bagging like he has been most of the ToP.
It seemed fair that kale is around SS red.....cauliflower got wrecked. kale seemed to have takin minimal damage while fighting SS red goku
Was there ever any doubt? CHADhan reigns supreme, as always. Let's post some CP to celebrate our victory.
SSB Oozaru fucking when?
You're commiting a sin user, repent soon or you might turn into a Kalecuck after prolonged exposure, I'm only telling you this because I don't want you to fall, it's for your own good
They said she got stronger so no. He was holding back. Even her attacks didn't do much to him in this episode.
>Achieve Blue
>Grow tail back
>Become SSB Oozaru
>Become SS4SSB
sayans do no more have tails (too hard to animate)
When tails are back, and Toriyama doesn't like tails so never.
Kale wasn't taking much damage from goku in red form.......cauliflower was wrecked
You first, falseflagging fag.
That if, you have the balls to do it
>goku overpowers super saiyan berserk kale in SSG, not even SSB
>even does what she did to him and goes through her ki blast
>dominates both of them by himself
It’s like whoever made this episode saw all the power scaling consistencies that pissed the fanbase off in the last Kale episode and wanted to fix it by showing that goku actually is a lot stronger than legendary kale and not even in his final form
Good episode, once again gokuchads can’t be brought down
get back to jobbing to the namekians with piccolo
Looks like a pokemon trainer.
I do not see any of Caulifla in the fusion.
It's just Super Yukana, not that I mind because Yukana is a goddess, but still
it's the animators who asked toriyama to get rid of the tails.
The fucking artstyle got really good all of a sudden, what happened.
Agreed. I kept thinking
"They finally got their shit together."
>Catospela might get BTFO by 17
Please no
And they finally made SSG look powerful and intimidating
My god it's beautiful. Can the rest of Super look like this?
what (a) does mean?
I thought Toriyama was the one who forgot about tails
Why did he leave after transforming in front of Frieza anyways?
I was expecting Frieza to swat him away
Caulifla just isn't used to Kale's fist being that big.
I will repent and say 20 Hail Gohan's, I'm sorry I almost failed us, I promise it won't happen again.
I need a webm of SSG goku fucking that legendary super saiyan asshole
SSJ3 is also too hard to animate so we only get 2 seconds of a static image with only the mouth animated. And then we get the stupid """transformations""" that even the characters openly ridicule.
Someone make a .webm of Caulifla's peak-a-boo moment. There was even some minimal boob bounce.
Assistance, only half point
>Goku vs Jiren was high end normal animation
>U6 filler fight gets the the finest animation money can afford
>Lesbian Kefla wants to fight!
holy shit
tien and krillin with correct faces
It won't. This guy is expensive.
The show's been pretty on the ball lately (relatively speaking) thanks Universe 6
>20 Hail Gohans
Where do people come up with this shit?
He told Frieza to follow him. Frieza didn't.
Does she specialize in dragon-types?
why won't they use this sound effect anymore
...in the newest episode, user
>Animation was pretty good
>Focus on best girls
>New best girl introduced
You SS3fags won't stop with this won't you? It's a shitty form. Get over it.
Wishing she'd gone to the toilet before the tournament started.
Reminder guys
Fusion is Truly Based
>one is pretending
>the other is not
That's enough to make you cry isn't it?
I believe in you user, you have the strength in you to do it. the CHADforce will prevail