Kemono Friends

Would you let Agent A and Agent F wipe your memories so you could rewatch the series fresh?

Other urls found in this thread:

no I don't have time for that shit
it was good the first time around and that's enough for me
also: fuck off

Shit premise desu

Without a doubt.


It's been so long since I saw this.

A better question is why would you want to tarnish your memories for that? Your first experience wasn't good enough? What if the second time you end up not liking it?

>Serval just sitting there
What goes on inside her head?

i want my memory to be wiped to spare me the disappointment of s2





I can't tell if the alternate universe being made here is supposed to be happy or sad.

It's like a "real" world AU.
Some characters are happy, others are sad.


I think he was going for a 1940s detective movie feeling.

I'm surprised she has at least a few dedicated artist fans.

>how can I make an even dumber facial expression than the one I am known for



Arai-san is smart!

Too intelligent. I don't like it.

Why is Fennec so unhappy about?

Maybe she's just standing there with no idea what she's looking at.

Her girlfriend is smarter than her.

It's like Flowers for Allegro

that static is spiraling in a consistent capacity and isnt static in the conventional sense of non-uniform motion.

I have not watched this series, but after seeing so many people on secret s/a/nta put it on their list I'll give it a go. 2 episodes in and it's already very tanoshii

P-Please, don't use such complicated words nano DA!

It's a gif, ya nerd.

People are asking to buy kadokawa shit?
Absolutely disgusting

i only stopped here to let you know that that static is hiding an imagine in it. nothing more
its also hiding something in it. its not normal statik

Is Secret Santa tanoshii?
I've seen it for all these years, but never considered participating.

Welcome to the club.

Arai-san is as cute as she is dumb.

Yes very. I've done it for 4 years now and had fun every time. This year is closed though, sorry user.

>This year is closed though, sorry user.
I know it is. I was considering joining next year.
Since user says it's fun, I'll give it a shot.

I still miss the feeling

How many times have you rewatched?
Everyone's favorite Air Force Band.

>that face
Is Serval mentally retarded?

Serval is a very special girl.

Toki bird CAN'T sing.

We went for half a day without a thread.
I expected to see some energy at least

No news mang.

Every minute spent without hope saps one's energy.

They seem to be all here


I love stuff like this, the conductor was really into it.

does anyone have the megalink of the guidebooks?

>dat bossu

to me is 4CC

We've finally accepted death.


Even threads on futaba are small now unless something is happening.

What are they talking about anyway?

currently, Giant penguin.

Anybody figured out who the friend cutouts at the end credits are supposed to be??? I only realized what they were not long ago.

Always a good discussion topic.


Is Hippo a mommy type, or an onee-san type?

Serval, Fennec, Arai and the 5 PPP.

>Kaban is introduced to the concept of war
>Human teaches animals to deescalate conflict rather than implement Total War and utterly destroy your enemy

Is this accurate for the perfect human?

I don't think we need threads up all the time,

This is even better if you imagine the cameraman begging not to be eaten.

We get over 160 posters and our threads are still faster than half of Sup Forums.
We don't need threads all the time but we could use it

Inaccurate. Human perfection comes from not only the escalation of conflict but adaption to it. If other animals didn't have such static samey interactions they'd be up here playing with the big bois too. Humans are their own existential threat meaning as long as they exist they will have to adapt in order to survive and as they adapt so too do the threats they pose for other humans escalate causing them to adapt.
Animals are nature's bitch. Humans are their own heaven and hell

Of course, I welcome KF threads. But that was just what I think about it.

I like that the show actually makes your point by saying Moose had been using the same tactic 51 times rather than use her troops strengths to her advantage.

Without Bag they'd still be charging blindly.

Pls link.

A glopping sound years in the making

No need, it still gives me that feeling every time I rewatch.

I hope we see her animated one day.

there's a bun or two in there

keep dreaming

This is sad


Please post Minmi

Did she just use her tail to stand on the ground?

Nah she just hit the ground with her tail.

She's just a bit of an airhead, that's all.

By your definition, it's good for Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea to have nukes.

I mean for them it is good. They have reduced threat of international invasion if they have nukes.

Conflict is the driving force for change and the catalyst for growth. It's bad because of the threat they would pose, but it is common knowledge that human technolovy develops the quickest in times of war. The tools we create to kill ourselves we later convert to tools to better our own lives.

i just rewatched the series for the first time since i watched it during the original airing

i can't believe i cried during ep 11 again

Was this made by the same guy behind KF.ex?
This looks so professionally made


I love her face so much.

I sure am glad I wasn't born an Indian.

Not tanoshii.

Judging by his uploads, I don't think he's behind KF.exe. He seems to be making a crossover (AU?) project, KF and UT, even though KF.exe has many references to UT.

is this what happens when you touch serval's belly?


I can still hear that.. THING's laugh... Fucking lord call me a pussy but that was just more than unpleasant to see..

KF.exe was a very corny game that latched on KF just for the sake of getting views. What the fuck

Yeah I know but somehow it just unnerved me near the end.
