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>people denied the first translation because it came from an Sup Forumsnon
>a new translation comes out from a trusted source
>says the same exact shit

Hilarious. There was never any hoax. Anti-Taikari ETERNALLY BTFO.

interesting article. episode 21 is the only one I've ever watched of the show. I've never been able to see the subtext.

Why only watch 1 episode of a show?

Because that's the height of Digimon. It doesn't get any better.

t. faggot who has seen every Digimon anime and played most games

Is that the one where Tai gets sucked out of the Digital World and Kabukimon has to take a crap in the toilet

Goddamn it, where are those faggots saying that this shit was fake?
Come on you queers, I know you are lurking, fess up and apologize.

>his episode is like peeking at an intercourse from the outside, in the middle of the afternoon. You can either see it as a story about a beautiful love between siblings, or something that goes even further, with a somewhat erotic feeling to it.

Here. Take it. It's the wewest of my lads.

>Digimon goes from incest to homosexuality
And they say the slippery slope doesn't exist.

isn't it against the law?

>it was meant to be an erotic scene between an 8 year old girl and her biological brother
what the fuck?



I always knew Hosoda wasn't right.

>H-hosoda's just havin a laff mate
Filthy plebs

It's denial brah. The guy didn't trust the original translation that was made by someone on Sup Forums. This is a translation from someone he trusts, which he was hoping would end the "incest lie." But guess what? It only just confirmed what we all know.
So now he is making up shit to justify his shitty head canon.

So should I just unload the entirety of my 八神兄妹 folder or would that still be way too excessive?

Meh only do it enough to keep this thread alive. I don't know why we don't have more anons posting on this. The last time we got info on this, these threads got maxed out twice. The linkage in the OP is for all the faggots who thought Sup Forums was playing a hoax.

Well, back then that was the first time news broke. For Sup Forums this is sweet glorious confirmation but confirmation nonetheless.
To be fair I was expecting a somewhat bigger reaction too. Maybe the majority is asleep or something.

To be honest, I kind of wish they could have explored the relationship between Taichi and Hikari a little more. I always felt it was a little underutilized.

Then again, inter-character relationships in Adventure were never that great.


>originally publishedin the Digimon Movie Book (2001)
nippon knew for so long and nobody told us sooner?

Why else do you think this pairing is so unusually popular?

I kinda feel like how the angelic Angewomon ends up evolving into the draconic Holydramon might symbolize something, but it's a bit hard to place what. Ordinarily, in the original group, Angemon and Angewomon stood out as the only pair, the only ones who shared the same species and theme. But when Angewomon evolves, it throws away that initial connection and transfers over to another group. WarGreymon, the Dragon Man and Holydramon, the Holy Beast (Dragon). Even if it's a Holy Beast, it's also a Dramon-species Digimon, same as WarGreymon (although it doesn't have the word "Dramon" in its name).


Come to think of it, who claimed that the interview was fake anyway?

Reddit, tumblr, and WtW.

>Hosoda would prefer to exclusively make comedies

That's surprising, but not entirely unexpected. Children's War Game had some amazing facial expressions.

what's a wtw

What a shitty translation.

With the Will. The Serebii of Digimon, with all the shittiness that entails.

What do you mean? Having seen the original text, I'd say it's accurate.

Back to Sup Forums you go.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Show me this scene please.

I think it's all just about the mood. Hikari herself was always a bit of a strange child, but Episode 21 as a whole has this strange, dream-like feel about it. And at the center of that feeling is Hikari.

You are obviously not native. N3 shitter?

This is the second translation of the source, and most of the Japs from WtW agree that this is a good translation. Nobody gives a shit what a faggot like you has to say.

N3 shitters are not Japanese, N3 shitter.

Unfortunately, it's all in Hosoda's head. He wasn't the writer of the episode.

Do you not like the idea of Tai and Hikari getting together?

What does that have to do with anything?

The really funny thing is that Hikari's VA, Araki, was totally in on the whole thing and went along with it. And I think that's probably whey she made that one joke.

It's a shame but I doubt M.A.O. knows anything about this.

I always felt that once Hikari got mature (since the second digmion series) she purposely pretended and acted as if Taichi is not important to her that much.
I imagine she was like this due to unconscious guilt she had. Well at least, she played it real good so she's a good person.

She's not that good at hiding it. It crept out a little bit in 02, but ads for tri. have been pushing it surprisingly hard as well. It might not necessarily be incestuous, but they certainly have been playing with it with the whole Valentines thing.

I kind of feel like watching all of 02 and listing all the moments where Taichi and Hikari are in the same room or Hikari talks about Taichi and see if there's anything even remotely substatial.

There probably isn't.

>I kind of feel like watching all of 02

Well there's the one where takeru tells her to stop relying on taichi so often and she basically can't comprehend what he's saying.

>the intention of a perverted jap about the relationship between an 8 year old girl and her barely older brother from 20 years ago is relevant today despite 02 and Tri never having displayed such a relationship

Just so you know, I never doubted you translator Sup Forumsnon, unlike these dumb redditors

Stay mad, denialfag.

That reminds me. What were Iori and Hikari's BelialVamdemon-induced fantasies again? I recall that Miyako's was a hilariously terrible one where she wished that her siblings didn't exist because holy shit who wishes for that? And Takeru's was the obvious one where "Mommy and Daddy love each other again and I live with my Onii-chan who rams me in the butt every night!" But I can't for the sheer life of me recall what the other two's were.

>One episode is some how more valid than 100+

>Perverted jap being the guy who directed the best episode of the entire digimon franchise.

Iori was showing his dead and silent copdad the Digital World. Hikari was everyone being happy with a Digimon partner, basically how the show ended.

Yeah, I figured it was something like that.

I'm sure if it was Hosoda who was directing the episode, it would have been something like Hikari giving Taichi a lap-pillow in some grassy plain or something.

That would have require him to write the episode, though, which is something he never did for the franchise.

No, but he directed, and I don't think you realize how much power the director actually has for any work.

You're telling me a lowly episode director, especially one of Hosoda's stature back then, would have a character who is not in the script suddenly appear front and center?

Well they gave him a surprising amount of power for Episode 21.

I love that the epilogue doesn't show any romantic partner for either of them but for everyone else. It's because their partners are each other.

So Daisuke married Iori? Interesting.

I'm so happy right now. Not only is it deliciously forbidden, but it's amazingly cute too.

The real question is, why is tri so shit

Too much Mei-Mei and long delays between movies.

I think it all really points out just how troubled tri.'s production really is. Because these movies are pretty shoddy, but even a shoddy movie takes time to make. In fact, I am fairly certain that they only really started on production of the final film just recently. And if this truly is the case then I'm pretty sure someone, probably several people, really fucked up at some point.

If you go back to the original announcement for tri., as well as the whole nade-nade fiasco, and you really just kind look at how it all went, I think you can really catch a glimpse at just how abrupt and unplanned it was. It's like someone said one day "Hey, shit, the anniversary's coming up. Maybe we should do something?" And they just meandered about until eventually, so very near to the deadline, someone suggested a series of six films. And it just devolved into a hodgepodge of desperately pooling together ideas and coming up with storyboards and doing literally everything at the very last second.

Toei outsourcing animation duties to rookie Typhoon-Graphics didn't help much either.

Is there any chance they'll have decent pacing next time? That's what's really killing Tri for me, the first 3 episodes are always a whole lot of nothing and then everything happens in the last one/

>all this denial

It was a forced anniversary season. It never had a chance.

I feel like it could have worked a lot better if they had just made it a two-cour series and were just given more time to really plan things out.

They need to be reunited with Taichi and Meiko, meet any other previously dead Digimon for nostalgic purposes, resolve that whole virus problem, defeat/pacify two warring cosmic beings and their lackeys, and find and save the 02 cast. All within 90 minutes.

So no.

I'd say more like 20 minutes since they're probably gonna spend the first 3 episodes sitting around moping that Taichi is dead, with random cuts to the Tapirmon lady still being crazy.

Oh, absolutely. Nothing says Digimon Adventure like slow moving pans mixed with teen angst.
Chances are Wizarmon will appear at the end and bring the missing 02 kids with him.

Quantity, not quality

Blah blah fanfics blah blah stupid shit

Episode 1:
Begins more or less like it did originally. However, rather than have the 02 kids JUST get taken out in the opening scenes, if it's absolutely necessary to toss them out of the way, utilize some establishing shots showing reasonable explanations for why no one seems to really notice their disappearance, despite acknowledging them. For instance, show a shot of, say, Hikari's PC with an email showing that Miyako's on a trip somewhere with her family. Later on, show something that maybe shows that Iori and his family's moved to another city. Ken's not really a major issue because he goes to a different school anyway. And while I suppose it might be kind of far-fetched three of the four aren't in town, but do something similar for Daisuke as well. If none of them are in or near Odaiba at the time of story, then that creates an explanation as to why no one ever thinks to contact them. None of these need more than maybe a few seconds of establishing shots.

Moving on. I don't think the original concept of Taichi not quite knowing where he wants to go in life is a bad one. In fact, an underlying theme of the Chosen Children maturing into adults isn't necessarily a bad one. So I think that's fine, but I also think they should sort of extend that idea to the rest of the kids as well. I think Taichi, Yamato, Jou, Koushirou and Mimi more or less fit that concept, but Sora, Hikari and Takeru feel somewhat left behind. One thing I found somewhat interesting about tri. is that there seems to be something of a sense of distance between Taichi and Hikari that didn't exist in previous shows. Their relationship isn't quite the same. You get the sense that they're not quite as close as they used to be. Maybe show that Hikari, who's relied so much on her brother in the past, feels somewhat uneasy with that. Don't really know what to do with Takeru, though.

If Meiko absolutely must exist, I feel like she shouldn't be integrated into the group so readily. Instead, maybe have Alphamon make a mess while searching for them. The Chosen don't know why it's there and what it's looking for, but they can't ignore it so they fight. Meiko remains hidden with Meicoomon, watching the fight. After it's over, she tries to approach them, but for some reason can't. Have Taichi or Hikari catch a glimpse of her before she runs away.

I'm not quite sure about the rest, but I think that instead of plopping Taichi into a hole in the ground and having Hikari go berserk, it might be better to make things a little more gradual. Have Taichi fall into the Digital World on his own, where he's forced to fend for himself. Hikari, of course, becomes worried, but tries to believe that he's okay. As the group tries to figure out how to get into the Digital World in a rescue effort. They become increasingly cluttered and directionless, and this subtly increases Hikari's anxiety. Eventually, for some unknown reason, a portal opens up and, even though they don't know what to expect, they enter. In the darkness, Gennai Black smiles.

And THEN, later on, when they find him again, THAT'S when he falls down a hole. Have Hikari catch his hand, but mirroring the scene from episode 21, their fingers slip apart bit by bit and he falls. And that's when Hikari finally breaks.

No need for a reboot because, in the end, it did nothing.

There is actually a Japanese twitter page devoted exclusively to bitching about tri.

Really, it's fun joking around, but this is actually disgusting. What kind of sick person thinks those things and decides to put them in a cartoon for children?

The hero that Digimon needs and deserves.

There's nothing wrong with siblings falling in love with each other.

Well, no, there is.

But I'll make an exception just this once purely because I feel that no one else can be entrusted with him.

>Well, no, there is.
There really isn't. Haven't you heard? Incest is wincest.

>People's general inability to understand nuance, joking, and metaphor means this will continue to be a point of discussion for quite awhile.

What an insufferable faggot.

Why do people still go to that shitty site?

Should I bump this?

Well, I'll do it once or twice before I go to bed. Then again, I'm not sure if anyone's interested.

I dont even remember that episode, but I did thought there was an incest feeling to both of them

How old were you when you watched Digimon

Taichi had a guilt complex. He was a nice brother, but his mistake almost caused Hikari to die. So ever since then, he was desperate to never let her get hurt again.

I don't really get what Hikari's excuse is, though. According to certain pieces of official character profiles and director comments, though, Hikari was always meant to be sort of an unusual child.

Does Tai have a love interest in Tri? Is it glasses chan?

I was on junior high at the time
Why the question?


You just want me to post more images.

It's surprising, but I think a lot of Japanese fans, at least the more degenerate ones, are pretty okay with this ship.

Most of them seem to be girls if that means anything.


W-Was he just imagining Yuki and Ame fucking?!

I personally watched s1 when i was in elementary then watched it again about a year or two ago before the whole stupid interview.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and if it did it felt more like they just relied on each other more because of the possibility that their parents werent around as much. Like seriously who the fuck leaves their sick 5 to 6 year old daughter alone at home with their...8 to 9 year old son

Things are different in Japan. Living your kids alone at home for a bit is considered normal.

Better than the homosexual agenda that has started to plague Digimon.