Girl is feminine

>girl is feminine
>all the other girls ostracize her and bitch about her behind their backs
Why does anime do this?

Overly exaggerated in animu like always, but women can be that petty.
Power struggle between girls are different from that between boys, in the latter you can just have a fight and laugh about it the next day, girls on the other side hold grudges like they have nothing better to do in their life.

Feminine girls are boring.

Envy and immaturity. If you want to know more about real life read some books on it.

Because the bullying trope is a super easy way to get the viewer to sympathize or something.


You have to go back

Girls get insecure in the presence of cuter girls and tend to lash out, especially when they perceive said cute girl as a threat to their (potential) relationships
It's actually a fairly common behavior
btw you should drop that anime it's trash and the manga is even worse

>girl is literally anything
>all the other girls ostracize her and bitch about her behind their backs
they're girls lol

High school girls are the worst bullies.

The problem with reading books is that some people will be too dense to understand what the books are conveying and they construct erroneous models in their heads of how these kinds of social interactions work. They'll end up being insufferable without knowing it and think that their social models are correct and not that people are trying the best to tolerate their behavior.

Feminine nature, they're worse than guys

I just think highschool girls acting like highschool girls is the reason they're acting like highschool girls in anime too.

it's realistic

It's melodrama user.

twin-tails looks unhappy with the situation at least

Does she have Hulk hands somehow, or the author is just shit at drawing?

She's 1.82m, maybe that's reason

Isn't this like your 4th or 5th thread now, please stop

What anime is it

[Commie] Boku no Pico- 0(...).jpg