Haifuri S2 is coming isn't it?
Haifuri S2 is coming isn't it?
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No. It's bottom tier trash.
No it's in Davy Jones Locker where it belongs surrounded by dead hamsters.
Of course it's coming ;_;
Didn't the OVA open it for continuation?
After Ange Vierge S2
Best girl.
I want her hat.
Yes but hopefully they don't go the school competition route.
The mind control plot is fine, dolphins can be the masterminds.
I sure hope so
Also a good girl.
Yes, but was the second OVA ever subbed?
Torpedo-chan a best.
Mina is the perfect wife.
Guess I missed that, thanks user.
It sold too good to never get more.
I want some fleet action in the movie.
What the fuck, how did I not know this?
They got a new ship. Twitter is very active too with events coming. It's definitely getting S2.
These two were my favourites but did anyone think it was pretty dark with how they killed off the main character's parents? Only moment I thought was really stupid was when curry girl went apeshit and started launching everything.
I want a crossover with Garupan
The movie?
Volume 3 of the manga includes Moka and Mike's backstory. I'll never understand why they add it to the anime but whatever.
Is the manga translated anywhere?
Vol3 already? Damn.
I don't think so.
*why they didn't
It was awful, so of course it's gonna get S2.
Didn't it sell like 10k with very good merch sales too? They even had a collab with World of Warships.
More like 7k, and Aniplex had to put a lot of money on advertisement to get it there.
I need more of these two. I wish I'd watched it with Sup Forums when it aired. Marathoning it was a little unfulfilling.
I just need more of one of them. As we speak, the nation's top law experts are working hard to determine the legality of creating such a freakishly hot anime girl.
The first few episodes were ebin, but they resolved the mystery and removed the survival aspect in the fourth episode so it had to fall back on saving a girl we have no emotional attachment to from the Yamato which wasn't enough for eight episodes.
It didn't get more advertisement than shit like that smartphone isekai.
I love her commenting in wows.
Is that an official mod, like the WoT/GuP collab?
You can buy the Graff Spee or the Harekaze in WoWS with their corresponding captains.
So it's limited to those ships only?
You spend actual money to get them ships.
You used to be able to mod the audio files so that you could get Wilhelmina's voice with every ship, but I think they made it so you can't do that anymore.
This is the worst anime I have ever seen, and I fucking enjoyed every single second of it, second season fucking when seriously.
Watch c3-bu if you want compelling trashanime.
Since I wasn't in the threads when the show aired, I don't know what the stitch coverage was like. Is anyone interested in 72 stitches I made from the BDs and OVAs?
Yes please
Dumping them would take forever. Enjoy
Gee Wilhelmina, how come Blue Mermaids lets you have two girlfriends?
Coco has two as well:
No, Shiro is Mike's girlfriend.
Isn't Moka Mike's girlfriend?!
You mean Kuro's girlfriend.
She was just lonely after Mina left.
I guess having two girlfriends is the standard among the mermaids.
Moka is completely irrelevant.
I won't allow such slander.
There is a chain of double girlfriends linking the Yamato to the Graf Spee.
The Navy truly is full of gay.
They are cats.
One can only hope
Were there any other girls as well endowed as Wilhelmina? I remember a side tail girl in engineering I think who might be give her a run.
Yes there was one girl who mindbreaks a smaller girl using her massive breasts during one scene where they have to pass in a tight corridor.
No, Fyurie is ded.
Glad to see that You-chan is happy in other anime.
Sonar and Hime are best girls (other than Wilhelmina)
Rapping dyke school girl sailors
You don't have to pretend, user. You can admit to liking things here, we won't think any less of you. In fact, we'll think more of you since you won't come off as a blatant newfag with
I fucking loved the rap scene.
Raping dyke school girl sailors
Keep taking their clothes off and they'll get popular.
They need to make sure the tension doesn't decrease with each episode next time. It could have been outright amazing instead of just "good" if they'd stuck to their guns with them being on the run.
I don't even remember that many stitches being posted when the show was airing, but great job.
My little supply ship captain can't be this cute!
Threadly reminder that Mike a shit captain.
Best fetish for best girl.
Threadly reminder that BUTTS
Why is there no good fap material for this show?
The captain was such an irresponsible cunt, abandoning her station on multiple instances without taking her crew into consideration.
Her waifu was in danger. You would be a horrible human bean if you didn't abandon everything to go rescue your waifu.
Fuck the crew, must save girlfriend.
Stop it. You won't get to fuck Shiro anyway.
Are you looking for a fight?
Kuro is so fluffy.
Imagine being Shiro and running your fingers through Kuro's fluffy hair while she pounds you with her powerful sumo champion body.
When did their bodies get so lewd?
They've always been lewd.
I love Mike