>shit idol generic music >muh lets save the school almost every season >lost originality 2 years ago
its not a bait post, its just someone that is sick to see this shit being popular, theres so lot more animes that deserve more sucess than this but fucking moeshit gets the market more and more
Leo Butler
>lost originality
Jacob Murphy
Nicholas Foster
they litteraly got WE MUST SAVE SCHOOL again
also there is 1230131201203 other animes about Idols doing x things
Grayson Howard
There is a bunch of shows about "x doing x things" so what is your point on that?
Matthew Collins
my point is that idol stuff comes after love live
the market for it grow a lot since 2013 when this anime was lunched
Wake Up, Girls!, Idol Jihen, PriPara and some other shits
Zachary Clark
>>shit idol generic music
its not that bad. I enjoy it. When times are bad, I listen to them, their song makes me happy. They are happily singing and I can understand what they are saying. This year, it's ending song made me want to start doing something, and I actually started drawing as a hobby. It's something I never expected to happen. Love Live actually changed my life a lot. If it didnt exist I would be severly depressed, I'm still depressed but its not that bad thanks to it. I know I sound like a weeab, but its what happened to me. Watching this show and listening to their songs makes me happy.
But of course this genre isnt for everyone, and you are the proof of it. I love it because of what I explained above.
Kevin Bennett
>than this but fucking moeshit gets the market more and more
I forgot the mention this on my reply, I hate moe. I hate anime where theres only girls, but I love this one, because of what I explained,
Levi Long
that is fine with it, NewGame helped with my depression last year, so i undestand your point and i know that animes (specially happy ones) can help people with it
the problem is most part of fanbase is made by 2d lovers that prefer the girls over the plot of history, so they can make any shit with those girls but yet they will sell
Adam Mitchell
lol the kid who is troubled with life
Leo Ross
It's literally the only idol franchise that consistently turns out music that's better than average, except for maybe Aikatsu. Not that that matters: it's more that it's entertaining and the fans eat up it's weird 2.5D seiyuu character acting thing, and they keep creating stories and characters that appeal to the fans. Not the repetitive series-long "save the school" plot, I don't think anyone thinks that's particularly engaging. But it's the smaller character stories and the overall "shoot for the stars" thing that gets people. For my part, I mostly like some songs and the top-tier visual direction and clever low-key comedy that there's a lot of in addition to the cancer characters spouting meme-y catchphrases.
Noah Rodriguez
fuck all da moeshit
Hudson Wilson
>It's literally the only idol franchise that consistently turns out music that's better than average, except for maybe Aikatsu.
Wake Up, Girls!, Idol Jihen PirPara, even the new live action idol series Miracle Tunes has songs with good quality as love live
>they keep creating stories and characters that appeal to the fans. Not the repetitive series-long "save the school" plot
>>they just used "save the school" plot again
lmao this pic
John Nelson
Idol shit. Don't expect any other logic.
Oliver Cox
>shit generic idol music lmao
Charles Price
see i think so
Liam Cruz
They seem to think every idol show needs to be some dramafest to be watchable.
It doesn't.
Blake Flores
Cool story faggot.
Connor Davis
Jeremiah Turner
You're looking it wrong OP. Not the anime made Love Live popular. The popularity of Love Live made the anime.
Mason Stewart
Reading comprehension is hard, but I pretty clearly said that the repetitive save-the-school plot exists but that it's not what draws people in. >PirPara (sic) PriPara is pri good, but WU,G! is forgettable and I'd be better able to comment on Miracle Tunes if the raws were available anywhere. Looking random songs up on YouTube is not my idea of a good time. Regardless, the otaku who buy the BDs and 50+ copies of a CD aren't dropping a ton of money on Miracle Tunes.
Aiden Bennett
>The popularity of Love Live made the anime
That is the fucking problem
i am not talking about dramafest, it would be even more shity than it is if was a drama fest
was talking about stop doing it and try new things
Gavin Barnes
100% agree. But Sunshine was a trash since 1st episode of 1st season.
Alexander Murphy
you missed the point about miracle tunes, i was talking about music quality
but the otaku who buy the BDs and 50+ copies of a CD aren't focused in story or deep plot as well, they care more about X or Y character cutness
Cooper Ward
>fuck all da moeshit fuck the normalfags
Jack Lee
t. underaged ESL-kun
Logan Adams
Jack Lewis
>I'd be better able to comment on Miracle Tunes if the raws were available anywhere.
there is on a Ty Tokyo Service, you need only a JP VPN
fuck the pseudo non-normiefags
i am ESL but i am not underage, i am on college, stupid fag
Ian Jenkins
>a trash >some other shits Sure is a lot of ESL in this thread.
Julian Reed
>normie >reddit spacing Nah. Replying to you is pointelss.
Jaxon Jones
>i was talking about music quality I fucking know: >Looking random songs up on YouTube is not my idea of a good time. Why would I be talking about that if I was talking about the show itself? I'm said pretty clearly that I haven't checked out the songs because I haven't watched the show.
Noah Allen
>Why Love Live is so popular?
Smartphone game available worldwide
If Namco weren't idiots, they could have competed with Idolmaster in the West
Daniel Lee
its me stupid fag, i have been replying people
>muh people cant use double space outside fucking leddit to make things look visually good and less crining
i just told that you can check the show for free via VPN or in a fansub on google (i know that there is few people that sub the series, but stopped at some point)
also there is the factor that the public of Miracle Tunes is a different public than LL
Bandai Japan is closed mind as long i started studiying this company, the cases of they disprasing non jap workers outside japan is so high
Kevin Perry
Because girls are great and it's fun watching them do weird shit.
I don't even give a fuck about idols, it's just fun to watch.
And half of japanese LL fanbase are female yurifags.
Elijah Thomas
>And half of japanese LL fanbase are female yurifags.
that is new
Benjamin Turner
You are new. It's a well known fact for years.
Justin Morris
i thogout that womans in Japan prefered things more like Yuri on Ice or Free! than LL
Jayden Thomas
>i just told that you can check the show for free via VPN How does this change the fact that I haven't watched it already? All I said is that I can't comment on Miracle Tunes because I've never checked out its music (apart from the average songs in the first episode, which I watched the day it came out). >there is the factor that the public of Miracle Tunes is a different public than LL And this disproves whose point, exactly? Because it's sure as fuck not mine. You're the one who said LL having good music didn't make it stand out among its target audience because other franchises including Miracle Tunes also have good music.
Daniel Richardson
>its me stupid fag, i have been replying people Is this entire thread one butthurt ESL fag arguing with a bunch of people, who may or may not like the franchise, answering his question, and then he spazzes out further?
Alexander Wright
i judge music at same level, not for X public
you missed the point, i was talking about CD/BD people getting the songs, they wont going to buy it beacuse arent for them, this part wasnt about quality
Mason Gomez
>muh beacuse talking and discussing further is now retarded
Nicholas Young
That's not what I said. I said discussion was happening, but one retard is sticking his fingers in his ears and screeching about he hates the series instead of engaging with the discussion.
Nathan Jenkins
>but one retard is sticking his fingers in his ears and screeching about he hates the series instead of engaging with the discussion
discuss doesnt means agrees with anything, you know?
Bentley Perez
This is pretty old. There are more girls in LL now.
Sebastian Russell
that is pretty intesting besides 15-19 is more the public that wants to become a idol as well
also i got suprised that the gundam fanbase is so little in number of girls, i know that girls arent intrested in /m/ stuff, but i know a bunch of girls that like the series