What did Gendo see in Yui?
she had decent tits and her dad was loaded and part of an organization that controlled the world
Gendo - Asperger'd fedora tipper who will do anything for the things/ones he loves.
Yui - weird girl who is attracted to Asperger men.
She was hot and nice to him and he can't afford to be picky anyways.
More like what did Yui see in Gendo. Wasn't he just some random scumbag when they met_
Well Gendo was meant to be a grown up Shinji that would choose teh rey over superior Auska so I am going to say that Gendo saw his mother in Yui.
>women falling for scumbags
I think its the other way around
SEELE connections?
she said yes
Never explained in the show. So whatever you see between the lines, or want to see.
Gendo is worse than Shinji in every possible way.
Can someone explain the BLACKED Asuka meme to me? Those fags are ruining /h/.
The fact Gendo took her last name implies she's probably a raging feminist who had him pussywhipped. That would explain the eva constantly getting triggered
He saw an egg that he was willing to flood with his thick ass jizz (probably).
Do you realize that you said a big nothing, Mr. Freud?
You're mixing up characters again. That's something tsundere-chan would say about her mister Kaji.
Who wouldn't want to be dominated by Yui?
She's German, therefore an advocate of "cultural enrichment"
If you're thinking bacterial culture you're right.
Asuka's country is responsible for the holographic map
His own mother
I tought that a man taking the name of a family loaded in money when they married a daughter of said family was pretty common. And the real reason was to continue that prestigious and rich family name.
wrong character see shinji
Pretty much. He got with her to infiltrate SEELE, but then he fell in love with her.
Ten to one I'm implying more than you're implying.
>implying you can imply more than I
What do you think you are trying to say?
Men taking their wife's name is not a uncommon practice in Japan, retard
>implying you're thinking about rape while implying, aren't you
>gendo comes out as being raped by Weinstein
>implying rape is be implied.
do you even know about the implication
Because Asuka is a slut, maybe?
Considering his consistent habit of instrumentalizing his own junk, I think that he totally would, were there no women on the way to the top.
>implying the implication is someone in this thread is going to be kissed, choked and fingered at the same time
>flashes her washboard body in front of a 30 year old man
>dresses in two piece bikini in front of her coworkers
>has sex with Touji and Shinji in intrumentality
what a disgusting pig
Whore of Babylon.
I bet she is such a harlot she'd keep a man's tongue in her mouth for hours per day. She doesn't deserve to breathe without permission.
>this is someones "waifu"
She should be forced to wear humiliating outfits at all times of the day, and become a living sex object which craves rape and attention.
If she performs, someone may even put some shine on her.
worst girl
cock craving thot
>thread made about Yui
>people make it about Asuka
BBC craving th0t
Wait, Touji? What?
Ten to one she's so cheap she'd immediately send pictures to any nigglett she meets on the internet.
it is implied that one of her relatives is SEELE upper-echelon, and she had useful biology knowledge
by marrying her, Gendo gains influence over SEELE, fuyutsuki and can use his wife to build alien-monster weapons with human souls
You can never escape best girl.
I always thought that thats was what other people thought, but he actually married her for love.
Why would anyone ever want to?
Yui married him for love, Gendo came to love her later on i think
I'm confused about what he WOULDN'T see in her.
How did the sex look like?
i don't wanna imagine gendo fucking anyone
Just imagine Shinji with a beard instead.
That's exactly why I'm asking. I can't visualize it for the life of me.
The look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged.
Gendo Ikari is known to be THE most hung guy in Tokyo-3, possibly one of the biggest in the world. His cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival Ryoji Kaji and SurnameMCSurnameson Kaworu. I'm estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. He would have absolutely destroyed Ikari Yui's pussy.
They would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. I can just imagine her begging for it, with Gendo barely able to force it past the knob, and Ikari Yui moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. She would have orgasmed within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on Gendo's throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..
I bet she still masturbates to the memory of it.
Shinji at least has empathy and a sense of humor. His dad rates somewhere between a gorilla and an HK-47 on those scales.
she can't masturbate she's dead
thats incest
Why do you think they restrain her arms in the eva hangar?
I don't wanna imagine a giant robot rubbing its nothing
It's a very weird thought indeed.
Can't be much different than imagining Asuka rubbing herself through her plugsuit furiously while piloting.
Best girl
this but unironically
>deleted scene
Pussy game too strong.
It's a deleted scene, and even then it was a live-action sequence about Shinji fantasizing what a world without him would look like. Asuka shacked up with Toji because of her need to be with someone, but it was an empty relationship because he only cared about sex and not Asuka.
I don't know why, but Gendo is full badass in that scene.
Gendo has always been fucking awesome.
i think gendo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills angels and doesn't afraid of anything
Doesn't really matter, it shows how much AMAZING potential Asuka has for being massive slut like Misato. It must happen, it WILL happen.
She's in a committed relationship with Toji. It's just empty because the guy she needs doesn't exist.
It's also Shinji's fantasy, so it only speaks to what Shinji thinks of Asuka.
Now that I think of it, he really didn't give a shit about Asuka. He saw her as someone shallow, and will never amount to anything. The feeling is kind of mutual on both sides, another example why Asuka and Shinji can never happen. They hate each other too much.
In Japan it's not unusual for the man to take the woman's name if she has a higher social standing than he does, Sup Forumstard.
That's not even freudian. It's just retarded.
Please. For the entire series Gendo does fucking nothing. Kaji should've put a cap in his head in Ep. 8 then waterboarded Fuyutsuki until he went public with SEELE and Gendo's bullshit.
>unresolved question about one of your favorite characters
>still degrades into waifufaggotry somehow