Which element idle would you choose for your journey?
Aikatsu & Pripara
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I want to fuck Lala.
Aoi nee chan
There is nothing better than seeing bitches get what they deserve.
best girl ;...;
So is Jymmy dead or not?
Have you seen him in the past threads? No? Then he's ded.
Nino is so cute, like a little bright green bug. I want to scratch her chin and spray her with insect repellent if she gets too close or affectionate.
DED as Jymmy.
Hime looks like a dork. I'm going to dump her.
The ones I want aren't there?
Kaede will kiss you
But I don't love her!
Not if I shoot her first.
Left and/or Right?
Yume yume
>Find new powerful idol who can take on Elza
>New idol is easily taken in by Elza's words when the Japanese idols weren't
>New idol joins Elza without protest
>Hime says okay
Wait, I feel like this is all about Hime's keikaku now. What is Hime planning?
Translator's note: keikaku means plan
The purple idles are the best
Nothing. There is no plan. The closest thing to a plan is Elza trying to get the star dress. Nobody else is plotting anything.
Can't wait for this year's S4 selection! it's gonna be awesome how everything will happen off-screen.
Has kissing ever happened in this series?
Yume is better
I want to massage Koharu's Koharus
Akari always kisses her cards.
Akari always kisses me.
I want to die
Akari was made for kissing.
Do bites count as kisses?
I want to die.
>Not choosing OG Ichigo
You people disgust me.
>if you two could talk every day like me and Karen
>but the magic mirror is one of a kind so fuck you
Do you have an Aikatsu phone?
>S4 looking at my dick pics
>this week episode was a awesome romantic development for Rose and Yuto
>next episode is Lip having a bad day
Come on, she's not even the MC anymore.
Why are the colors so fucked up in your gif?
Because the dumb user got it from tumblr and they're known for doing that shit.
I think Tumblr either automatically adds filters to gifs, or it's something that just most people who upload there do by themselves
Was too lazy to find it in my folder, just to took the first one on google.
Please don't do this again. I fucking hate those fitlers.
>Lily never became an S4
>Rola never became an S4
The greatest controversy to come out of Stars.
This is why Jymmy is better DED.
Aikatsu makes me cute!
Madoka ruins everything.
I want to kiss Otome
Ichigo is the cutest Aikatsu and Pripara ever.
But does she have good feet?
This potato will be my wife someday.
Madoka is the cutest.
Yes, I agree totally.
Yes, the cutest
Who is that with the brown hair?
>you will never go to the miracle tunes concert
Why live?
>it's actually mostly kids
I guess at a daytime public event like this the big friends are up the back discreetly.
When the 8000 yen concert tickets come out it'll be a different story.
A lot of events like these outright ban adults that aren't accompanied by kids.
Big friends are subhuman.
Even women?
Oh yeah, that sounds familiar.
>adults that aren't accompanied by kids
So is there some kind of app you can use to hire kids to take you to these things? Like Uber or something?
Eww, women
They're flat age limits, yes. "These events are intended for children under the age of x. Anyone over this age will only be permitted when accompanying children." etc
What do you call an idol event where only big friends are allowed?
Hello Lala, you look beautiful as ever.
Mikuru only performs for big friends.
They do actually have those as well.
Backstage with Miyu after concerts.
I'm the only bigfriend allowed, unless you count the other members of iRis.
What if I'm a big friend, for them?
The guy screaming at 0:06 always gets me.