____ make the best _____

____ make the best _____

>Aardvarks make the best crème brûlée
Sorry, OP, you've completely lost me.

Not always, but Mai is an example of that.

Magical girls

He wasn't the best even if you look at just the first arc.

So what's the best TSF scenario?
>Wacky hijinks where it's incidental
>Character becomes slut
>Character contends with condition but in a goofy way
>Character contends with condition but in a serious way
Or something else?

Character becomes slut for porn, Serious transitioning into goofy as the series progresses for non-porn

I'd argue that going between serious and goofy instead of slutty is actually really good for porn, if done correctly. See: Tea of Sagittarius.

>Low carbon corrosion resistant steel alloys make the best oversized cleavers
Damn straight OP

It can be really enjoyable, sure. It's just not my fetish.

Character contends with condition seriously but without the story becoming grim.

>There's an animation of this Taniguchi's doujin.

>new girl is distressed
>her best friend from when she was a guy come to assure her that everything is going to be okay
>they become couple
>then they have a lot of sex

I'd like to see more series where the genderbent MC lives like a normal girl surrounded by other girls.

Serious issues handled in a goofy way.

>character tries to hide condition, but is exposed in school and forced to wear a girl's uniform, making all the other girls jealous of her natural beauty, except the weird girl who instantly falls in love with the transformed character and they become a lesbian couple.

>autistic harem MC obsessed with his craft cares little more about his gender than about the color of his clothes and only everyone else around reacts

Dragon knights make the best red shirts.

So basically Knights & Magic except he's actually a girl and not just a fuccboi?

Truly the best of both worlds. After all, it takes a man to know what a man likes. Also, love the doujin where she's an exhibitionist slut.

Swords make the best shovels.

I mean seriously what the fuck is that monstrosity?

It gets bigger when she pulls it.

Dead shotas make the best sex toy.

I didn't find Tea of Sagittarius at all arousing..

Really? The blowjob selfcest psychology was hot as hell, I thought.

There's literally no reason to glorify Mai's garbage manga

What if she pulls on it too hard?

Remix Heart was a good manga. It handled Mai's character arc well, as it showed how she gradually adapted to life as a girl and came to accept her new female identity and also how she gained a sense of self-worth and learned to open herself to others. I also liked that the manga had Mai actually live as a girl and put an emphasis in her interactions with other women instead of having her try to live as a man and mainly interacting with a male best friend.

Egyptian tortoises make the best magical girls.


Not this. The best part of TF is the once-guy trying to refuse he likes guys now as a girl.



who is the artist? the style's really familiar

She'll rip the skin

That's just gay. If you're gonna do that you should start with a gay dude.
>gay dude's love interest is straight so he becomes a girl to be together with him

Lolis make the best Cocksleeves


>Author liked Nemurin and fucking Swim Swim
>Regrets killing them
>No remorse at all for killing best boy
The bastard.

Well that's not true.


Call me a newfag but source?

Nemurin didn't deserve to die. Swimswim deserved everything she got and more.


Nemurin was a kuso NEET who didn't even do anything with all the power in the world. Her dying made no difference, she was already dead.

Swim2 was a cute loli with a good work ethic and ambition. Ripple was just salty as shit.

She was going to start a new job and turn her life around. The world didn't deserve her.

Nemurin would've had the most candies had doing things in dreams counted. She was basically a dream psychotherapist for the entire town; that's hardly useless just not front line work.

Nemurin let her dreams be dreams.

She wanted her dreams to be dreams! She was living the dream!

>She was basically a dream psychotherapist
Yes, she did a fine job telling Swimswim she could be a princess too.

>Swim2 was a cute loli with a good work ethic and ambition
She killed best doggo, who was her friend and just killed the crazy elf to save her. She did everything wrong and Ruler would be disappoint.

She legitimately did. Unfortunately Kill Kill was fucking broken and one session was not enough.

>Fart tortoise
>the best magical girls.

Stay mad Pukin.

Someone's not turtley enough for the Turtle Club.

My Wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.

>Character contends with condition but steadily loses to the power of love for best friend

Always nice to see the genderbent character succumb to her newfound love of cock.

Her power is to make it however long and wide she wants. Don't read too deeply into that.

>who is the artist?

Someone should really pick up Back Street Girls, there's a ton of untranslated chapters.

This series is too brutal savage for me, I almost feel sorry to all these guys who've to become an idol, because their's boss is fucking sadistic person who loves idol shit.

The boss is a total asshole, it's actually kind of ridiculous.
The more recent chapters introduce new guy-to-girl idols from mobs all around the world, he's got a regular group going. And one normal high school girl, for some reason.

Yeah, it's not very fun. The fact that the characters had sex change surgery instead of getting transformed into girls is also a turnoff for me.

Greatswords make the best weapons.