ITT: anime where the protagonist can't get his first choice of girl so he settles on someone else

ITT: anime where the protagonist can't get his first choice of girl so he settles on someone else

butthurt shonenfags incoming


He could've, he stopped being in love with her so he chose not to.

But user, the chilldhood friend always loses.

Your Lie in April

Tatami Galaxy

Mine lied regardless of season.

Which is worse, having the consolation prize, or being the consolation prize?


>picking used goods

Hikaru "could" have had Minmay at the end but it wouldn't have lasted. Minmay didn't really love Hikaru at the end, she was just tired of the stress and responsibility of being an idol and wanted to go back to her childhood which Hikaru represented.

Hikaru knew this. He could have shacked up with her but he knew they'd both just be running away from their duties, his as a soldier and hers as basically humanity's savior/goddess. Based on what the director said there's also an element of Hikaru knowing that Minmay is something more than just a cute idol, so he won't allow himself to hold her back.

Being the consolation prize I guess, because you know that no matter what you do your second best and that your partner values someone else more; having the consolidation prize isn't that bad as you might not have won first prize but atleast you actually have someone who genuinely loves and values you more than anybody else despite that person maybe not being who you want it to be.

ITT: someone who didn't watch the show.

Being the third person. Or the second person, if she'd unironically die rather than be with you.


The third person is the gold medal that gets away.

And usually found in the river by trawling a hook along the bottom.

fuck you Sunrise

I'm still mad


Fa was better than any of the newtype retards
he kept messing with 2bh

>anime where the best girl wins

Let's be honest.


Simon and Nia

These two, naruto only chose Hinata because Sakura couldn't get over her dicklust for Sasuke

To be fair, he knew his chances were slim back as a kid.

Did someone ask for best girl winning?

That drove him into the insane character that was the single good thing of this show.


Hikaru literally had no feelings for Misa until the last few episodes.

Apparently some side material implies this would of happened if the killing game never happened, but chances are he'd of smash the idol pussy instead if she hadnt died.