Where's the Magus bride thread?!
Where's the Magus bride thread?!
In the garbage where this show belongs.
But recovery of a mmo junkie has 138 replies?
Stop streaming
weakest episode so far could barely keep my attention
Do not post your shitty, eye-destroying garbage quality screen caps on Sup Forums. If you can't even be assed to download then don't punish everyone else by subjecting them to your blurry, pixelated trash.
You missed it, dumb phoneposter.
She cut her hair, dude.
It's like the "I'm so fucked up" of our generation.
>English title
Thank god I'm not the only one that thinks this show is garbage
Thank god I'm not the only one that thinks this show is garbage
It's already been had, man.
Not really much to say other than the episode itself was absolutely gorgeous.
And it was a good ride.
really liked the VA they chose for Joseph, felt like it was neither too old or too young/cutesy sounding for him, it was just riding the line for that kind of weirdly quirky kid.
>boring as shit
>semi-pretty visuals
>semi-good ost
why is this so highly regarded again?
Anyone else think the last two newest chapters felt like the pacing was way too fast?
> Semi pretty visuals
> Semi good OST
If you think it's boring that's up to you, but don't kid yourself trying to say that at least the visual quality isn't absolutely top notch, this show is gorgeous.
>semi-pretty visuals
>semi-good ost
Seems good enough for me, although the whole cat killing was kind of silly.
I hear those sleigh bells ringaling ring ring ringidty roo
But this is really mediocre plotwise. MC is just a fucking brick. Probably a much better novel I imagine
>MC is just a fucking brick
Eh, she's really not, she's just not really the energetic type.
At the very least she opens up more as the story goes on, it makes sense that she's so reserved now, considering the horrible abusive life she's had up until this point. Though, that being said, even in the earlier parts you can see her longing for companionship, her compassion, and definitely her issues with valuing her own life.
Yeah and I can understand it, but I can't bring myself to care I mean I want to but I just can't as she is not making any choices for herself not because she can't but because she does not want to.
As a Novel I imagine all the beauty and internal dialog would expand on this greatly making it an excellent story but as an anime it's just flat in C minor
> Not because she can't but because she does not want to.
That's true, but that's not due to a lack of writing quality, they convey in the manga that her dependency on Elias is a conscious choice she makes, and she honestly gets angry when another character points it out. At that point it's basically treated like the selfishness of a child starved for attention, since most of the time, Elias serves the role of a parent rather than a lover.
>Watched 3 episodes
>liked it a lot, so I read the manga
>caught up in a couple of days
>it's monthly
At least the plots moving along properly again with Chise's and Joseph's conditions, I fucking hated all that boring shit about the witches and dragon arm curse crap.
>but that's not due to a lack of writing quality
Agreed but through a visual medium it's just uninteresting
I can tell why everything is happening from the story that's been told it's just not that interesting without the additional details
I can't say I hated it because I read it all in one go, but if I had to wait a month just to get chapters like those I'd be mad. Man, it's hard to believe it started in 2013.
Eh, I'd say give it some time, its definitely a slow burn show and you'll get more details later.
As it is though, I like quiet characters like Chise, and even in there earlier chapters I didn't find it too hard to care about her, since there was a definite loneliness aspect being portrayed that was easy to empathise with.
The anime is meh desu. It suffers the 3gatsu syndrome of strictly sticking to the content of the source material without any visually interesting ideas, the gags becoming more sizable and distracting, too ordered and similarly paced in adapting chapters to take advantage of the medium's own format. However this is even worse because 3gatsu has some talented staff that can produce one-off excellent episodes like the recent one or some inspired sequences in key moments of the source material. Magus Bride never gives off the feeling of trying to elevate the manga and the staging and atmosphere comes off as flat when it shouldn't. It feels like a waste of time to keep up with.
I didn't think I had any tears left in me. The visuals and music in this scene were amazing
I'm the opposite. I enjoyed the earlier episodes, the dragon one was pretty good. This week on the other hand, with the cat killing and the painfully transparant set up for a "reunited for a loving embrace in their final moments" stuff was such a bore. Not even great visuals can save something that generic.
There's been two threads in as many days, neither of which even made it to 300 posts. Sup Forums never talks about good anime.
We need more celtic mythology in anime.
I'm getting an "alchemist" sort of vibe from these sorcerers. I'm interested to see the reason why the husband and wife turned into black goo. I bet its going to be sad.
I expected celtic fantasy, not feels
The original translation for them is "alchemists". I don't know why they opted to use "sorcerers" in the anime subs.
>I don't know why they opted to use "sorcerers" in the anime subs.
Crunchyroll, 'nuff said
This shit right here is basically why I refuse to read a manga unless it's finished. I don't want to wait a month or longer, and also sometimes it goes on hiatus, or the author dies or some other shit. I've been burned too many times.
That scene was great. Almost cried. Wasn't expecting it to hit me as hard as it did.
They say majutsu for sorcerers, it's correct.
Except that's not what they use in the manga, so it's actually incorrect.
blame the anime script writers then
From what I've read in the manga they use both of the terms fairly interchangeably .
How many cats would you kill for your waifu
Did you watch the OVAs first?
The manga translation I read had wizards, which I prefer over sorcerers but I wouldn’t mind alchemists
Waiting for the new chapter to get scanned.
I was referring to a later part in the manga, not the anime.
You both have shit taste, congratulations.
>looks like an otome game
>"hmm might be interesting with a couple plot twists"
>watch three episodes
>it goes on like a wish-fulfillment fantasy from a single, middle-aged woman
>look up the author
Why are you eating this shit up again?
Originally it was wizards, at least in the maigo trans.
What quality is the broadcast version in? I don't know if I should bother with 1080p for this show.
There was some website about this in Nip, but I lost the URL and I can't read moon.
boring otome trash for fat landwhale written by a fat landwhale
He looks like Hyou from Ushio to Tora
Best girl incoming
>TITania soon
I don't know I think there are a few more who can top her.
floppiest boobs i ever did see
I hope they keep the quality up for this episode, I loved the fairy queen chapter
So I guess the difference between using sorcery and being a mage is that a one uses his own power while a mage on the other hand uses the power of things around him. I'm guessing the benefit of using sorcery is that it's a lot more reliable unlike being a mage which has the potential to draw a much greater power but only in certain situations and stuff. In the end reliability always wins which is why being a mage is dying.
If you think about it in video game terms the characters in multiplayer that are the most reliable always are the ones people play in ranked while characters that are a lot stronger and deal more damage but in return are more risky aren't really pIcked as much.
You can correct me if I'm wrong but that's my theory on why things are the way they are in this world.
It would make sense why being a mage is a dying art.
Yeah, there's two of you with absolutely shit taste.
It's been a while since we've had an anime this good. It's probably the best anime I've seen since Madoka. We've obviously had a lot of good comedy anime but nothing is quite the same as getting an actual good anime without being reliant on comedy to carry it.*
If people on Sup Forums are pretending to hate it and you can obviously see for yourself it's a good anime that's a sure sign that that it's a great series.
Okay if it's so good, sell it to me. What's so good about it? I don't mind spoilers.
The easiest equation is that a Mage is like a DnD Warlock, where their power is borrowed from some more powerful or mystical being, and being a Sorcerer is closer to a DnD Wizard, with all the confusion that implies.
You are basically right, sorcerers use their own share of magic while mages use the aid of fae creatures and other nature shit as their source
That's why I was saying that Mages probably have the potential be to be msuch stronger than an entire group of them but only under specific conditions where was a powerful sorcerer will be able to reliably use his power in most situations. Considering that I think it's pretty obvious why most people have forgotten about mages in this universe.
Just watch the first three episodes of the prequel and you'll see. It's a beautiful show with a ton of great lessons to be learned while still being interesting. The world building is nice and the music is also great. The lessons in the series aren't always in clear sight as well. They're sort of hidden in a way that will make you think about what just happened and it's actually pretty great all round. It's just a good series.
The anime is not good, the manga itself is basically light reading, it's meant to be taken one chapter at a time for the most part, and each chapter has a small bit of character progression while developing the setting. The bits you see are small stories that are supposed to be interesting, while the main enjoyment the slice of life that you rarely actually get to see.
The art is also at times really good, and Chise doesn't look like a man. You can get caught up to where the anime is in probably a little over half an hour, or much faster if you want to burn through it. I think part of where the anime fails is how much they're trying to add on, which fucks with the pacing and tone, considering they're mostly focusing on drama.
I don't know man, watched the first three episodes and for a moment there I thought I was watching Twilight. Visuals are always nice to have, but they never sell a show to me, for example that crystal show this season, amazing visuals, dropped on the third episode as well.
The lessons are basic as fuck and MC has no personality.
Am I just stupid or did that whole scene with the flowers feel like a big ass pull out of nowhere and made no sense?
As much as I like to make fun of Eva the characters are actually what makes the show watchable and they're some of the best written characters in anime. Having said that I think Magus Bride is actually doing a better job with the main character of the series than Eva did with Shinji and I'm a big fan of character driven stories even though a story based anime happens to be my absolute favorite anime.
That's basically saying "it's good because it's good."
In terms of teaching a lesson and provoking the viewer to think, Kino no Tabi did a much better job.
That's kind of the point. She's lived in constant fear her entire life and has been like at like a freak and treated as a problem or mistake because of her talent. She's never really belonged anywhere and nobody has ever really cared what she had to say so she's hidden her true self behind a wall. I have a feeling she'll eventually start to become more human and relatable as time goes on but I'm sure she'll never be happy and bubbly like a normal person after having a childhood like that. I think a lot of people don't understand how damaged her character is in general. She was envious of the dragons death and she was going to let herself die when thrown into the water but she had her master in her shadow that pulled her up.
Yea but it's not done as well. I didn't enjoy it for some reason.
I enjoyed it more than I expected, in contrast to this, which feels kinda dragged out and predictable. Maybe it's just different strokes for different folks.
>girl currently feeling like shit because of her situation meets a mysterious, powerful, dangerous, but secretly fragile guy who takes her for a lover, tells her she is special and introduces her to his world of wonders and danger
This IS Twilight.
>she also her no personality whatsoever
>it has a female lead in a setting with fantastical elements, so it's Twilight
That's the breadth and depth of this meme. Don't delude yourselves.
So, you watched the first 3 episodes of the series but didn't watch the OVA?
>>girl currently feeling like shit because of her situation meets a mysterious, powerful, dangerous, but secretly fragile guy who takes her for a lover, tells her she is special
>>she also has no personality whatsoever
Did you just disregard this?
The dragon on the other hand was completely opposite from her. He lived his life to the fullest and even though he admitted to being lonely and sad towards the end he still was kind to her. That's a big deal because the dragon had been immobilized for years dying slowly and suffering every single day not being able to do what he loved the most and the human girl fully able bodied was so envious of his death he had every right to be pissed but he had such a kind heart and instead showed her the beauty of life through his eyes instead in his last moments of life. That was really touching and unexpectedly she had the power to let him fly one last time before he passed which I'm sure meant the world to him and in his death all he could offer her in return was a branch from himself for her to use as a wand. That's not even half of it. There was so much to be learned from that single episode.
So about this episodes ending;
King Cat is gonna lead the dead peoples to nothingness. But instead, something something fairy magic, the Cat gets to live and the people end up in the afterlife?
Is that the gist of it?
If they'd matter they would have put them into the series.
Pleb-tier, desu.
>i-it's good you just have to watch outside source, read the manga and listen to the author's interviews!
It depends on what you need to be good, all I really said was to form your own opinion, and explained why it's easy to do so. Also, it's good because it's good is really what "light reading" is. There's no deep plot, or really anything to get out of it other than enjoyment, if you don't enjoy it it has no purpose, and you stop reading.
>Just watch the first three episodes of the prequel and you'll see.
>I don't know man, watched the first three episodes
>So, you watched the first 3 episodes of the series but didn't watch the OVA?
Not that hard to follow why you'd come across as a dumbass here.
I do wonder why you'd watch a series but not the OVA prequel that aired before it but I've come to accept shit-tier reasoning in life.
You also said the anime isn't good you elitist sourcefed piglet. I don't care what you have to say if you'd completely disregard a masterpiece of an anime because you want people to know that you're somehow "special" because you read manga.
The guy who takes care of the dragons looks like he'd be a character in Inuyasha.
I've read the manga since the start and no, she doesn't. Aside from "woe is me."
For the first half of the story it goes "Oh no she's going to die soon due to her talent but man she makes some beautiful stuff that only she can do because of her fatal condition. Isn't that ironic, huh huh."
Didn't we go over this with the whole "Candle that burns twice as bright" thing? I'm sorry, this spiel is not development, unless Chise starts going on about watching C-Beams glisten in the sky or the Tannhauser gate or some shit.
It makes complete sense why she should seem the way she is right now. You're just wanting everything to happen right away.
Nagato from Haruhi didn't really have a personality either. That doesn't mean she wasn't able to have character development.
> only under specific conditions
Eh, not really, it mostly just comes down to the amount of training you have and how well you can enlist the help of fae creatures, but as it is, they are kind of all over the place, and let’s not forget that the presence of familiars like Hugo/Ruth would make it so that mages could tap into fae powers almost anywhere.
It goes on this way for 40 chapters. The manga's been going on for 4 years. Is that not enough time?
There's plenty of different ways to justify her personality, plenty of ways to excuse it or whatever. The real question is, is this an active character? Does she affect the world state and cause the story to move? Or is she at least a character whose responses to the world she encounters are interesting to watch? I'd argue no. Stories in Mahoutsukai tend to go like this
>Chise comes into contact with something magical
>Chise befriends the magical thing and whatever
>Something bad happens and nothing can be done
>Chise does something anyways that doesn't fix the problem, but alleviates it
>Elias and the rest kind of go "awww" and praise her naivete and whatever.
It's the same shit every fucking time. This manga is not the pinnacle of writing, and all these characters tend to be fairly bland. I actually much prefer the side characters, they seem more interesting to me, from the Leanean Sidhe to the Jew. I'd just say she's a bad character, does very little to drive the plot with anything but her illness and I think that it would be more fun to watch interactions between the side characters. But that's obviously harder to write.
Not to say the show or manga aren't worth watching/reading. They're beautiful in terms of art. Just don't treat this like high fantasy when it's essentially really pretty Welsh Twilight.
Being shy != not having a personality. I wouldn't argue that Chise lacks a personality either. I'd just say that without proper support, and as a main character, she doesn't come off as interesting aside from being a self-insert for japanese women with daddy fetishes.
Fun things are fun.
I don't think it's that simple. If a mage could reliably produce more power and better magic than a sorcerer everybody wouldn't be abandoning becoming a mage and favoring being a sorcerer out of the two.
Well first of all let's only talk about the anime because I haven't read the manga yet. As of now the series is doing a great job at building her character and telling the story while teaching lessons and having beautiful art and meaning within each episode. I've already explained why she wouldn't have much of anything to say or feel as of now but that's expected from somebody with her background and you simply can't expect her to heal from that and act like Haruhi in a couple of years even which I highly doubt had even passed in the manga. Give the girl some time to develop because the payoff will be worth it. The series is doing amazing at keeping us interested with the art, side characters and lessons to be learned within each episode and that alone makes this anime amazing. When she finally accepts her past and learns to value her life and love others that will be great but that comes with time.
>dropped both this and HnK
Your taste is beyond saving