Yuragi 86

Slept too long, but no DST saves the day

[Side] There're pros in no change!!
[Side] And pros in change!!
86: Matora

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>86: Matora's extremely hard struggle

[Top] Even Matora worries about things!!

"Touring secret... hot springs?"

"I never thought you'd have other hobbies aside from fighting, Matora"
"When did this happen?"
"Yoinozaka doesn't want to fight me at all..."

"Hey, I'm busy too, okay?"
"And sparring makes me tired"
"There's no reward in it"
"Well that's true"
"Is there something you wanna do then?"

"Let's see. Drink great booze,"
"And go on a nice hot spring trip?"
"...that's what she said"

>burd and delicious brown chapter

My favorite time of the week.

"But booze and hot spring resorts are impossible for me!"
"I mean, I got no money!"
"But I realized that if there are some secret springs that nobody knows about,"
"I realized I could just enter without any problems!"
"And so..."

"Take us to a secret place, Ohii-san!"
"Why me?!"
"Use clairvoyance to look for one quickly"
"Then teleportation to jump to a place, right?"

"And like, look, Ohii-san"
"You've been complaining about not going on a date yet with Yatahagane, right?"

"Invite him after work's done, and the four of us will go!"
"If everything goes well, you two will be alone!"

A few days later
"This is one nice scene!"

"Thanks for taking me with you... Hiougi!"
"I-I'm so happy you said that... Kogarashi-dono!"
"Whoa... his naked body..."
"Is something divine...!"

could have been better

"S...sorry Hiougi!"
"Yeah, this whole bathing thing is awkward... I'm out!"

"I'm just a little nervous about showing my swimsuit is all!"

"I just need a little more mental prepar..."

"It's just a swimsuit, what're you getting embarrassed about?"

"You said you showed it to him before, right?"

"W-well... I kinda forced him to back then, okay!?"
"Hey hey, Yatahagane!"
"What'ya think of Ohii-san's swimsuit here!?"