>No Aoi on any thread
This is just wrong.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
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somehow this series feels boring despite the fact that shit happens in most episodes, it isn't slow paced but it feels that way
They need to mix in some goddamn SoL already to balance shit out
The characters feel too plot purpose only and haven't had any actual exploring outside of "I am having issues"
Yeah, I really want SoL.
The pawns of SOL are worthless, yet the higher castes have not acted yet.
what a bitch.
I feel like two of these characters aren't doing anything.
Whats the point of of a see through skirt?
Is a all out war for the onii-Chan dick
Emma removing obstacles one at a time
but what specifically does ghost girl want from him.
His genes
To have him insert his sperm into the fertile eggs in her womb through his penis via the method of sexual intercourse.
more like all three aren't doing anything
the one that last aired
Why does gogoanime advertise porn now?
At this point?
To get a clue probably
could be based on your searches man.
It's so that the cum doesn't get into your robo-joints. I wonder how many calls the Japanese robot makers get saying "Help, my robot maid isn't working, her joints won't move anymore!" because of lewd shenanigans.
don't question fashion, user, we are talking about the industry that sells ripped pants at higher prices than mint condition ones, also it adds to the "futuristic" feel despite looking like something out of the early 2000's
I suppose that makes sense
Bullshit, if that was the case what would ads show if you had no search history? All sorts of factors control what ads are shown like malware and the respectability of the site you're on.
why did he choose a disguise with his distinct markings?
Good the word "could" means it doesn't have to be definitive.
So what disguises have we seen so far? Aoi has posed as a butterfly and Ema has posed as Blue Angel. Meanwhile GO has posed as Playmaker, a Hanoi Knight and a teddy bear.
Yusaku will probably have to come up with a disguised avatar for the inevitable point where the Duel Club tell him: "Hey, Aoi keeps saying that you might be Playmaker, but we think it's bullshit. Log into Link VRAINS and prove that you're not!" or something. What sort of duelist would he pose as?
How will she win Akira over?
Duel between her and Ghosto Gyaru fucking when?
>What sort of duelist would he pose as?
Any of the following:
>A water duelist like Mako Tsunami (Yusaku uses the excuse of "I finally did some spending")
>A bootleg Playmaker like Makoto that uses the shit Light deck ("What were you expecting?")
>A staple-spamming autopilot duelist ("No, I didn't sneak in a 4th Rai-Oh, what are you talking about?")
>Pulls a Yuri and shills the next structure deck ("Konami gave me this apartment, do you guys like pachinko?")
>A Blue Angel-obssessive creep that uses Trickstars, but isn't very good with them ("I have THREE body-pillows")
because none of the characters feel natural, they sound like robots
there is a huge difference and tone and speaking from arc-v and this for whatever retarded reason and they need to stop it
Aoi uses a demon deck irl
Is translator user around?
Guys, you think Go Onizuka and Dark Onizuka are related?
Of course not, Dark Onizuka is Go's double they introduced for Go to have a break
Expect a special where Go comes back to call Dark out for being a fake after beating Playmaker
>after beating Playmaker
Yeah, no. Playmaker is cool and strong. He will never lose.
This meme doesn't work when the character announces on screen that he is donning a mask.
>t. Yusaku
Pretty much this
it's a Crow avatar complete with a Burakku Feza deck
>That Yusaku's hand
Easy access panty shots
Why would they assume he's been to VRAINS? The fat faggot hasn't and I doubt the other club members are regulars.
>Aoi being related to JACK ATLAS
I would believe it.
What? Are you assuming Vrains is some exclusive shit or what?
It’s literally just gonna be Playmaker but his hair is blue. It’s going to fool them all. You already know this is true.
Are you saying you don't want to see him freak out Aoi by pretending to be a crazy Blue Angel fanatic? He can go on and on about his huge collection of memorabilia and figurines that he totally doesn't hotglue.
>Night terrors
What happens to revolver
Did the guys over at 2ch make a video on their reaction to Vrains?
I just realized the other 2ch reaction videos to the other series got taken down all together
gets annoyed his lieutenants lost
How did he and baira take out so many AI's so quickly?
By drawing cards at the speed of light.
All those drawing cards exercise we see in card games anime are not for nothing.
Same way Reiji beat Roget.
This nigger has been more absent than Reiji was in the first 25 episodes of Arc V
On second thought maybe they just led the goons to victory
Bad writing
Did she even make this face for more than a few frames?
they all play the same, just copy yourself and duel a bunch of them simultaneously, I'm sure they could do something similar
I am disappointed she wasn't batshit insane
Honestly everybody is too calm in this anime,passive aggressive at most
yusaku got pretty angry at akira, and aoi edged towards anger last episode.
it wouldn't even make a difference if she disappeared
her personality is flat as a board and adds nothing of value to the series
Butthurt fujos and speed watchers go on the right door
do you think the AI has her personality?
She is the leader of the AIs so she might be bossy
He uses a RED HAT and plays one of the Tag Force starter decks.
That is perfect.
I don't know if any one of them is a leader they just seem represent attributes i think.
fatty: Looks like I win again~
fatty: you know, you should update that incomprehensible deck already.
yusaku thought: well it is a dummy deck
fatty: i-if you absolutely insist, I'd be willing to go card shopping with you after school
yusaku: I refuse
panel 3:
fatty: H-how dare you, when I'm trying to be nice over here!
yusaku: she's also using a dummy deck huh...
panel 3:
Blue Angel Red Demon
Wouldn't Kaiba be more believable?
neither of them would be believable because neither seem like they would have direct descendants.
>implying Kaibacorp doesn't have a storage of Seto's TOP DUELIST semen
I really want SOL stuff
I'm not TL-kun herebut the カンコーン On the second page is a commonly used sound in Yugioh Japs seem to like using it often.
You may have heard it before in the anime.
but kaibacorp is the futuristic corporate state of nightmares.
That's a really cute boy
What's the best torrent for subbed DM right now? I want to experience it again without piss-yellow translations.
really bored looking women are always cute
Thanks user
flail talker when?
Aoi's secret idol status: destroyed
When will Yusaku lose?
when ignis is detached from him.
All I remember from Arc-V was Yuya always stating the same things over again and every other character's dialogue almost always being at least tangentially related to Yuya
I don't think that information is allowed to leave the SoL building
If it spreads is just going to reflect on their shit security and people will lose trust in them
SOL has already demonstrated thorough incompetence at securing their digital assets, but people keep using it anyway.
Kind of like the internet in general
Link to the artist of this? Reverse searching gives nothing and I love the artstyle.
So funny I spilled my drink.
>Implying that Yusaku would lose a duel with high stakes
its like a cat
Naoki literally says it's where the elites go in the first episode, strongly implying that he does not believe himself worthy of going.
yeah its where cannon fodder like this goes to hang out.
He needs to eat shit already
He should. And we will be rid of Ai for some time at least.
Aoi is beautiful
Thanks a bunch. This picture where Aoi is a jiangshi is perfect.
Theres one of Yusaku too
Aoi may not be a shota but she is still a cake magnet somehow