Why is the jews natural state trying to destroy the white race?

Why is the jews natural state trying to destroy the white race?


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Scorpion and the frog.

Because evil always seeks to destroy good.

Tearing down is easier than building up

>marxists taking over colleges nationwide
who cares
>posters saying don't hate white people

>shilling on Sup Forums
>claiming Sup Forums hates him as so sort of badge.

Sup Forums hates everything if you want to generalize

No point in asking anymore. We need to solve the problem and let God sort us out later.

¡la Creatura!

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Is there anyway to stop these jews from doing this? It seems all the media is blairing the same message of diversity and everyone being a minority.

This was the guy who posted his video a bunch of times yesterday right?

Divide et impera

They really need to realize not to use jews to say this shit... we see you yids coming from a mile away.

He acts really gay and feminine. Jews are a feminine religion.

They have a massive media monopoly globally. The internet helps but you need to stop shooting yourselves in the foot by going full blown neo nazi mode at the beginning.
whats the point of using nazi imagery or anything that can be construed as bigoted and white supremacist when it's just an excuse for people to tune out?

"its ok to be white" is a great example of how to do it

Don't give that shilling kike any views.

How is it feminine? I am trying to understand from a place of history how Jews are still around and seemingly growing in power and land with USA blessing.

rats act like rats jews are jews. You know you need to exterminate rats rather than live with them but you can't blame them for being rats.

Social engineers hate him!
Random 4channer brings down media cabal and their race baiting bullshit with this one weird trick!

By calmly not feeling like he has to justify himself to eceleb wannabes and their grody fans through the prism of their dishonest word game nonsense!

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Many people don't know how rage filled that real white people make jews feel. They are filled with a wicked ethnosadism because they can't deal with their jealousy and envy.

jew bloodline is only passed on by the female according to their rules

Yes I feel a deep calling in my bones to preserve the white race and spread our cultural diversity to the rest of the world through manifest destiny. I have no idea what I am up against though I feel I have just scratched the surface with all the media brainwashing and I know the end could be going down in a hail of bullets but I don't know who exactly the enemy is.

Imagine being a jew in america and knowing that the goyim's grandparents saved you from annihilation, and then the fucking audacity of those goyim not to go along with your plan to replace them. Can you imagine? A goyim who won't follow your plan to destroy himself?

his head looks like a hairy bowling ball

I watched most of the video. Why does it look like he's got his balls in a vice the entire time he talks? His voice has a constant quiver to it and he's fidgeting and jerking around erratically. I can't tell if it's a new video effect these fags use or if he's on coke. He's so whiny. He's very gay and reminds me of that MTV tranny. I want him to die.

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jewish hereditary laws are literally written around cuckoldry

So we need to kill their queen breeders and the rest should die off on their own?


I'm so tired of mods allowing ecelebs to post clickbait here, when are mods going to ban these blatent advertisement threads?

I just saw this jew promoting his material about Sup Forums and hoped you guys would do something about it but I guess Sup Forums doesnt have that power anymore to shut down this jew so thread over i guess. Thanks guys.

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He’s mostly right you know. White nationalism will always be full of contradictions as long as people pacifist and reactionary mindsets.

Because he's on the Qatari state media/Rupert Murdoch's ultra-tryhard liberal attempt to steal views from Vice, which is failing miserably. The liberal alt-media is hemorrhaging money as their content is bankrupt of any substance and even millenial faggots know it. "Fixie bike tour of downtown Vancouver's most underground stick-and-poke mustache ride taverns" is alienating the most treasured value to the hip left: their sense of proprietary "cool". AJ+ and Vice are a constant, nagging reminder that their entire value system is a marketing strategy. This dude will be unemployed by next year.

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The Jew loves nothing more than to destroy those who have fought and died for their freedom. Not aiding the Nazi in destroying the Jew was one of the biggest mistakes in history.

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I like the way you talk. What are some good Vice articles to look into? I saw one on canibals of africa that was insane. Reporter goes to remote canibal village and starts digging up a story.

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Rogans mom is Social worker
>In a position to steal white children from their families.
>Dad working for socialst jewish outfit
Rogan is working in a medium to brainwash youth through the movies.

Jesus christ I feel like I am waking up from the matrix. What do I do now? Where do I enlist?