Characters who defeated Truck-kun

Characters who defeated Truck-kun.

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That guy from Ajin

Does the 2 in the filename imply this madman has done this TWICE?!

Can't be counted to have beaten it if they died 15x before it. Truck danna can't be stopped

Japanese Truck-kun is smalltime.

Try to beat Chinese Oil Truck.

China and Russia take traffic to scary levels.

I didn't know the new Ghost Rider was chinese.

makes for a terrible winning percentage



I think I have a fear for chinese oil trucks now

That's just one of his clones.

How progressive! It's so beautiful to see the wholesome culture of Islam spreading through China so rapidly!

No only once, but god knows how many times he tried.

Where does that meme comes from?

Why is it that these kinds of videos always come from china?
Like Christ it is like that place is one big rube goldberg death machine, who even films these chinese final destination webms?

He resetted 15 times just to punch someone right, mental is putting it lightly.

Looks like surveillance camera's footage to me.

>try to change lane to safety
>get impaled

> get comically crushed by pole
> truck runs over you
> and you get set on fire

It's like God said:
> Fuck this guy in particular.

Do surveillance cameras track like that?

The oil truck one is. The other one was obviously recorded by some bystander.


I wish the author would draw sexy costume scenes again like in Anagle Mole. Just an Ana panty fanservice scene would be nice.

Looks like a giant DeLorean.

Do chinese trucks also send you to another world? It's worthless if it doesn't.

How is Saike these days? I haven't read in a couple months, is it still good?

It's alright, Johann's a really lovable villain and the last couple of chapters had some fun fights. Though we're about to move to the Nepal arc which I'd say is great until the end. An adventurous arc with heartwrenching drama along the way, I was personally really anxious about Saike's fate while reading it.

At least Fukuchi drew Ana as a sexy demoness for halloween on his twitter.

Nope. They send you back in time. Usually five years or so. Or are those Korean trucks I'm thinking about?

Nice, masturbation time

looks like it went back to the future

Truck-kun and Trucker-kun
>"Hey, that's my truck!"

This is possibly the single worst scan I have seen in my entire life.

was this shit made on the fucking 3ds?

After 9 cool dramatic volume covers, why does Saike volume 10 have to look so goofy?

She might possibly even be into domming, enjoy.


Truck was fucked that day.


Why is Japan so much better at doing Spider-Man than the USA?

Why do you all hate trucks so much anyway? The dangerous ones are only a minority, on a whole we're just anime fans like you guys are.

Truly best girl

Quick, someone add the Back to the Future theme


>Rolling around at the speed of sound,
>Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow!
>Can't stick around, have to keep moving on,
>Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out!

Wish I had the webm.

It doesn't send you into other worlds, it sends you back to the past where your mom wants to fuck you out of existence.

Fuck your truck.

Fuck that fire line was cool

>final destination

>no items
>trucks only

Top tier match right here

The disturbing thing is, googling "chinese oil truck accident" brought up so many results from so many different accidents, that I couldn't find the one that video clip is from.

It's not disturbing. The whole country is like that in almost all the ways.

>that flash of red from that guy that got run over, impaled by the pole, and afterward probably on fire

shit what did that guy do to deserve it

And how is that supposed to be "not disturbing"?

He did die though.

Just don't go there, or do any business deals directly with them.

Is it safe to say that China is to Japan what Mexico is to us in the states?

>dat 0:09
For someone that doesn't miss a single rekt thread on /gif/, i'm impressed.

What's it supposed to me? Spray of blood?

maybe in your world

I get that Im supposed to assume that the truck is magic and powerful enough to ram thru trees which adds to the intimidation factor but fuck is that stupid to watch.

It looks like it, though that could just be a metal fragment from the truck

Not just Japan.

Brute forcing a win against Truck-kun still counts. At least his win percentage isn't zero, which is much better than most people.

Nah, Truck-kun just likes going places.

Can you imagine if he just woke up in another world after getting hit by the truck? Dear christ I think I'd have killed myself.

This guy came close but Truck-kun had a backup plan.

This can happen to any of you anons! Be safe and live a life with no regrets!

>implying anons go outside

Don't underestimate a japanese truck user. When another world is on the brink of destruction and needs a hero, the japanese truck will send the right guy no matter what it takes.

Not always. Sometimes truck-kun just plows through until by random chance the right guy or gal gets isekai'd. The unfortunate normalfags become npcs or something.

>“Oh no! Unruly horses are running out of the truck!!”
I hate this.

>that kind of chubby, tubular, frumpy design


88 miles an hour!




I love Fukuchi's adorable chubby characters, he makes a lot of them.

I want Johann to peel me an apple.

t.someone who doesn't know anything about japanese Spider-Man.
Spiderman there is basically another ultraman and fights with a giant mécha against aliens from the spider planet.

The only thing I enjoyed about that novel.


Do Chinese vehicles not come with breaks or something?

Are you implying that isn't an improvement?




I always found Saike looking really disturbing at times.
Like he could turn full lawfag at any moment.

Tape-chan best girl

close enough?

>ywn have a landlady this cool

Which manga is this? Google and iqdb are failing me.

They break all the time, sure.

Came here to post this.
>Truck-kun is so powerful even Saiki had trouble



Truck-kun is just a small fry.