Say hello to the ladies
Imouto sae Ireba Ii
>16 year old professional illustrator who's a hit with the ladies and is fucking ripped
>but has that fag hair-style
immersion = shattered
Metrosexual numales are the in thing.
Talent ?
Speed 2
Logic 2
Communicate 2
Everyday ability 1
Both Love and Talent are Harvey Comet level, but bad-at-everything-else high end cute girl.
What's her endgame?
Sounds pretty accurate if anything
From what I saw of Japan, that's basically what normal 16 year old guys look like in the cities
What you mean like visual kei trash?
School grade 4
Sports ability 4
Popularity 4
Everyday ability 4
Youth 7
Lost in love, lost in friendship, and lost in dream youthful triple crown.
>youth 7
>one of the older people in the show
I'd never seen so many pretty boys in one place desu. Foreign fujos would be jealous
No, not like that, but when I was there they definitely had all kinds of interesting hairstyles. I don't remember seeing any outright visual kei guys
Talent 3
Speed 4
Logic 5
Communication 5
Everyday ability 5
The handsome author that is perfect in every way except for being talented.
Talent 6
Speed 1-5
Logic 1
Communication 4
Everyday ability 2
The YOLO living-moment-to-moment male.
Talent 5
Speed 4
Logic 3
Communication 2
Everyday ability 2
Fighting to create the ultimate little sister, the modern day Pygmalion.
Sadistic 5
Work speed 5
Manner 5
Care/Look after 5
Mystery 5
School grade 5
Athletic 5
Popularity 5
Everyday ability 5
Secret 7
The perfect woman.
The dependable yet undependable sadistic tax saver.
The unbelievably perfect person that has a secret.
Seriousness 4
Tough work 5
Alcoholism 4
Reputation among authors 3
Ranking at a certain 18+ store (Platinum) 5
With 18+ services to smooth his heart, the overworked man who embraces darkness.
> Secret 7
What did they mean by this ?
>the overworked man who embraces darkness
Fug, that hit harder than it should've.
Nayuta Best Girl
I can't wait for the author to fuck the entire plot and the fan base just like he/she did with Haganai.
The secret is her penis, right guys?
Barely any best girls this episode but was still fun as fuck. The delayed OP was hilarious.
What about the new girl lad? The one with the ribbon?
>granny fanservice and manservice
Fucking why?
Sorry trapfags, you lost this time.
Tits are tits and butts are butts.
Bonus- V3 color illustrations
Also will win the imoutobowl
>only volume 1 is TL'ed
Hurry the fuck up YP.
I thought Sup Forums didn’t care about localised LNs?
Nayuta date?
BT dropped it because it got licensed. So there's no other recourse.
The trap isn't a trap and the MC had the imouto he wanted all along.
This mirrors the MC monologue at the end of episode 2 where he talks about people not appreciating what they have, and having what you already want is a miracle.
The end of the series will be him finding out about his little sister and ditching her for the best girl, because he'll realize a real little sister isn't enough. Every girl in the world is a little sister if you wish it to be so. With that, he will accept silver as best.
>Ashley is a used good
Went from best girl to worst girl.
>32 years old legal loli semen demon
Not even in lewd manga.
She does men like she does her taxes.
Can someone spoil me? Who won the mc bowl?
is it bad that I get turned on by the idea to take a bath with old ladies perving on me?
I like old ladies.
there's special onsens where toothless grannies suck your cock. there's even porn videos of it. it's the ultimate patrician fetish.
is the granny scene lewder in the LN?
Do you want it to be lewder?
Early and for free?
The OP at the 17 min mark caught me off guard holy fuck.
I was laughing
I want ashley to step on me
Reminder that editor-kun did nothing wrong.
He is an editor, inherently wrong.
How many episodes until asses man sees imouto ass?
Either next episode or the one after that?
Nah, most nip author's work would be middle-school tier if not for the editors.
But most are middle school tier.
Now I know where all these uncreative and pointless LN plots come from.
I'm not sure if this is a deep anime pretending to be shallow or a shallow anime pretending to be deep
Perhaps it's both?
>"Wanna go look at some girls' asses?"
It should have been
>"Yeah alright"
What kind of talent?
Egg eating talent.
7 inches not-so-feminine dick
So this is how all those garbage fucking LNs pop up. They literally put the authors in solitary confinement.
Nice expression
Must how the Haganai ending got conceived.
>Full ED release in late December
>Boy gets transformed to another world but this time he has the latest razor laptop
Jesus that long? The EDs are like max comfy too.
So what will be the next episode about?
Its literally impossible to not know your younger siblings gender.
Immersion was ruined from ep 1
Wait, after rechecking some sources said December, but some said November. I hope it's November.
Every. Fucking. Thread.
If they don't fuck around with the source material it's apparently glasses as well as college slut crying and imouto ass. The TRPG episode might also happen the episode after that.
When will we see this?
This only gets better after every episode, now let's hope Editor-san stops the author from pulling another Haganai
Name a manga adaptation of an LN that was far superior to the LN it was adapting.
Ironically, the Haganai manga.
What is this college slut doing?
Writing porn about herself
>that OP
I'm getting PTSD from when OniAi first aired and they also had absurdly late OPs.
I don't expect anything from this writer after trainwreck called haganai.
>Ranking at a certain 18+ store
I should have expected this.
I think OreShura, Haganai, Goblin Slayer and Saekano Koisuru Metronome(this one is a spin off, but whatever) are much better than their LN counterpart for a number of different reasons (SoL-like RomCom LN like Haganai and OreShura are much enjoyable in small bites, Goblin Slayer manga makes the action more visceral, Koisuru Metronome is spin off that talks about the industry instead of just the doujin scene)
That symmetry though is first class.
Is this rape?
Nobody cares about KM.
So, i wait whole week for more Kanikou and all i got is the 2 seconds of her. Dammit!
I will break this symmetry if you know what I mean.
Fucking metrosexuals.