Kimetsu 85

From my understanding, no Korean user, so I guess time for chapter.

85: Bawling
[Side] Is the scene you see despairing or...

Other urls found in this thread: ch 85.rar

[Side] The result of the attack!?


He cut it!! Her head fell off!!
Uzui-san cut her down!? Awesome...!!

"The fight isn't over yet. Do something about your sister."


Is she okay?

"Dumb brats who grumble around have no place on the battlefield"
"Sing her some plain lullaby or something"





Crap. My voice isn't reaching her.
She isn't listening at all.

What do I do, mom?

Fuck her in the ass

"Sing her a lullaby or something"

"Knock knock..."
"Little bunny"
"From the little mountain"

"Why are your ears"
"So long?"

"When she was small, my mother"

"Ate the leaves of a tall tree,"
"And that is why my ears"

"Are so long"


Knock knock, little bunny from the little mountain

Why are your eyes so red?

When she was small, my mom
Ate the fruit of a red tree.
And that is why my eyes are so red.

And onii-chan's eyes are red,
Because you ate the red fruit too, mama? [TN: Hmm, I'll look at the pronouns from the last two pages if TS user manages to finish today]


"She's asleep..."

"Mom, she slept..."
"She's asleep..."


Ok I admit this is cute as fuck. Scary when you realize she can turn into murderous sexy older sister but right now it's cute.

"Hang on here, where're you going!?"

"How dare you cut my head off"
"You'll pay for this"

"You still grumbling over there?"
"I got no business with you. Just die plainly."

"Stop joking around!"
"I mean, you said I wasn't an upper moon in my face awhile ago"


that's so sad and sweet

"Like, you're not an upper moon"
"I am upper moon six!!"

"Then how did I cut your head off so easily? You're so weak."
"Did your brain explode?"

"I still haven't lost"
"I'm an upper moon"
"You've lost. Without a doubt."

"I'm actually strong!"
"And I'm just number 6 now, so I'll just get stronger from here and..."

"Not persuading anyone here."

"I'm really upper moon six! I'm serious!"
"I even got the number [to prove it]"
"I'm super awesome"

Nezuko ;-;

>villain losing the bant

Is this a bullying manga?

Nezuko ;_;

Daki ;_;

Uzui a shitty bully

She broke into a tantrum? You kidding me?
No no no, more importantly, how long is she gonna talk?

Her head's cut off, but her body isn't crumpling down.

"Die!! Die!!"
"You're all gonna die!!"


"My head got cut off! It got cut oofffff"

Nezuko ;_;



Well I wasn't expecting this



I thought this might be a fakeout, and a more powerful demon might show up, but I did not anticipate demon in a demon

>not "Bowling"
>not "Bowling for Head"
>not "Busty hot teen gives more head than she can handle"

3/10 OP.

jesus christ

Oh shit

It's not fair to bring your brother to a fight

"Alright then, only because you cried."
"You can put your own head back on, right?"
"You really do lack a brain, huh."

Her head fell off, but she's still alive.
And what the heck was that thing that came outta her back!? His reaction speed is no laughing matter.


I guess this one isn't the demon that Inosuke and Zenitsu encountered.

So I guess in the end it was a half red herring

"Maan, your face got burned?"
"Take care of that thing"

"You were born with such a cute face, after all."

[TN: His eye mark is very small, but I think it also says six. So Upper moon 6 might actually be two demons.]

"Not bad"
"You stopped my attack there"

Tanjirou and Nezuko best siblings

don't die, flamboyant bro

>ywn comfort daki

"And I was trying to hack you down there too."
"Nice, man"

[side] The demon makes its move... [Alternatively 'evil makes its move...']

Now we wait and see if TS user shows up

Thank you.

Demon needs a sandwich
Uzui needs new pants
Nezuko needs sleep

Fucking beautiful Uzui
Is this what Tanjirou and Nezuko would be like if they went down the demon road?

By the way Tanjirou is singing this song here

Thanks for the TL.

Uzui is fucked, isn't he?

Oh sweet. Thanks man.

here's some halloween kimetsus


If Upper Moons are so stronk, how did demon hunters survive all this time? Or are Sun Breath lineage enough op to balance them?



ok that's all

Hunters can always safely withdraw in to wisteria groves and wait for the daytime if things get bad enough.

Weak humies

Demons can only go out at night at mainly seem to hide in one area and feed on people. Pillars would probably only run into an upper moon if they stumbled upon them or drew their attention. It would be interesting to know if any of the retired pillars we've seen ever had a brush with an upper moon and survived. The impossibility of beating the upper moons may have been why Kyoujurou's dad gave up being a demon hunter.

Why don't they just grow wisteria everywhere?

Or sell them as protection charms?

What are the little sound effects in the bottom panel that he's doing with his weapon?

I think those're heartbeats.

They do make them into protection charms at least. Probably difficult to convince most people that demons are real and that they should buy your charms.
Its likely that the Wisteria needs to be in bloom for the anti-demon effect to take effect and Wisteria can often be reluctant to bloom.

Dokudoku means beating, pulsating

this fucking page

This manga's a diamond


I wasn't a fan of how the previous upper moon just basically dropped himself into the story, not to mention his design is just generic lines and shit. This guy is better imo, real creepy and unnerving like a real demon should be

Haunting. Hope this scene gets animated one day

There's 3 sections of text in the 2nd panel, do you know what the 3rd (or 2nd?) line is?

Also what are the growls on this page?

Also, should I go with mother or mom? The first chapter uses 'mother', but I don't know if it matters. And the song has mother first, then mom the next time.

1) Lemme rephrase the 2nd and 3rd parts
>Because you ate the fruit
>When he was in your belly, mama?
2) Keep mother for the song

I just used mom because its less formal than mother. Either one works. Keep it mother for the song though

"when he was in your tummy"


>"Alright then, only because you cried."
Crying's not gonna help.
>"You can put your own head back on, right?"
At least attach your own head yourself.
>"You really do lack a brain, huh."
You really are lacking in the brains department, huh.

>"And I was trying to hack you down there too."
And I struck with the intent to kill too.

Late today, you okay?

I'll try to keep blogging to a minimum: procrastinated and slept all weekend (woke up 3 hours ago). Now I'm just going to stay up until it's time for work.

Above is all the nitpicking I have for Kimetsu this chapter.
Yuragi looks like a boring wall of text this week which I'm not in the mood for so I'm going to pass on that.

When is it never a wall of text?

Anyways, alright then. Thanks man

Damn his design is fucking great, good turn of events in this arc. Still don't think it's up there with spider or Aniki arcs though, but this manga has been consistently great since the spider arc.

No time to upload each page, so here's the download ch 85.rar

Going out somewhere?

Anyways, out now, so I need someone to dump it for final checks.

Ty ts user, will you upload it to batoto?

Gotta sleep, got work tomorrow

Yeah just did

Or if there aren't any missing bubbles or weird parts, it should be fine.

Kay alright then, have a good rest

Uzui's "hat" got killed.

Man, why are the villains in this manga so fucking sexy.

>Daki gets a pep talk after being bullied
>Nezuko brought back from the brink by her mother and brother
why is this series so good, bros? ;_;

>thought that Nezuko and MC being able to somehow stand up to an Upper moon was kind of bullshit
>it wasn't actually an upper moon
I love this shit

>First was Aniki
>Now Uzui
Flamboyant ninja is fucked

Well, it was half of an upper moon at least. So they're getting there.

I think it's cause it actually makes it seem like family matters. Like instead of having family die as a classic tragic shounen backstory and then never mentioning them again for the rest of the series, their family is constantly brought up again and again as a reminder and motivation. I especially enjoyed the dreaming segment because of that. FMA did it pretty well, which is why I enjoy manga with sibling protagonists.

*best couple

So is daki stronger than spider boy?


Seriously at this rate demon hunters are gonna be wiped out in less than a year.

>Tanjirou has a unique Breath of Flames
>Fire Pillar fights an Upper Moon
>Zenitsu has an exceptional sense of hearing
>Sound Pillar is fighting an Upper Moon

The best and most famous female shounen authors are actually pretty good at incorporating familiar matter into the fighting shit. They are also good at making their series absolutely no homo, unlike the ones who have to use it as a cheap ploy to lure fujo in.

Kimetsu was being advertised in the latest volume of Kemono Jihen.
New chapter never

I swear to God if we lose chad Ninja I will riot.

Zenitsu is thunder though, that and Zenitsu didn't bond much with Uzui, I think is most likely the 3 main hunters will become pillars who replaced previous pillars who were felled in battle and who they bonded with very well. Zenitsu's old master for one is a retired pillar, maybe the gramps will be forced to do one last mission to protect something and his potential death could make Zenitsu try even harder, keeping his strenght out of his trance.