What the fuck is a nincompoop?

What the fuck is a nincompoop?
S2 where?

You've never heard nincompoop before?

Old OLD Japanese word. Means "person with shitty taste in anime"

Never read Willy Wonka?

It's a baka.

>S2 where?

Never ever ;_;

S2 never

We'll get it after Non Non Biyori S3 guys, I promise.

Truly master material

I hope the manga ends some day so best girl can win the limp tanaka dick

shouldnt that rope be tightened around the neck? whats with the gap

Why not use idiot or stupid instead? Why do they have to specifically use nincompoop, a word nobody has ever heard?


>a word nobody has ever heard
It's not that uncommon. I think the vast majority of native speakers will know it by the time they're old enough to watch late-night anime.

I'm sorry you're retarded.

What the fuck, nincompoop is absolutely nowhere near an obscure word.

>a word nobody has ever heard?
Fuck off ESL

Is there any hope of the remaining specials being translated now that GJM died?

So is she a filthy lesbo or what


That'd be indecent

>doesn't know what a nincompoop is

I hope you're not as dumb as this Sup Forumsnon Sup Forums. It's origins are actually debated, with 3 different possibilities to it's birth. Either its an English original word which dates from the 1600s, from a bible reference to Nicodemus the Pharisee who doubt's Jesus; OR it comes into English via the french word "nicodeme" which means simpleton. I personally think the third possibility is the most likely. That being it's likely a little of both, meaning it was probably a pun of Nicodemus with the french word Nicodeme. Either way the meaning of the word is still the same since it's birth 400 years ago, meaning 'a foolish or stupid person.'

I'll take five.

If you don't know, then it's you OP.

I take it English isn't your first language?

youre absolutely right
i cant believe i havent thought about it before
tanaka definitely has erectile disfunction

DmonHiro translated them.

>a word nobody has ever heard

Why was Shiraishi in this manga again? Miyano would pull the romantic interest way better since they are clear opposites, probably the only mistake author made.

I want to marry Miyano and have her die in childbirth.

>Wanting Miyano to be hurt

How many of you never heard of strawberry milk before this?

do you live in some 3rd world shithole

Yes, the united states.

Had you not?


I find your manner to be vacuous and you to be devoid of the cognition of the languages you claim to speak. I declare you to be a stolid inane ignoramus.



tanaka is too lazy for an s2

the first season already put so much pressure on him


How is that even possible? When i was in high school, I used to drink 3-4 strawberry milk every week.

You really need to get out more.

I want to fuck Miyano in the ass.

But she poops from there?

what is happening