How is Christianity monotheistic again?

How is Christianity monotheistic again?

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>peace out dad, I'm going to earth to smoke weed with my frands and there's nothing you or your derpy bird can do about it!

Child sacrifice and the Heavenly Father (father of time and heavens = Saturn, Chronos, the Reaper and creator)

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because nobody worships just one of those people without also worshipping the other two. in a true polytheism you get to pick and choose. you could worship aries and tell poseidon to fuck off

The Trinity

The Father being the God of all things, The Son being God incarnated into man, and the holy spirit being the divine energy of God the Father given to Christ the son, represents Gods will and love that proceeds from the Father and the Son

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>proceeds from the Father and the Son
the filioque is unsupported by scripture. Christ Himself said the Spirit proceeds from the Father. just sayin

Because the three hypostasis are in fact one ousia.

God is a Germanic word

Your demon is called Jehovah and he sacrificed Jesus

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do shills really have to spam useless questions about every topic under the fucking sun

Because the object of worship is God, or the metaphysically ultimate one; as distinguished from polytheism where in the objects of worship are this or that finite created deity.

"I believe in one God: the Father Almighty"
Don't you even the Creed?

we are all one. but in fear and empathy we have hidden the truth behind our back.

Why do muzzies always use this argument?

You confusion rests on getting lost in the personality of God, thinking of God as a supernaturally powerful person and not understanding that God is much more than personality and has a impersonal aspects to his being namely that he one in his being, infinitely simple and irreducible.

1 John 5:7 -- "these three are one".

And so God can be one in his being, indeed he has to be to truly be God. But he can be 3 in his personality.

God is almighty. Jesus is just a Messiah in human shape we can learn from.

And yet Jesus regularly addressed God the Father, rather than God the Myself.

Why would Jesus address himself? The Father is a distinct person from Jesus, yet they both share in their divine nature and being.

Concept of the trinity is easier understood if know that Christianity classically defines God as Ipsum Esse subsistens

The three hypostases have the same will. Same will, three persons. Jesus also has a human will.

>3 = 1
Arianism version makes much more sense

It actually doesn't. The monad concept like in Islam has a lot of problems and the Trinity clears them up. It is the problem of the one and the many, which Christianity overcomes through the Trinity.

>that Christianity classically defines God as Ipsum Esse subsistens
Not traditionally, no.

Nowhere does the Bible say Jesus is God. Only mistranslated verses and out-of-context verses "say" Jesus is God.

The Trinity is a Helenistic philosophical idea and pagan belief. Not a Biblical teaching. We know this because of the definitions used to describe it: Essence, substance, nature, homoousios, and persons is all Greek metaphysical terms origining in Helenistic Philosophy going back to Plato and Aristotle. The word hypostatic union comes from hypostasis. It is a philosophical idea from Helenistic Greek Philosophy. The Trinity can only be supported with pagan doctrine. These terms and beliefs are not found in the Bible but in Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. The Trinity can be traced back through old triad gods, Greek Philosophy, and Hindu avatarism.

the definitions of the Trinity itself: Essence, substance, nature, homoousios, persons, hypostatic union. Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras all taught these centuries before Jesus was born. Just trace "hypostatic union" on Wikipedia. It goes straight back to Plato, Aristotle and Neoplatonism.

Think about this: If I started using word like "Means of Labor," "bourgeoisie," "proletariat," "Base and superstructure" and called myself a Libertarian you'd all cry foul and accuse me of being a Marxist and Communist. Why? Because all my terminology used to describe "Libertarian" ideology is all Marxist in nature. You would all call me a fraud.

Why not with the Trinty? That's where the entire definition of the Trinity comes from. None of the terminologies, defintions, and understanding of the Trinity comes from the Bible. It all comes from Greek Philosophy, Stoicism, Hindus, and Pagans.

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>You're supposed to worship GOD you fucking idolators!
>The bible clearly states the Lord Jesus is god, and that if you don't recognize that, you are doomed to eternal damnation

Well which one is it Christcucks?

The daddy, little pepito, and the bird of sunshine.

Apollo, Athena, Zeus

People wanted to worship Jesus as a God and that went against the teachings of Jesus in the first place, so they just made up a bunch of bullshit to justify it.

The End.

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John 3:16 and plenty of other passages say that God the Father sent the Son though.

What it interesting is what type of psychopathic "God" sets you on fire for eternity because you misunderstood his vague riddles in a 2000 year old book

Jordan Maxwell, please fuck off already. Your videos were bullshit 10 years ago. Now it's just a joke.

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Genuine misunderstandings that you have through no fault of your own don't count against your salvation. So long as one responds to the grace God gives them throughout there life, even if they are not Christian and are ignorant of Christianity, may be saved through Jesus Christ. Though Christians have much more grace by virtue of their adherence to the true faith, and so are better equipped to go to heaven.

This is basically the official position of the Catholic Church.