Kujira no Kora/Children of Whales

>[Asenshi] Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau - Children of the Whales - 05 [A25FD373].mkv

This episode was full of HOPE

Why is Onee-sama so perfect?

She's not going to get killed unceremoniously, right?

No. She'll probably be killed ceremoniously.

bump just about to watch it

Twins are cool. Too bad they're not also girls.

Fuck the elders.

The prettiest time of the week is here.

Still alive in the manga

I used to be an adventurer like you

So it really is HomeWorld Kojira?

Oneesama is the best.

I am surprised Faelena took that many arrows and shrugged it off.

How much would be needed to kill Skylox?

And who is betting the country opposing the empire won't be any help or will turn on Faelena

>no one used their thymia to stop the arrows or knock the bows out of the SDF's hands


Threadly reminder that onee-sama is best girl. May her cuteness and benevolence shine down upon us.


This show just keeps introducing more great characters (girls)

I love it

they are brain washed to not think of Thymia as a weapon.

How did the faggot who loved the last chief survive?

not Lykos though

>"We'll bang, ok"

Not enough onee-sama.

I see you forgot that you can't use thymia down there. It was an entire week, so I understand.

Wow that actually did slip my mind.

But then again, they were just using it in the prison so I forgot that at deeper levels it can't be used.

Statement of the century. She needs her own spin-off.

>Stop crying you faggot!

Wow, she's really harsh to the poor guy.



My bad. Thanks user!

who is this

Just what is she? Author self insert?

The contest between who is cuter:
Lykos vs Sami vs Genshu.

Cute angel / daughter of Falena / emissary of the new era.


shoujo fantasy story is way under appreciated. they should animate more of them


I like the loli better

Ginshu of course.

So where is she off to

off to kill people. it's funny shoujo just off people so easily while in shounen no one is killed...

Because the invaders only target cute girls

I enjoy the black color change.

Corpses aren't cute

block your path

You were saying, user?

Falena runs on something though. It steals something.

Does it steal their souls when they die?

Which secretary is the best secretary?

Blonde girl has my vote.

Black has a weak design but the best seiyuu

I can't decide I like them all!

All 3 seiyuu's sound really great, and fit their characters

And its been constant like that. Whoever cast this show knew what they were doing, just like with Houseki no Kuni

Black is too tsundere.

Lykos confirmed flat, disappointing desu

How did you it see user?

the hospital bed scene, even Ginshu has more oppai

You can tell even before that, you are pretty slow

>the very concept of multiple nations existing and fielding their own fleets is difficult for them to wrap their heads around

Makes sense too desu

We saw Ginshu's Ginshus before already and knew she was stacked.

I want her to plant those Ginshus on my face

I want to plant her armpits in my face.


Now that's what I'm talking about. Delicious.

Imagine how sweaty they get after a full day of training and mock combat

I want to lick her pits so badly. God dammit, user.

Is this a cuter form of the BAKA angel?


well, it was sorta better than the last couple episodes. that's the least i can say

The only shitty episode so far has been 3.

the last one was terrible too and almost entirely thanks to the girl you just posted

This show makes me wish I had a Nouse.

Quick. Which one is your favorite male character. Because at least 2 of them die.

The ED is so good.

None of them, to be honest.
Suou is wet behind the ears and a soft-spoken pansy, Chakuro needs to feel up the Nous or something because he's overly emotional; and while I was shaping up to like Ouni he pussied out last episode.
The SDF Captain seemed interesting, but unless his edgelord nihilism thing was a facade then he can get fucked too.

>expect childhood friend to lose
>fucking dies

At least they didn't fuck around and give people false hope.

Agreed. Two male characters that don't rub me the wrong way are Chakuro's friends, glasses and butterball, but they're minor characters.
Unrelated, but I can't get enough of onee-sama's smile.

They couldn't use it, but it's still dumb that she tried to use her body as a shield for something ten times her size instead of grabbing the bows.

>no osananajimi
>hardly any nee-san
Shit episode.

still not hooked enough with this show but something keeps telling me to not drop it
what is it?

I-is it OK if I fapped to this?

as long as it wasn't to this

No. I obviously meant Onee-sama

Has the pink fag died yet?
Sorry for asking every week.

>what is it?
The art and Ginshu.

She wants what's best for you, user, and that means your health first foremost; since sexual desires must be satisfied to be considered healthy, onee-sama would encourage--no--beg you to fap to her.

No, he wasn't in the episode though.

Ouni's loli is super stacked for her age though.

Hasn't it registered in Masao(?)'s mind that his trembling hands, fatigue and collapses might be due to him reaching the end of his life span (the Marked only barely live to their 30s). He should know how old he is. Why aren't the red lights flashing in his mind yet?

The delinquents are cute.

What's this show like and what're the odds I'll enjoy it if the other stuff I'm watching this season is HnK, mahouyome, and garo?

I'm watching the first two you mentioned and it's alright.
Don't drop it on episode 3 though. It fails the 3-episode check HARD, but recovers quickly.

Also you should pick up Blend-S and Net-juu no susume.

I guess it's not like I've got anything better to do. Blend-S looked like the worst sort of weeb trash, with net jew coming close but potentially getting away with it.

Blend-S is remarkable for being about an Italian man that wants to bang a Japanese schoolgirl. It's light on fanservice with some decently-written jokes, definitely worth a look.
Net-jew looks like it might be going to shit though, so use your own judgement there.


Best girl

Those designs are basically shouting that they're edgelords.
Atleast they are not the pink one

Lykos, not even a contest.
It's the haircolour. It's perfect

You mean perfect.
Flat is justice

Have you considered that he knows but doesn't want to let it show to others?

Those 4 girls are all so cute

Best boy

Of course he knows. You can bet he'll sacrifice himself during the next attack too.

All the boys look like girls. I thought mc was a cute tomboy when I first saw him.