So, I asked my gf to take politics scale test

so, I asked my gf to take politics scale test

Here are the results
what to do?
should I find an another gf?
Did anyone here successufully transform their gfs from commie to based natsoc?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill the creature for its meat. Commies aren't people.

Women should not be involved in politics

If she can give you a few white kids

Thats. All that matters, bigger.

Show her your opinion.
She decides with different (and only with)emotions not reasoning

Physically remove her from your life

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>caring about womens’ poltics
she’ll fall in line eventually

a globalist communist
impossible to redeem

Stop taking these tests seriously. Your gf took it using her feelings and she doesn't even care about politics anyway. My mum's a racist housewife and if generally quite conservative, and even she will get similar results like 'equality'

tl;dr; women don't give a shit about politics

>95% internationalism

user...I’m sorry. Killing someone close to you isn’t supposed to be easy.

The problem with women is that they do things based on what they think others will think of them. So they might hate niggers, but will get send money to Africa or march in BLM shit. It's all about how they look.

So she probably answered questions based on what she thinks other people would think.

yes you successfully turned her from commie into a different type of commie, well done fuckin retard fag

1. Most girls would not take the time to answer 100+ questions on politics

2. If you're being truthful, decide whether or not you can afford to lose this girl emotionally. Revealing any of your power level is a dangerous gamble you may lose

Are you fucking retarded?
All females are communists, internationalists, materialists, and idealists naturally.
They only stay this way if they don't have a strong male figure in their life.
Be a damn man, and you'll be fine.

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Women tend to change their views to accommodate good dick. If you are fucking her properly, she will cone around to agree with you. Your concrete dick is more important to her than abstract political concepts.

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>commie to based natsoc?
Liquid shit to solid shit.

That's not true. Well maybe it is to an extent.
But the main problem with women is that their brains are geared towards having empathy due to evolution so they don't end up mistreating or killing their kids lol.

Look up the differences between male and female brains, if you find the right sites it's actually crazy.

Women are way more emotional than logical. They are majorly swayed on politics just by seeing someone sad or thinking someone has been mean. It's retarded.

Post link

Sad but true.

When you see women crying while watching news stories you understand how people end up actually getting swayed by the fake (mostly half truth presented in a bias way) news.

Try to ease her in slowly with little facts here and there.

Hide your power level for the most part, or atleast only reveal bits in jokes

Never stay in the room if shes watching CNN or something, cuz you may end up frustrated as fuck by the shenanigans and have an outburst hahaha

>So, I just told her that her political views look funny to me
>She asked me what results I had
>I told her that quite opposite
>She asked me if I'm kidding
>I responded with "Yes"

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Well that was pretty gay.
But I don't blame you, it's better to take the slow road and try to ease her in with facts

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Here's my cuntboy bf's results! :^)

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Am I Sup Forums enough?

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>Not Fatherland


The flag concept is gay, wish there were custom made ones from Sup Forums.

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Rate me

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This. My wife is a libtard but gave me two beautiful blonde boys. She won't be able to indoctrinate them so her vote is being replaced by a white mans.

>cropped flag off
>indecisive answering
No. Leave.

That was fun. Don't know what it means though. Thought I would be way more laissez faire and capitalist than I got. Probably because of my infrastructure/patent positions (government should provide infrastructure, then 0 regulations on competing businesses except trustbusting/ no patents or copyrights)

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my thingy

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Fuck off Jim

Acceptable. Rest = Garbage. If you didn't get complotism you're brainwashed

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If you didn’t already know that shit about her you’re a retard and you two deserve each other’s OP

Your face is garbage

That was fun. Got what I expected, but I think that my feelings on preserving the natural beauty of Mother Earth conflict with my desire for economic freedom and innovation.

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Women don't have large enough brains to understand these complex matters.

I don't know what to say

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what an utter faggot

I feel the same way. I think that there isn't necessarily a binary split between ecology and productivism (though productivism definitely has some externalities). As such, I look for ways to make what I do more efficient and less wasteful, which usually benefits both causes.

Rate me or your mother dies in her sleep.

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Literally typical for women. They shouldn't be allowed to vote

>from commie to based natsoc

implying there's a difference.

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Thats what Hilldog was trying to bank on is to make trump a mean woman abuser and get their vote. It did work to a certain extent but I'm sure factors like the possibility of her being locked up also women are cunts to other women don't believe the empowerment thing, women are the first to try to tear down their co-working women if they see weakens they are the first to abandon ship as well.

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everyone replying on this image board does not have your best interest in mind. discuss with your girlfriend where you think she is wrong and talk about why she has the ideas that she has... remember to be respectful!

Yeah but that's all evolution too. Being the dominant woman on the scene meant you could get the best alpha male genes to reproduce with

This was my first time ever taking this test, only being somewhat more interested into politics lately.

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This. Taking women seriously on political matters is what's wrong with white men.

Women are biologically built to be irrationally emotional and feely so that they can relate with babies and children. Creating new life and taking care of children are the domain of women. Even if modernity underrates that role, it's still important. The affairs of the tribe or community are the domain of men

How did I do?

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your economic stance seems too middle ground maybe is all i see.
>ecology being important enough to be in your top 3 areas.

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hey... why don't you guys ever say this shit in public?

>your economic stance seems too middle ground maybe is all i see.
Capitalism is to the Jew as placid water is to the mosquito.

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Do you give her the helicopter ride or should I? That commie bitch is going for a ride either way.

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Not sure how accurate the algorithm is considering all the spelling and grammar errors, but I guess it lines up with my general views. I don't know if I'd consider myself a Strasserist but definitely some sort of Third Position.

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Anyone above 10% communism gets the oven

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wrong, the jews are just incredible at manipulating whatever system they find themselves in, because they have less morals then wild animals when it comes to non jews. jews push and thrive within socialist and communist systems just aswell as capitalist systems.

Your chart says that you are conservative but you sound like a progressive. Morality is defined according to profitability in a free marker. Social degeneracy will always flourish in any free market due to short-sightedness and greed (and Jewish depravity).

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Capitalists will sell us the rope we will hang them with.

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>t. proud kike slave

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Seems pretty accurate

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You know what to do, better dead than red

Not bad

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this test was kind of retarded. Some of the questions were leading... others were vague

2/10 wouldn't do again

95% Internationalism, amaai

fuck me I'm a bit drunk

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freedom uncontrolled leads to decay yes, but humanity strives off of
natural competition and the freedom to explore it, which capitalist leaning economic systems allow to much greater extents then socialist or communist systems can ever. in capitalism, so long as it is protected from woeful corruption of its base idea, the better idea and man is allowed to thrive and succeed. a man can put bread on the table off of his own ingenuity.

what you are thinking of is capitalism that has devolved into consumerism, which i will fully admit the line between them is often blurry, but not undefinable. monopolies are perhaps the greatest example of a corrupted system, when a single entity becomes too powerful and stifles any better ideas that come along, regardless of how good they are, usually through control of resources instead of letting them freely flow to product the market and consumers wish them to. the other major corruption s the government upholding unnecessary businesses that by every right should fail and be replaced by more well applied businesses.

perhaps the last and biggest factor between the two is societal and scope, in which consumerism has replaced capitalism due to the unnecessary need for further competition or innovation, due to what capitalism has allowed, which is innovation to the point the common consumer has more then enough of what they need or want readily available without so much as a thought, which is in and of itself not necessarily bad at first, until that lack of drive leads to less competition, and more and more businesses skirting the edge of being monopolies.

freedom is not the issue, a lack of direction or drive to put it to good use is. a lack of purpose behind those freedoms is.

Someone analyze me

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>"natural competition"
>Men are utilitarian consumers
>Women are hedonic consumers
>Women are allowed to work which leads to fewer jobs and unstable families
>The majority of women - either working or at home - are the primary shoppers in their household
Natural competition = the emotions whims of women

>"freedom is not the issue, a lack of direction or drive to put it to good use is. a lack of purpose behind those freedoms is."
>Why is their no encompassing direction or purpose in a system where everybody is working in his own individual self-interest and competing against everybody else??

Not bad, could do with higher scores in essentialism, conservatism and nationalism, but you're in an acceptable range.

you're pretty much like everyone else on this board

>That high in constructivism and internationalism
6/10 fix your shit

make her get raped by a refugee. take her to germany.
just get a hotel in the worst part of town and take her drinking. get her really drunk.
then you "lose" her on your way to the hotel.

next morning when you get a call from the police/hospital (if she's still alive), you will hear how she got raped etc.

Now, you have changed her mind about "Internationalism".

The next part is important.
She is ofc runied and you wont have sex with a girl that has been raped by shitskins.

Now you need to make sure she will be changed forever, and you might also change her views about "Rehabilitive justice".

mention it constantly how you hope her attacker(s) wont get long sentences, and how important it is that they are let out into the community again.
Also mention to her that some day when she's out walking, she might run into them out of the blue.

for a couple of months now, you havent had sex with her, but you have been dating other women behind her back and gotten a new girlfriend.

one day, you tell her that you cant be with someone as ruined as her, and because she was raped, you are leaving her for someone else. someone who takes more responsibility about her lifechoices.

when this fucked up women gets kids one day, she will set them straight, and you might have saved a generation.

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Most women will get similar results. They're naturally naive, even when informed/educated on something.

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at least respond to the correct message man.

>women having more power is the issue
yes, and?

>Why is their no encompassing direction or purpose in a system where everybody is working in his own individual self-interest and competing against everybody else??
but there can be, and in many countries has been. namely, defending the country and system that allows the individual the ability to try and strive and live off his own ability and ideas. i mean, you do realize the country we both live in has been capitalistic since its foundation, right? its achieved some pretty damn amazing feats off the ideas of liberty and freedom, off of a culture and people willing to reach out and try their damnedest to achieve their goals, off of people willing to then clasp and in hand when a universal threat emerged and come together to defend those national values freedom and individual excellence. competition is not an enemy to be hated, a man wishing to better his lot in life, and improve his families standing, is a man willing to stand and fight to defend what he himself has earned, and certainly a man willing to defend the ideals and systems that allowed him to do so. capitalism is not uncontrolled consumerism. consumerism is indulgence run amok, is people no long having the want, need, or drive to try and truly earn anything themselves, but to be complacent with what others have made easy to reach for. low hanging fruit is still fruit afterall, but is usually not the ripest or best tasting. people simply forget that once the tree has become large and healthy enough to have options, when one is no longer working to raise the tree to prosperity, and/or when the tree is no longer being preened of bad or useless branches.

>They are majorly swayed on politics just by seeing someone sad or thinking someone has been mean.
Which is why (((Chuck Schumer))) did that fake cry routine when the 'Muslim travel ban' started.

She's a woman. She is not capable of understanding politics. Just keep nailing her and she will come to adopt your opinions.

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what even am I?

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>That low on nationalism and conservatism
Why are you even here?

r8 me

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disgustingly progressive and communist, but you're a leaf so it might be unavoidable genetics.

I have no idea where all the progressive points came from

couldn't tell you, id guess you probably didnt hate women and gays enough, or it thinks of things like space travel as progressive, but i would say dont trust any single test alone to be truly accurate.

if you're gonna trust the tests at all to get an idea of where you really stand, id suggest taking multiple and comparing, if you even feel like you need to verify where you think you stand at all.

>tfw 100 nationalism
Shame I only got 93 conservatism and 63 punitive somehow.
How the fuck has nobody else gotten 100 nationalism yet? That shit was easy.

it would make sense, I chose pro space and pro transhumanism options

Post link to test faggot.